We Are Bremerton!
BSD's monthly community e-newsletter
October 2024
New School & Community Sports Complex is now officially open!
We celebrated this exciting milestone with a grand opening ribbon cutting event earlier this month (photos below)!
Thank you to Bremerton voters for your support for this wonderful facility - funded with February 2022 capital levy dollars. The complex was featured in a recent article in the Kitsap Sun, and in an article in the Kitsap Daily News.
This facility is now available for facility rentals! Learn more at www.BremertonSchools.org/Rentals.
BHS Alumni return for BHS's Homecoming Alumni Choir concert
The Bremerton community was treated to a concert with more than 110 voices - including those of 30 Bremerton High School alumni who participated in the first ever Bremerton High School Alumni Choir Concert on the Sunday of homecoming weekend. The choir, which also included students from all of the current Bremerton High School choirs, rehearsed on Saturday afternoon and Sunday before the Sunday afternoon performance in the Performing Arts Center (PAC). Alumni also sang the national anthem at the Friday night homecoming football game. Alumni include members of the class of 2024 back to 2002 - and many classes in between.
The idea and initial planning for an alumni choir concert started four years ago, but was interrupted by the pandemic. “It meant a lot to me to have the opportunity to spend the weekend with these amazing BHS choir alumni, said Wendy McPhetres, BHS choir director. “We spent time reminiscing, telling stories of yesteryear, and making great music together!”
Bremerton School District Awarded $1.5 Million DoDEA Grant
The Bremerton School District has been awarded its fifth Department of Defense Educational Activities (DoDEA) grant. This five-year, $1.5 million grant will fund Project AGILE, an initiative designed to revolutionize education for military-connected and all students.
Project AGILE aims to:
Enhance college and career readiness: By providing real-world experiences through mentoring and internships.
Personalize learning: Through competency-based approaches tailored to individual student needs and interests.
Guided by data-driven insights, our goal is to equip students with the skills and mindset needed to navigate their futures and thrive in employment, enlistment, or higher education.
In addition to Project AGILE, we are currently implementing Project THRIVE, a DoDEA-funded initiative awarded in 2023 that focuses on ensuring strong initial instruction, fostering student empowerment and boosting teacher efficacy.
By leveraging these grants, we are committed to providing exceptional educational opportunities for all our students, especially those connected to the military.
Armin Jahr Elementary celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month with Cultural Dress Day
RHS science students getting hands-on (fun!) experiences
Students at Renaissance High School (RHS) have been learning about engineering! This fall, students designed, built, and tested prototype bridges using popsicle sticks and glue. By applying the engineering design process, students tackled a real-world challenge, demonstrating their understanding of key engineering principles.
Today, students explored the concepts of potential energy, kinetic energy, projectile motion, launch speed, and velocity through a pumpkin-launching activity. "These hands-on, real-world projects help students connect classroom learning to everyday experiences," said Jeff Bevers, RHS science teacher. “And they make school fun!”
BSD students try new foods thanks to the Fresh Food & Vegetable Grant!
The Bremerton School District is excited to announce that we have once again been awarded the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP) grant from USDA. Through this program, the District hopes to expand the variety of fruits and vegetables children experience, increase children’s fruit and vegetable consumption, and make a difference in children’s diets to impact their present and future health.
This year, four of our elementary schools qualified for the FFVP. During October, students have enjoyed a diverse selection of fruits and vegetables, including blood oranges, pineapple quince, bell peppers, hobgoblin grapes, orange cauliflower, Starkrimson pears, and even mini pumpkins (for fun but not eating!).
For Halloween today, students were treated to delicious cotton candy grapes. The fruits and vegetables are served as a snack in the classroom during the school day and featured during lunch whenever possible.
Bond Program update
Exciting progress is happening in the Bond Program as we work toward the replacement of Armin Jahr Elementary and View Ridge Elementary Arts Academy. Our project team is developing the education specifications, which detail how each space in the new schools should function and look. This information will guide the design and support the upcoming schematic design phase. We’re also working with the City of Bremerton to coordinate our permitting plans and reviewing site reports to ensure the new buildings are designed with environmental and site conditions in mind.
Our Replacement Elementary Advisory Committee (photo, right), which includes community representatives, is actively involved and providing valuable feedback to the project team. We look forward to providing more engagement opportunities soon, so please stay tuned for ways to learn more and lend your voice to the project!
Meanwhile, we’re also moving forward with the district-wide HVAC upgrades. Our design team has been reviewing each school, and we will soon recommend a contractor to help address aging systems and bring cooling to our classrooms. We’re also taking steps for the replacement of the Consolidated Facilities building, and with state approval in December, we’ll begin assembling the next project team.
Thanks to everyone for your continued support as we work toward building better facilities for our community!
Bremerton School Board meeting updates
On October 3rd, Korsmo Construction was approved by the Bremerton School Board as the design build team for the rebuild of View Ridge Elementary Arts Academy and Armin Jahr Elementary School. Design West Engineering was selected as the HVAC Modernization team for the district.
On October 17th, the board had a special board meeting/study session where all Bremerton School District principals presented their Comprehensive School Improvement Plans for the 2024-25 school year. All CSIP goals were built to align with the Strategic Plan goals.
Superintendent Donna Colosky also administered the Oath of Office to the 2024-25 School Board Representative to the Board, Junior Quincy Robinson (photo, above).
The following policies were adopted by the board:
- Policy 3241- Student Discipline
- Policy 0300 - Annual Calendar/Agenda of events
- Policy 0700 - Evaluation of District Plans
- Policy 0100 Vision, Mission and Beliefs Statement
The following policy was presented to the board for a first read and was approved:
The following form and procedures were approved by the board:
- 2022F-3 Staff Informed Consent Form
- 2410P- High School Graduation Requirements
- 0300P Agenda Planning Calendar
- 0700P Plan Evaluation
- 3114F Request for Ancillary Services
- 4260P Use of School Facilities
The 2024- 27 Bremerton Professional Education Collective Bargaining Agreement was approved by the board.
The next Regular Board Meeting will be November 14. Join us in-person or online!
BHS’s NJROTC students complete Mental Health First Aid Course
Nearly 40 Bremerton High School NJROTC students recently completed a Mental Health First Aid Course. The course teaches skills for providing initial help to friends who may be experiencing or developing a mental health or substance use issue. Students earned a certificate which is good for three years. “Having our cadets trained promotes community safety by empowering our youth to help each other,” said Lieutenant David Malnar, NJROTC instructor.
BHS Swimmer Gabbie Pattie named Kitsap Sun Athlete of the Week October 7-12
Mind Over Mobile initiative highlighted in the Kitsap Sun
Our Mind Over Mobile initiative was included in a Kitsap Sun story about local school districts implementing new cell phone rules and policies.
Website updates
Get ready for an improved online experience! We're undergoing website updates so users may experience some disruptions when visiting our sites over the next few days. If you try to access a site or page and get an error message, please check back at a later time. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Photo: Fall colors at Bremerton High School.
Bremerton School District
Email: communications@bremertonschools.org
Website: www.BremertonSchools.org
Location: 134 Marion Avenue North, Bremerton, WA, USA
Phone: 360-473-1000
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