Longacre Weekly News
November 9, 2020
Dear Longacre Families,
This week I would like to touch on the Multi-tiered System of Support (MTSS) that we have in place at Longacre to meet the needs of our learners. MTSS is an integrated, multi-tiered system of instruction, assessment and intervention designed to meet the academic achievement and behavioral health needs of all students. Our teachers meet regularly in Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) to review student data and design specific instruction and interventions to match the needs of students.
Part of our MTSS plan is partnering with families to identify areas of concern. If you have a concern with regard to your child’s learning please contact your child’s teacher to determine the appropriate next steps in our MTSS process to address your concern. Mrs. Wank, our school psychologist and Ms. Walker, our school social worker are here to support our students' social-emotional learning needs. They can be reached via email at susan.wank@fpsk12.net and amanda.walker@fpsk12.net. Having an MTSS process in place and partnering in education with Longacre families is important to ensuring success for all of our students.
We will continue to have periodic material distributions on Fridays. Teachers will gather instructional materials needed during remote instruction for families to pick-up in our circle drive. Our next material pick-up will be Friday, November 13th from 10:00 a.m.- 3:00 p.m. for grades 2, 3, 4 & 5 and for any student returning to in-person learning. Dismissal car signs and student bag tags will be provided to students who are returning to in-person learning as part of our new school dismissal procedures. Our material pick-up will take place outside in our circle drive. We ask that families stay in their vehicles, turn right as you enter the parking lot to use our circle drive and staff will assist you.
As always, feel free to contact me at rhonda.henry@fpsk12.net or call the main office at 248-489-3733 should you have any questions.
With Longacre Pride,
Rhonda Henry
In-Person Learning Safety Protocols
Please click on the links below to view In-Person Learning Safety Protocols. I will share arrival and dismissal procedures as well as daily health screener protocols with you as soon as they are finalized. Additional information can be found on the FPS website: https://www.farmington.k12.mi.us/moving-forward-learning
Personal Protection Equipment (PPE)
Cleaning and Ventilation Protocol
Get Creative with PTA Program Reflections- Submissions due this Friday!
Thank you to Evann Guthrie, our Longacre PTA Reflections Chairperson, for organizing and coordinating our PTA Reflections this school year!
Students will use the arts to share their personal Reflections on this year’s theme:
I Matter Because…
Please click on this link for the official rules and entry form:
Reflections Official Rules and Entry Form
Submissions are due to mailto:longacreptareflections@gmail.com by 11/13/2020.
Experienced artists will review your work for interpretation of theme, creativity and technique. We look forward to celebrating your artistry and achievement in the arts!
***Free and Reduced Meal Application for 2020-2021***
If you have not filled out an online Free and Reduced Meal Program application for this school year, we urge you to do so as soon as possible. Although your meals are free at this time, many district funding programs rely on the number of students that qualify for the Free and Reduced Meal Program. So if you have not done so already, we encourage families to fill out the online Free and Reduced Meal Program application for the 2020-2021 school year. Remember, a new application is required to be completed at the beginning of every school year. For the online Free and Reduced Meal application process, go to: https://www.lunchapp.com/ .
Longacre Curbside pickup of Media Center materials
You're invited: curbside pickup of media center materials!
We are excited to share that we are now offering curbside pickup of media center materials for Longacre students.
The pick up window will be each Monday from 3 to 6 p.m.
Please fill out the following Google form by the evening of Thursday, November 12th, to ensure your items will be ready for you during our next pick-up window on Monday, November 16th from 3 to 6 p.m.
Link to form: https://forms.gle/xyDEiH3gPDJNdeB16
Materials may also be returned during the pickup window. However, we understand that students may need some time to find any books they've had since last March, so we are not requiring students to return all of their books in order to take new books. (This is a change from our normal circulation policy.)
We kindly ask that families wear masks, and practice social distancing during material pick up.
We are excited to offer this opportunity to our Longacre families!
If you have any questions, please email Mrs. Williams at acacia.williams@fpsk12.net
Happy Reading!
Dining Days Out
Upcoming Events
Monday, November 9- Longacre Curbside pickup of Media Center materials from 3:00-6:00 p.m.
Friday, November 13, 2020- PTA Reflection entries are due
Friday, November 13, 2020- Material pick-up for grades 2, 3 & 5 and for any student returning to in-person learning. Dismissal car signs and student bag tags will be provided to students who are returning to in-person learning as part of our new school dismissal procedures.
Monday, November 16, 2020- Return to In-Person Learning begins and Remote Learning continues based on family preference
Monday, November 16th- Longacre Curbside pickup of Media Center materials from 3:00-6:00 p.m.
Tuesday, November 17th- Dining Days out at Bellacino's Pizza. See flyer pictured above.
Thursday, November 19th- Virtual PTA meeting 7:00 p.m.
Friday, November 20th- 1/2 Day Records Day- November Pride Circle
Wednesday, November 25th- No School for students, staff reports
Thursday, November 26 & Friday, November 27- Thanksgiving Break
Longacre Elementary School
Email: rhonda.henry@fpsk12.net
Website: https://www.farmington.k12.mi.us/lon
Location: 34850 Arundel Street, Farmington, MI, USA
Phone: 248- 489-3733
Facebook: facebook.com/longacreleopards/
Twitter: @LongacreElem