Eagle Spirit
East Leyden Student Activities Newsletter

April 2, 2024
Mr. Leu Needs a HAIRCUT!
Mr. Leu hasn't had a haircut in two years! He will be getting his head shaved in support of Stephen Foltin, Mrs. Black-Foltin's 12-year old son, and his St. Baldrick's team, Foltin's Fighters!
If you want to see Mr. Leu, Stephen Foltin, and Foltin's Fighters shave their heads, join them on April 5th at the Franklin Park Fire Department’s St. Baldrick’s event at North Park. You can also donate money to their team at the following links: Mr. Leu's St. Baldrick's page or the Foltin's Fighters St. Baldrick's page.
Be SILENT to Support the LGBTQ Community
Each year, thousands of students across the country participate in the Day of Silence, a daylong vow of silence symbolizing the silencing effect of anti-LGBTQ bullying and harassment. Leyden students can participate on April 12th to demonstrate that silence is LOUD. See Mrs. Lakdawala in room 244 the week of April 8th for your Day of Silence card.
April is Arab American Heritage Month
Since 2017, National Arab American Heritage month has celebrated the diverse culture and contributions of Arab Americans.
An estimated 3.7 million Americans have Arab roots with ancestries traced to 22 countries in the Middle East and North Africa, including Egypt, Morocco, Iraq, Jordan, Yemen, Bahrain, Tunisia, Algeria, Sudan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and others (source).
Celebrate with the Arab Affinity Club!
The Arab Affinity Club offers an opportunity for students interested in the Arab/Middle Eastern culture to gather, learn, and socialize with each other. Check out some of their upcoming events and join in!
April Events:
- April 4th - Club Meeting (rm 133). All are welcome! Come grab a permission slip for our next outing.
- April 10th - Eid al Fitr Holiday. Eid al Fitr is celebrated at the end of Ramadan! Say "Eid Mubarak" or "Happy Eid" to your Muslim friends!
- April 19th - In celebration of the first Eid, the club will be taking a fieldtrip to the Bridgeview area to feast at a Palestinian/Middle Eastern restaurant. All are welcome! Make sure to get a permission slip from Ms. Shedbalker.
Congrats to the Inductees of the NHS!
On Wednesday, March 13th, 35 East Leyden students were inducted into the National Honor Society. NHS is a national organization that honors and recognizes selected students for their outstanding academic, service, leadership, and character accomplishments! A record number of students (over 100) applied to be in NHS this year. Here's a list of ELHS NHS Class of 2024!
If you are interested in applying for NHS, the application opens in February of each year. Students with an unweighted GPA of 3.30 or higher are invited to apply.
Total Eclipse of the Sun
On April 8, 2024, a total solar eclipse will cross North America, passing over Mexico, United States, and Canada. A total solar eclipse happens when the moon passes between the sun and earth, completely blocking the face of the sun. During a total solar eclipse, the sky will darken as if it were dawn or dusk.
In the Chicagoland area, the total eclipse will be visible beginning at 12:51 pm and last until approximately 3:22 pm. The peak time to see it will be around 2:07 pm. If you want to see the eclipse, you should wear special solar eclipse glasses to prevent serious eye damage.