Maple Ridge Updates
March 3, 2025
Dear Maple Ridge Families,
I can’t believe we’re already in March! I hope you and your students are having a fantastic year so far. We love working with all of our students and families!
Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held on March 13th. Please watch for a sign-up from your child’s teacher or check our website for links to sign up. Our teachers are excited to share your child’s progress and discuss what’s ahead for the rest of the year.
A huge thank you for your support during Kindness Month and White Ribbon Week! It was wonderful to see students making new friends, learning about safe technology use, and learning about healthy living at our BYU Dunk Team Assembly.
As a reminder, please label your child’s belongings so we can return them when possible. We often accumulate many of these items in our lost and found.
Please take note of our March 19th early out day. Lunch will be served early and students will be dismissed at 12:00.
Student registration for next school year opens on April 7th. Please register your child as soon as possible to help us plan accurately for next year's enrollment.
With the weather warming up, more students are riding bikes and scooters to school. Please remind your child where to park them properly and to take them home after school and on weekends. We’ll remind students at school as well.
Thank you for helping keep students safe during drop-off and pick-up. To ensure smooth traffic flow, please use the outside pick-up lane for pull-through only and keep the crosswalk area clear. If you need to leave your vehicle or enter the building, please park in a designated stall. Also, remind your child to use the crosswalk at all times. Safety is our top priority!
We appreciate your ongoing support!
Ms. Sharp
Upcoming Dates
March 10-14 - Book Fair
March 11 - PTA Meeting at 9:30
March 13 - Parent Teacher Conferences
March 19 - Early Out at 12:00 (lunch served early)
March 21 - 5th Grade Maturation
March 31-April 4 - Spring Break!
April 7 - Online Registration Opens
April 14-18 - Teacher Appreciation Week
April 24 - Food Truck Night
April 29 - 5th Grade Track Meet at MMHS
April 30 - 4th Grade Track Meet at MMHS
May 6 - 3rd Grade Track Meet at MMHS
Book Fair Times
March 10th 8:30 am - 9:15 am / 2:45 pm - 3:30 pm
March 11th 8:30 am - 9:15 am / 3:30 pm - 4:30pm
March 12th 8:30 am - 9:15 am / 3:30 pm - 4:30pm
March 13th 8:30 am - 9:15 am / 3:30 pm - 8:30 pm
March 14th 8:30 am - 9:15 am / 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Counselor's Corner
Here are links to the newsletter and the website from our counselor.
Hello Maple Ridge Families,
We hope each of you are enjoying the warmer days we are starting to have! We want to thank our White Ribbon Committee for taking time to help students learn to make safe and smart choices with media and technology!! We would like to thank all of those involved with kindness month at Maple Ridge for making February a fun time for the students to focus on kindness as well!!
The next couple of months will include:
- Our next meeting will be on March 11 at 9:30 am in the faculty room. We would love to see you all there!! Kids are welcome to come along with you!
- March 10th-14th Book Fair
- March 13th SEP dinners for the staff
- Teacher Appreciation week April 14th-18th (room parents watch for upcoming info from the PTA on things we will need your help with)
- April 24th Food truck night at the school, more details to come
Thank you again for your continued support of the PTA & Maple Ridge Staff!!
If you have any questions or are interested in helping out with any of the upcoming events we would love to connect with you on social media.
Follow us on Instagram!
Follow us on Facebook!
About Us
Follow us on Instagram and facebook for announcements--not to mention super cute photos of students and the events taking place at Maple Ridge!
Website: mapleridge.nebo.edu
Location: 2340 Harvest Parkway, Mapleton, UT, USA
Phone: 801-489-1800
Instagram: @mapleridgepride
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Maple-Ridge-Elementary-735473656586618