Newsletter 3/3/2025

Our mission is to be a welcoming and inclusive organization dedicated to the well-being and education of every student and a relevant resource for our North Creek families and community.
March 03, 2025
Upcoming Events
March 3: NCHS Spring sports begin
Mar 7 & 8: Final Weekend for Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs at North Creek High School Theatre
March 14: AP Exam Reminder: Payment Deadline
April 04: Registration for 2025 Spring SAT School Day closes
April 25: North Creek InterCultural Festival
April 30: 2025 Spring SAT school day exam
PTSA officers for 2025-2026 NEEDED
Did you know NCHS PTSA is a non profit here in Washington? This means we must have officers that are elected to run our 501c3 organization, which helps our kids and our school community. Please consider reaching out for more information. Contacting us and asking questions doesn't require you to take any positions.
PTSA Food Pantry
If your family is in need of food support for the rest of this school year, please sign up below.
The PTSA Food Pantry bags will be delivered by our food pantry volunteers.
Formulario de solicitud de alimentos de NC/Skyview- Enero-Junio 2025
We want to thank our local Bothell community for donating to our food drive this weekend. Special thanks QFC, Canyon Park for allowing us a location, and to our student and adult volunteers for spending their Sunday collecting food for our families.
Thank you again for your support. Together, we are able to deliver groceries to families at both Skyview and North Creek.
If you missed the food drive and want to help, check out our Amazon Wishlist, here.
NCHS Intercultural Festival
Please register soon to participate in the annual NCHS Intercultural Festival on Friday, April 25, 2025, 5:30 pm-8:30 pm in the NCHS Commons.
This event is being hosted by NCHS, NCHS PTSA, and NCHS Natural Leaders. The goal of this event is to bring the Jag community together to celebrate all aspects of the rich cultural diversity of North Creek High School.
The registration deadline is Wednesday, April 2, 2025. The event details and registration form to participate can be found here: https://bit.ly/3C8npeY
NCHS Intercultural Festival Committee: Dr. Gregory Cox, Tamorah Redshaw, Mayela Martinez, and Hanisha Bakshani
AVID Tutors Needed !!
A Message from NCHS:
Jags - we have an amazing AVID program at NCHS filled with amazing students! What we are missing are amazing AVID tutors! AVID tutors assist students achieve their full potential by facilitating collaborative tutorial groups. Tutors use Socratic questioning and collaborative learning techniques to help the students come up with the answers to their questions on their own and by working with fellow students. AVID tutorials take place in small groups that are subject area specific. As an AVID tutor, you are an active participant in the learning, growth, and personal development of students.
We provide training for all AVID volunteers - you will not just be “thrown in!” The SignUp Genius link below provides many opportunities to be an AVID tutor. Choose as many dates/times as you can fit into your schedule! AVID tutorials take place on Wednesday and Thursday Block Days during 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th. If you have a planning period during any of those times and you want to volunteer on occasion to be an AVID tutor, sign up below!
Our kids need you and we thank you in advance for volunteering! And please scroll down on the SignUp Genius page as there are lots and lots of dates to choose from!
Family Engagement Survey
We need your help!
We have a few volunteer opportunties coming up. We are looking for a few folks that could help with the following...
-Awards Committee
-Financial Review Committee
If you are a PTSA member and looking to volunteer a few hours or just want more information contact Barby Taheri at president@northcreekptsa.com
Class of 2025 Section
This section is where we will share important class of 2025 information each newsletter.
Question? Email NCHS PTSA President, Barby Taheri, president@northcreekptsa.com
We serve the students of North Creek High School in the Northshore School District.
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This is a great resource to stay informed about upcoming events for North Creek High School. You do NOT need to be a PTSA member to be a part of this mailing list.