Green Meadow Weekly Update
December 19, 2024
Contact Us
Principal, Karen Lindquist - klindquist@maynard.k12.ma.us
Assistant Principal, Kate Murray - kmurray@maynard.k12.ma.us
Administrative Assistant- Kathy Sullivan - ksullivan@maynard.k12.ma.us
Administrative Assistant- Nancy Dangelo - ndangelo@maynard.k12.ma.us
School Nurse, Maria Bourgeois - mbourgeois@maynard.k12.ma.us
Main Office Line - (978) 897-8246
Absentee Phone Line - (978)897-0310
School Hours
Just a reminder: School will be closed from December 23 - January 3, for vacation. See everyone back at Green Meadow on Monday, January 6, 2025!
Regular School Hours
Grades K- 3: 8:30 AM – 2:50 PM
Preschool: 8:40 AM - 2:40 PM (full day)
8:40 AM - 11:10 AM (morning program)
12:10 - 2:40 PM (afternoon program)
Early Release Hours
Grades K- 3: 8:30 AM – 11:45 AM
Preschool: No school on Early Release days
Important Dates
12/16 - 12/20 - Grade 2 Hour of Code Week
12/23 - 1/3 - Winter Break, No School
1/13 - 1/31 - Mid-Year Assessments, K-3
1/6 - 2/7 - ACCESS Testing
1/31 -Early Release Day, 11:45 dismissal, no Preschool
4/8 - 4/9 - Grade 3 ELA MCAS testing
5/6 - 5/7 - Grade 3 Math MCAS testing
Winter Vacation Reading Resources
This year December school vacation is two weeks and we hope that our Green Meadow students spend some of that time reading and writing. Vacation can be a great opportunity to visit the Maynard Public Library or stop by the Green Meadow Little Free Library, located in the bus circle. Neighbors might consider hosting a book swap gathering so that children have the opportunity to share books they have read and pick up something new. Vacation can also be a great time to have children write a thank you note or write a letter to a family member. Below is an article we hope you find helpful about 10 ways families can support literacy over winter vacation.
Hot Chocolate Math
What does it take to make a cup of hot chocolate? It takes a lot of MATH! Families can make this sweet treat a learning opportunity by exploring different types of measurement, including how to double or triple the recipe. Ask children how many ounces it takes to make hot chocolate for the entire family. Children can figure out how ounces equate to cups. Younger children can count marshmallows or solve addition and subtraction problems using marshmallows as a manipulative. Once all the math fun is done, everyone gets to enjoy a delicious mug of hot chocolate!
ACCESS Testing
Students who participate in our English as a Second Language programming with participate in ACCESS testing between January 6, 2025 and February 7, 2025. Our ESL teachers will communicate with parents and caregivers about specific dates for students.
Counselor's Corner
Winter is Here - Send the Snow Gear!
We are committed to getting students outside for recess throughout the winter with the exception of extreme cold temperatures. The change of scenery, fresh air, and physical play all support a successful day of learning. Please send your child to school with the following items:
- winter coat
- gloves or mittens
- a hat
- snow boots
- snow pants
Items should be labeled with your child's name. If you have items your child has grown out of that you would like to donate to the school or your child needs any of these items, please reach out to Ann Rutherford at arutherford@maynard.k12.ma.us or Maria Bourgeois at mbourgeois@maynard.k12.ma.us.
Green Meadow Building Project Update
Superintendent Haas sent home an updated message regarding the recent radon testing completed at Green Meadow and the follow-up plan. Here is a link: https://secure.smore.com/n/0bmr4g
We continue to follow the recommended protocols for increasing ventilation throughout the entire wing. Further testing will be done in all classrooms, the cafeteria, gym, library, and administrative spaces, over the next several weeks. We will continue to communicate to you through updates.
For more information about our new school building project, please visit:
We continue to meet and work through the MSBA design development process.
Green Meadow Food Services Menu
Click on the link to read the lastest school lunch menu options: https://www.fdmealplanner.com/
PTO Updates
Calling All New Families - Check out our PTO website and join our email list to stay on top of news and events. We can't wait for you to get involved!
The next PTO meeting will be virtual on Tuesday, October 8, at 7:00. Please see the PTO website for the meeting link.
Save the Date!
Mark your calendars for our Green Meadow and Fowler Parent/Caregiver Social with local band, Diet Disco Lemonade, on January 4, 2025! The event will take place at the Maynard Rod and Gun Club, from 7:00 - 11:00 PM. Stay tuned for more details.
District Resources
Join Maynard's ELPAC!
An ELPAC is an English Learner Parent Advisory Council. ELPACS are made up of parents and guardians of current and former EL ( English Learners). This council can provide advice and insight on topics that are important to English Learners in their school or district community.
Multilingual Learner Resources
Community Resources
Maynard Library Programs
The Maynard Public Library has a variety of programming available for babies, toddlers, and children under 6 years old.
Maynard Youth Soccer
Spring registration for Maynard Youth Soccer opens January 5, 2025.
Fuel Assistance Program
You and your family may be eligible for Fuel Assistance! Massachusetts has a home energy assistance program (HEAP) to help eligible households pay a portion of winter heating bills. If you are found eligible, not only will part of your heating bills be paid, but you will get lower rates from your energy suppliers. This program is entirely free and there are no application costs.
On January 12, 12:00-4:0, Maynard resident, Jennifer Rifkin Tyler, will be at the High School to assist families with the application process. While drop-ins are welcome, it may be beneficial to set up an appointment. If you are interested in making an appointment or even just learning more about the program, please feel free to contact Jennifer at jennifer.rifkin@gmail.com. All appointments and email inquiries will be entirely confidential.
You can also learn more about HEAP at:
Community Food Pantries
The Open Table Food Pantry (www.opentable.org; 33 Main St, Maynard) is open on Tuesdays, 3:30 - 6:30 PM and Thursdays, 1 - 4:30 PM and offers free bags of groceries 1x/week. Open Table also allows families to pick up frozen meals for family members weekly.
The Maynard Food Pantry (www.maynardfoodpantry.com; 82 Main St., Maynard) is open on Mondays from 10 AM - 12 noon 1-2x/month
Maynard Food Pantry Backpack Program
The Maynard Food Pantry offers a weekly Backpack Program for all students in PreK-Grade 5 that aims to offer food assistance to families. Each backpack is filled with nutritious, non-perishable food at no cost. Forms were sent home to families in backpacks last week. If you need a form, they are available in the Green Meadow main office. You can also request one by emailing Kate Murray at kmurray@maynard.k12.ma.us.
Maynard Advantage
Interested in learning more about the Maynard community and the many wonderful things happening around town? Check out the monthly Maynard Advantage Newsletters by subscribing at maynardadvantage.org