FJVD Weekly Info
We Live the Word!
From the Principal's Desk
In this Sunday's Gospel reading from Mark, we find Jesus welcoming a child:
"Taking a child, Jesus placed it in their midst,
and putting his arms around it, he said to them,
'Whoever receives one child such as this in my name, receives me...'"
It is no coincidence that, just prior to this moment, the apostles were arguing amongst themselves about who was the greatest. And so Jesus' recognition of the child is a reminder to the apostles and to us about what is truly important - what is truly great - innocence, purity of heart, a sense of wonder. Indeed, I see all of these special qualities and so much more in our students each week here at Father Doyle. May our children always be a reminder of what is good, true, and beautiful!
Continue Reading for Details Regarding:
- Annual Flu Vaccine Clinic: Each fall, Father Doyle hosts a vaccination clinic for all school and parish families. This year's clinic is schedule for September 24th. See below for more info, including a registration link!
- Northeast Martial Arts Extracurricular Program: Join Northeast Martial Arts for a 4-week Martial Arts program teaching students a range of skills. See below for the registration link!
- The FJVD Walk-a-thon is October 3rd! See below for details on starting your child's donation page as we work towards our goal of raising $20,000!
- CAL Basketball Interest Survey: While basketball is a winter sport in the Catholic Athletic League, preparations are already underway for the season! If your have a student in grades 3-8 interested in playing basketball, please complete the interest survey linked below.
- Counseling Services at FJVD: Father Doyle School partners with BeWell Therapy to provide individual counseling services for students during school hours. Please see below to learn more and meet our new counselor, Mrs. Caitlin D'Allesandro.
Annual Flu Vaccine This Tuesday!
2024 Annual Flu Vaccine Clinic
Father John V Doyle School will be hosting a Free flu vaccine and COVID vaccine clinic in the School Gymnasium on Tuesday, September 24th from 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM.
All students and their families and Parishioners and their families are welcome.
- Register online at schoolflu.com to schedule an appointment
- The login ID is fatherjohnvd
- Online registration is required to ensure the availability of the vaccine, walk-ins will be limited.
- Insurance information will be collected, but the vaccine is FREE whether you have insurance or not
The flu and COVID are serious, highly contagious, and sometimes deadly diseases. Catching the flu or COVID means missing days of work and school. You might even spend time in the hospital. Don’t take the risk – the flu vaccine and COVID vaccine are your best protection against these viruses. For more information, visit health.ri.gov/flu/, or call the Department of Health’s information line at 401-222-5960.
Northeast Martial Arts Extracurricular Program
Join Northeast Family Martial Arts for a 4-week after school program here at Father Doyle! This program is open to student in grades K-3 and will begin on Monday, September 23rd. Please note that classes will not meet on Columbus Day. The registration fee is $25.
The classes are uniquely planned and feature kid friendly, yet challenging exercises designed to get children in shape while teaching them confidence, discipline, and the never give up attitude. Let's go!
FJVD Walk-a-thon 2024
Parents received an email earlier this week regarding our annual Walk-a-thon coming up on October 3rd! The email included a link to your child's personal fundraising page. The link to this page can be shared via social media and with family and friends to help support our walk-a-thon!
Last year's Walk-a-thon was a tremendous success! The proceeds allowed us to install junior competitive size soccer nets with backstops in our back field (which now has irrigation and newly seeded grass!) as well as upgrade classroom accessories and purchase new curricular materials across the grade levels.
Proceeds from this year's Walk-A-Thon will directly support student needs, including but not limited to purchasing additional supplies for our specials courses as well as upgrading our lunchroom furniture. Thank you for your continued generosity and support!
FJVD Basketball Interest Survey
Is your child in grades 3-8? Is he or she interested in playing basketball at Father Doyle School?
We are currently conducting an interest survey for all students interested in participating in CAL Basketball for the 2024-2025 season.
Please note, we are only to register teams that can field a complete roster for the competitive season. As a result, the formation of teams across the grade levels is dependent upon student interest and coaching availability.
Response due no later than September 16th. Please CLICK HERE to respond to the interest survey.
Counseling Services at FJVD
In addition to social skills and other counseling services provided by Mrs. St. Jean, the school offers individual counseling services for students through BeWell Therapy. To learn more about the services provided BeWell at Father Doyle School, see the overview here.
The counselor this year is Mrs. Caitlin D'Alessandro. You can learn more about Caitlin here.
If you are interested in pursuing counseling for your child, please email BeWell at bewell.referral@gmail.com with your name, contact information, and your child's name and grade.
As always, be assured of my prayers for you and your families.
God bless and Go Saints!
Mr. Peloquin
The Mission of Father John V. Doyle School is to provide students with a solid, well-rounded education based on Roman Catholic Tradition.
We live the Word of God in a caring, safe, and nurturing environment.
Photos from the Week
Doing some stretching in PK physical education.
Students in 6th grade were learning about whole notes, half notes, and other musical notations in class on Thursday.
Important Documents and Information
Thank You to Our Partners in Education!
Platinum Sponsors
Ocean State Scale and Balance
Olde Theater Diner
Rhode Island Artesian Well
Gold Sponors
Silver Sponsors
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About Us
The Mission of Father John V. Doyle School is to provide students with a solid, well-rounded education based on Roman Catholic Tradition.
We live the Word of God in a caring, safe, and nurturing environment.
Email: kevinpeloquin@fjvd.org
Website: fjvd.org
Location: 343 South Main Street, Coventry, RI, USA
Phone: 401-821-3756
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gofjvdsaints