Spirit Week

Mr. Jeffrey Swiatowicz, Principal
Ms. Catherine Graybosch Assistant Principal - 6th & 7th Grade
Mr. Mike Pompa Assistant Principal - 8th Grade
- SCHOOL HOURS: 8:10 a.m. - 2:48 p.m.
- MAIN OFFICE HOURS: 7:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
- MAIN OFFICE PHONE: 914-763-7500
Hello JJMS Families
Next week Monday, 9/16-9/20, is Spirit Week for the JJMS students to celebrate school spirit, leading up to the John Jay Campus Homecoming activities on Saturday, September 21st, including the varsity football game at 7pm with a float parade by the High School students.
Next week, for Spirit Week, each day at JJMS we will have a "what to wear" theme and Monday is Red, White & Blue Day/ USA Day!
It's a fun way to show your school pride, connect with friends, and celebrate our awesome JJMS community. We can’t wait to see everyone participate and make this the best Spirit Week yet!
Below is our official Spirit Week schedule! Let’s make this the best Spirit Week ever!
We'll be reminding the students each day during morning announcements, too!
Please follow Mr. Swiatowicz on Instagram @MrSwiatowicz for fun news and updates about the JJMS community.
In partnership,
Jeffrey Swiatowicz
Principal, JJMS
Catherine Graybosch
Assistant Principal, JJMS
Mike Pompa
Assistant Principal, JJMS