Virtual Academy Gr. 6-12 Newsletter
November 18-22
Black/Gold Rotation
Middle School School IDs
If you took pictures at Open House a student ID was made for you. You will need to come pick it up at Vista View between 8-3. Enter door 1 and tell the office your name and that you are picking up your VA ID. If you did not take pictures at Open House, you will not have an ID.
A newsletter was sent to all VA Senior school emails with a link to order caps and gowns. Parents, please remind students to fill the form out by February 28.
Scholarship Information
Wallin 4 yr. Scholarship…$16,000
Application website: https://scholars.wallinpartners.org/apply/
website: https://www.wallinpartners.org/
MUST have a 3.0 GPA
High School School IDs
If you took pictures at Open House a student ID was made for you. You will need to come pick it up at Vista View between 8-3. Enter door 1 and tell the office your name and that you are picking up your VA ID. You can use the ID to get into many BHS sport events for free. You will also need it to purchase Prom tickets and various other uses. If you did not take pictures at Open House, you will not have an ID.
Volunteer Opportunities
*Please Read all options carefully, many new opportunities*
Service to our community is an amazing way to give back, and it’s also a unique opportunity for earning a service learning credit. Please go to the Youth Service- Community Volunteering Website for more information *Be sure to visit my.innerview.org for all updated opportunities.
*Please note, if you sign up to volunteer, people are counting on you, you must communicate with the supervising person if you are not able to attend at least 24 hours in advance.
Tutoring Center Now Open! Seeking tutors for the tutoring center on MONDAYS and or WEDNESDAYS from 2:40-3:20. 2 hours of service are provided for each session. Interested students, please select the following link to sign up or contact Ms. Jackson Floback for more information.
Foundation 191 Winter Plant Distribution Volunteers are needed to help put purchased winter plants into the purchasers cars on Saturday Dec. 7 from 9:45a-12:15p at the Diamondhead Education Center Door 9 (Pleasant Avenue Entrance). Volunteers will be awarded 5 hours of service for this event. If you are interested, please sign up using this link or by connecting to your my.innerview.org application.
Volunteering at Bowling is honestly SO much fun and great to do with friends- which is 100% an option! State Bowling Lakeville and it will take you to our event sign up!
Tutoring During the School Day Are you an upperclassmen with a study hall that would like to volunteer to help younger students? Please use the following link to sign up today for tutoring during the school day. You will earn 2 hours of time for your participation each day you tutor.
Secret Holiday Shop at the Savage Dome We are looking for volunteers for our annual Secret Holiday Shop that will take place on Saturday, December 7 from 8:30am – 11am at the Savage Sports Center. The Annual Secret Holiday Shop is an opportunity for kids of all ages to do holiday shopping for their family and friends without their parents. Volunteers will assist children in selecting from a variety of gifts for purchase, ranging in price from $0.50 to $12. If interested, please select the following link or go to my.innerview.org
Childcare at Nicollet Middle School Help is needed for childcare for youth k-5 for a parent seminar on Jan. 14, and Feb. 18. Please select the date of your choice to sign up.
BrainPower in a BackPack in Main Cafeteria After School
BrainPower in a BackPack is offered as a volunteer opportunity each Thursday afterschool from 2:36-3:20. 1 hour of service is given for participation. Please join us and help provide food support to students and their families as BrainPower gets ready for the weekly Thursday food pack for 750 students across the district.
To register, use your my.innerview.org account
The Free Book Buggie. Each Saturday will be the Free Book Buggie book sort event from 10a-12p or Tuesday after school in C100. This event asks volunteers to count book donations, sort donated books by reading level and category, and load books into buggy for upcoming events. *Free T-Shirt available in Ms. Jackson Floback’s office
National Volunteer Opportunities Interested in volunteering on a national level, log into your my.innerview.org application and select the “Opportunities folder” and “National” link to find a list of volunteer opportunities that you can do from the comfort of your own home.
DOCUMENTING SERVICE & SETTING UP YOUR ACCOUNT IN INNERVIEW: For information on how to register for the InnerView Hours Documentation system or how to input hours please select this link.
Questions, please contact cfloback@isd191.org
Upcoming Events
28-29 Thanksgiving Break-NO SCHOOL
16- Materials pick up
23-Jan 1 Winter Break NO SCHOOL
Tech Support
Need Chromebook help? You can contact Technical Support by submitting an online request
or by phone 952-707-2758.
About One91 Virtual Academy
One91 Virtual Academy is a school in District 191 with 100 percent online instruction. Curriculum is designed and taught by District 191 staff.
Email: 191va-secondary@isd191.org
Website: https://virtualacademy.isd191.org
Location: 13109 County Road 5, Burnsville, MN, USA
Phone: (952)707-2900
School Hours
Middle School: 7:50am-2:30pm
High School: Asynchronous
Important Numbers to know
Attendance line: (952)707-2904
Main number: (952)707-2900
Technology support: (952)707-2758