Cherrydale Primary School
Important Information
We are so excited for this school year! This communication will cover important How To subjects to help us all start the year off right!
Please read this document in it's entirety at least once. When rereading to find a How To, clicking on a topic in the Table of Contents will take you there directly without having to scroll.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the office at cherrydaleoffice@steilacoom.k12.wa.us or 253 983 2500. We are happy to help!
School Days/Hours and Breakfast Information
Students will attend school on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 9:05am-3:35pm. Wednesdays are ACE days with a 9:05am-2:35pm day.
Students can begin exiting buses and vehicles at 9:00am. Students not getting breakfast will walk directly to their teacher’s exterior door and wait for the doors to open. Students getting breakfast will go to the front foyer doors. Breakfast can be picked up in the hallway outside the library. Students will scan their meal account card, and walk to the exterior door of their classroom with their food.
Cherrydale staff will be supervising students in the building and outside the classroom doors during this time.
Teachers open their doors when the 9:05 bell rings. Doors will be closed at 9:10am.
If a student arrives at school after 9:10am, they will need to be accompanied to the office by their parent/guardian for check-in. Any students arriving after 9:10 will still have an opportunity to eat breakfast if they choose.
Food Service Information
As of this year, all Cherrydale students will have the opportunity to have one breakfast and one lunch for free every day! If a student chooses a second entrée, it will be charged to student’s account. In mid-September, every family will be encouraged to complete a Free and Reduced Meal application, as this data is used to potentially keep this program going for next year!
Navigating Parent Drop Off and Pick Up
Students can be dropped off at 9:00am to receiving staff at the drop off lines. Classroom doors will be open from 9:05-9:10. The red line on the map indicates the driving route for 1st and 2nd grade student drop off and pick up. Because Kindergarten families will be entering their pick up zone via ‘D’ street (Blue line on map), it is essential that 1st and 2nd grade families enter via ‘B’ or ‘C’ streets. Third grade students will enter via B street and be dropped off in the back parking lot (green line on the map). If your student has Cherrydale siblings, the older child will join the younger at their designated spot for arrival/dismissal.
We will have many patient and smiling people available the first few days of school to help you with this process!
Pick up and drop off locations and routes are the same. For pick up, please be sure to have your child’s valet tag in your car window (driver’s side for Kindergarten, passenger side for 1st/2nd/3rd). This is a safety check to ensure that all students are picked up by the correct family. It also helps with the flow of traffic to have the valet tag up and ready. Valet tags will be passed out to families during success conferences. Contact the office for additional copies.
Students who will not be following their regular dismissal plan will need to inform the front office of this dismissal change AT LEAST 45 MINUTES PRIOR TO THEIR DISMISSAL TIME. Please contact Sharon Carpenter on ParentSquare or call 253 983 2500 with this information.
Durham Bus Transportation
How to Find Bus Route Information
The District provides transportation to students who live beyond ½ mile of their school. To find your student’s pick up and drop off location and times, please log into Skyward Family Access (if you need assistance accessing this, please contact your school office).
Once you are logged into Family Access, click the drop down arrow on the left side of the page and then click bus stops.
Changing Bus Stop for Pick Up/Drop Off
Your student is automatically routed to your home address. If your student has a regularly scheduled location within the district boundaries for before and/or after school (e.g., daycare, etc.), other than your home address, please complete a Bus Stop or Route Change Request Form and submit to the Transportation Department (transportation@steilacoom.k12.wa.us). Please allow 2 days for processing. If you have moved and your student’s bus stop needs to change, your family’s address must first be updated in Skyward. To do this, complete the Change of Address Form. Please allow 2 days for processing. (An updated Verification of Residency document (current lease or utility bill only) must accompany your Change of Address Form)
Download the Bus Zone app to Track Your Child’s Bus.
The Bus Zone app provides real-time tracking of our district buses. You will need our school's code 2046SHSD1, and your student’s Other ID number to sign into the app. This can be found in your Skyward Family Access account on the ‘Student Information’ tab. Do not enter leading zero of the Other ID.
If your student will be absent, tardy or leaving early, you must let the office know. You may also let the teacher know, but only the office can excuse attendance.
Please notify the Attendance line that your child will be absent/tardy/picked up early as soon as possible. ParentSquare Attendance alerts are sent to families if their student is marked absent by the teacher without communication from Parent/Guardian to the Office. Doctor's notes are required for appointments in which the student is absent for all or part of a school day.
There will be no early release for students during the last 30 minutes of the school day.
For Planned Absences, please fill out the form and return it to the office as soon as possible, no later than a week before first day of absence. This is to allow the teacher to compile work. and for the office to enter Attendance.
Thank you for taking the time to read this information! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the office at cherrydaleoffice@steilacoom.k12.wa.us or 253 983 2500. We are happy to help!
Cherrydale Primary School
Phone: (253) 983-2500
Email: cherrydaleoffice@steilacoom.k12.wa.us
Website: https://www.steilacoom.k12.wa.us/
Location: 1201 Galloway Street, Steilacoom, WA, USA
Secretary at Cherrydale Primary School in Steilacoom, Washington