Kōkopu Newsletter
Term 3 Week 5 Monday 19th August 2024
Principal's Message
Principals Message
A big congratulations to our students who went to the Taniwha Challenge. It was a great day with us narrowly missing out on the Taniwha Shield. The students ran so well with many of our junior and middle school children coming in the top three. It was also wonderful to see our students supporting each other and showing the school's values.
We haven’t finished cross country training yet as our school cross country is coming up on the 29th of August.
Last week our local school's community of learning (COL) met to discuss our collective achievement challenges and how we as local schools are going to be working together to help all our students.
Below is a news report posted about some of our rural school challenges. Well done principals from Poroti School (Pauline Johnson), Tangiteroria (Megan McCollum) and Mangakahia Area School (Rachel Colthier-Simmonds) for speaking on our behalf. If you look closely, you will spot Jennifer Hibbert in the background too.
Our class numbers are filling quickly for next year. To help us plan for class spaces and staffing, please get in touch or use our online enrolment form if you have children wanting to attend this year or next. The sooner we know the better.
Car Park and Property Upgrades
Contractors have arrived today to start the first phase of the carpark upgrade. Please follow the link below to see important information about our property upgrades.
Nga Mihi
Yaron Overeem
Kōkopu School
Kokopu School Speech Competition
This Friday 23rd August we are holding our Kokopu School Speech Competition in the library. We will start at 9.15am with children who have placed in their class competition.
Year 3 - Avery Powell, Nova Weavers, Indi Weavers.
Year 4 - Conrad Burson, Slade Tuhiwai, Riley King
Year 5 - Ana Waterhouse, Annabelle Plummer, Drake Yearbury
Year 6 - Lachie McMurchy, Louie Reynolds, Hunter Schraag, Annabeth Riley
Year 7 and 8 - To be confirmed.
Year 3 will be first up going through to Year 8. Everyone is welcome to come along and listen to the speeches.
The two senior students who come first in our competition will represent Kokopu School at the Mangakahia Lions Club Speech competition on Wednesday 25th September at 7.00pm at The Mangakahia Community Sports Complex.
PTA Quiz Night Friday 23rd August
PTA Quiz Night Friday 23rd August at Kara/Kokopu Hall, 527 Kara Road, 6.30pm start.
Quiz night is now sold out and auctions are live online here
Cross Country
Taniwha Challenge
Congratulations to all the children who competed in Te Horo's Taniwha Challenge Cross Country event last Friday. It was a fabulous day and all the children did Kokopu School proud trying so hard and upholding our values.
Thank you to those parents/caregivers and also staff who transported children to the event and supported them.
We don't have results from Te Horo School yet, but will let you know when they come through.
Kokopu School Cross Country
This event will be held on Thursday 29th August. Start time will be at 9.30am with Year 1 children starting and going through to Year 8.
Everyone is welcome to come and support the children.
The PTA will be selling Soup and Sausages along with drinks and chocolates.
Cross country practice is still taking place every day. Due to the wet grounds, it is a good idea to have some spare clothes and a towel in your child’s bag please.
Everyone is welcome to come and support the children at both events.
Wanted - Newspaper
Can we please have any unwanted newspaper for art. Just drop it off to the office.
Thank you.
Daffodil Day
Follow the link to donate to the Cancer Society for this years upcoming Daffodil Day in August and help us reach our fundraising goal. We will be all dressing in yellow on Friday 30th August to support daffodil day.
Fundraising page name: Kokopu School
Lunch Orders
Lunch orders can be made through Lunch Online on Thursday from West End Sushi - Friday from Titoki Store
Lamb and Goat Day Care
Lamb and goat day-care is up and running. Children can bring their lamb or goat to school for the day so they can look after them and feed them during break times.
Students can store their milk in the whanau room kitchen.
AG Day / Calf Club
***Ag Day Reminder - Saturday 2nd of November 2024***
Read More on our Ag Day website. www.kokopu.school.nz/agday
- From the 1st of July you can start finding your animals for Ag Day.
- Have you got your Fish Bin Garden growing yet? Its time to get on to it!
Please register your animal now by clicking the link below.
Dates to Note
Mon 22 July - Start of Term 3
Fri 23 Aug - School Speech Competition
Fri 23 Aug - Kokopu PTA Quiz Night
Thu 29 Aug - Kokopu Cross Country
Fri 30 Aug - Daffodil Day
Wed 4 Sep - WPSSA Cross Country
Thu 5 Sep and Fri 6 Sep - Packard Museum Trips
Wed 11 Sep - Wacky Hair Day
Fri 13 Sep - Mangakahia Country Meal Kokopu School Hosting
Tue 17 Sep - WPSSA Inclusive Sports Day
Wed 25 Sep - Mangakahia Lions Speech Competition
Thu 26 Sep - House Day
Home Industries at Central Calf Club Day
Home Industries Saturday 7th December 2024
Located in the Events Centre Building at Barge Showgrounds- inside the Members Room
Follow the signs to the side door off the deck
All entries to be dropped off to the Events Centre- Barge Showgrounds on
FRIDAY 6th December 2024 from 3.00pm to 6.00pm (except photography)
Follow the link below to see all the catagories....
Friday Assembly
School Office
Lost Property
Please name all your children's clothing so we can make sure they claim any lost property. Thank you.
Yummy Stickers
Don't forget we are collecting Yummy Stickers. So please collect the Yummy cut-out labels from bags (each cut-out label is worth 10 stickers) and individual Yummy apple stickers. Yummy apples are available from New World, PAK’nSAVE and participating Four Square stores. The more you collect, the more sports gear you get so get going and start collecting your Yummy cut-out labels and stickers now!
Guitar Lessons
Guitar lessons have started on Wednesday's. If you are interested in getting lessons for your child, phone Lynn Moase on 0212979437.
2024 Term Dates
Term 1 .. Thursday 1st February to Friday 12th April
Term 2 .. Monday 29th April to Friday 5th July
Term 3 .. Monday 22nd July to Friday 27th September
Term 4 .. Monday 14th October to Friday 13th December
School Policies and Procedures School docs
Kokopu School
Email: office@kokopu.school.nz
Website: www.kokopu.school.nz
Location: 921 Kokopu Road, Kokopu, New Zealand
Phone: 094346765
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kokopuschool