Saints Calling
North Clackamas Christian School
October 1, 2024
NCCS Mission: We equip graduates to apply Biblical truth as disciples of Christ.
Pastries with Parents
Each month administration will host a time of community fellowship for parents of children PreK-12th grade. There will be a time of prayer, a devotional, sharing, learning, and connection, along with some tasty pastries served. We will set aside one Friday of each month to spend this time together. All parents join us Friday, Oct. 4 at 8:15-8:45 am, on the blacktop , then we will go to an indoor space to meet. We will focus our time using a video series on Gen Z from The Center for Truth in Love. Future gatherings will be from 8:15-9:00 am. Put these dates on your calendar and plan to join us: Nov. 8, Dec. 6, Feb. 7, Mar. 14, Apr. 11, and May 9.
FREE Speech & Language Screening
We are thrilled to offer a complimentary speech and language screening to our students in preschool through 6th grade. On Oct. 9, Ashley Johnson, a pediatric speech-language pathologists, and owner of Speak Up Speech Therapy (Clackamas, OR), will provide this service at NCCS. Parents must pre-register their student by Oct. 7, if they are interested in this offer. Please look over the attached information and registration flyer.
A Busy Start to the School Year!
Mission & Core Values
Portrait of Graduate
Junior High
Math Class
High School
Christian College Fair
Junior High
First Day!
6th Grade
Jet Boat Bridge Tour
High School
1st & 5th Grade
Reading Buddies
Family Groups
High School
Leadership Retreat
Jog A Thon Results
What an incredible Jog A Thon we had this year! We had 132 students in Preschool through 6th grade who registered to gather pledges that brought in $24,000 for our school!!! These funds will go toward our effort on continued campus improvements. Thank you to all who supported this fundraiser, either as a runner, donor, or as one of our amazing volunteers.
Class awards for most money raised and for most laps ran, will be presented in chapel on Oct. 2.
Estate Planning Education
We are asking you to RSVP by Oct. 20, so we can be well prepared with materials and space availability. Please use the LINK to sign up to let us know you are coming.
Annual Willamette Valley Pie Sale
The pie sale starts on Oct. 14 and runs through Oct. 28. Pick up day is Nov. 13 at NCCS, 2-3:30pm. Place your orders just in time for the holidays! Volunteers will be needed to help distribute the orders. More details on ordering and volunteering will come soon from the business office, Susan Van Sickle.
Fall Conferences
Please save the dates of Oct. 31-Nov. 1 for our fall Parent/Teacher Conferences. Sign up links and additional information will be sent out in an email from the office. While the sign up links are not set up as of yet, plan for the following schedule for those dates where you will make an appointment to meet with teachers:
-Early day on Oct. 31, 7:30am-3:30pm
-Late day on Nov. 1, 9am-5pm
Parent Teacher Fellowship (PTF) traditionally prepares meals for the staff on conference days. If you are able to support this effort, please use the link to sign up to help. Thank you for your support!
NCCS Craft Fair Registration
We are excited to host the 2024 craft fair on 11/24/24! Please fill out this form to register yourself or your student. We have limited tables available and they are $5.00 each for use during the event, however there is no fee (for students and Society members) if you bring your own table. Start planning now to have a booth or to shop for gifts at this school community event.
The form will be available until 11/15/22 at 4:00 p.m. Please complete it before this date if you intend to have a booth.
High School Harvest Party
High school students are all invited to come hang out for fall fun and games! This chaperoned high school party is on October 19 from 5-8 p.m., and all the details are in the linked slip (below).
Please complete the permission slip and pay the ticket fee before the sign up closes on 10/17 at 4 p.m.
We hope to see everyone there! - ASB Officers
Join Volunteer Safety Team
Last year a group of volunteers joined to form the NCCS Safety Team to serve the school. The team has grown to 25 volunteers, who applied and received training in order to provide a coordinated security effort during school hours. We are greatly appreciative to the team for their dedication.
We are seeking to double the number of volunteers for the team this year. Would you consider joining? If you want to talk with a parent volunteer on the team to get an idea if this would be of interest to you, please reach out to Jake Tenney.
The first step to join the team, is to complete the NCSS Volunteer Application. Please reach out to Susan Van Sickle ( if you would like to complete the volunteer approval process. Once approved, contact Mrs. James to let us know you are interested in being involved with the Safety Team. Next steps, include a team interview and training. Commitment to this team can be one half day a month to more days, as your schedule allows. We pray that more will want to serve through this team.
Korea Trip March 2025
We will take a small group to visit South Korea, March 19-29, 2025. Travel arrangements include airfare, lodging, food, a visit to our sister school (VCCS) and tours of several cultural sites! Our guide is NCCS International Education Advisor, Jodi Gill. High school students will travel with Mrs. James and Mrs. Gill for a cultural tour of Seoul. Please click on the image to see the website for this exciting opportunity. Contact Mrs. Gill or Mrs. James for information and registration.
All interested students and adults must register by Oct. 30. A deposit to cover airfare will be due at registration. We would love to fill our group ASAP!
East Coast Trip June 2025
We are excited to offer another East Coast trip to Boston, Philadelphia, New York, and Washington D.C for students in 7th-11th grades, June 16-24, 2025. Mrs. Hardy is the contact for information and questions regarding this opportunity.
East Coast Informational Slideshow - If you missed the informational meeting, here is the slideshow from that night. Feel free to email Mrs. Hardy with questions.
East Coast Trip Interest Form - If you aren't ready to register, please fill out this form to let Mrs. Hardy know you are interested.
Registration Link - Create an account and then use the Tour Code and Password to register.
Tour Code: T252041A and Password: 44311
Athletics Instagram
Senior student, Caleb Norton, has created an Instagram account for his senior project to highlight NCCS athletics. The username is nccs.athletics and he wants to invite students and families to follow it and send in photos of our games. If you can, Caleb appreciates your support!
Athletics Program News
NCCS varsity home games (in the gym) are now accessible on the NFHS Network. Our home page is linked HERE. There is a subscription cost in order to watch that can be paid monthly or yearly. We receive back a small portion of the subscription purchases for NCCS fans. We also hope that our community will come to home games for all our athletic teams. Schedules can be found on our website, on the Athletics tab.
We are so appreciative of the funds that were raised during the 4th of July fireworks fundraiser! The total amount raised was $12,000 and to date we have spent $5,000 of those funds. Here are the highlights of that spending.
- We hired Alyssa Westermann (mother of Carson in 9th grade) to professionally photograph all of our sports teams. Additionally we used Alyssa and her husband Corey to produce the senior sports banner which can be seen both in the gym for volleyball players and on the back of the library for soccer players.
- We have purchased a portable bench for our soccer teams for the times that we travel to fields that don't have a bench for us.
- We paid for goalie specific training at the beginning of the year to get our goalies ready to compete.
- After many years we have new rims on the main baskets in the gym
More good things to come!
Hot Lunch Program
We are thrilled to offer the same hot lunch program that we had last year! Click here if you’re new to the program. Existing users will receive a notification from MyHotLunchBox. MyHotLunchBox will continue to serve NCCS with lunch service three days each week, as follows:
- Tuesday - Chick-fil-A
- Wednesday - Noodles & Co
- Thursday - Little Caesars
NCCS Awarded Best Christian School
North Clackamas Christian School has been selected six years in a row for the Best of Oregon City Awards for Christian School and now qualifies for the 2024 Oregon City Business Hall of Fame. Read the Press Release for more information. This is an honor and something to share!
Local Churches for Those Needing a Place of Worship
Please make church attendance with your family a priority. It is an expectation that NCCS parents and students attend a Christian church. We hope our families are attending a Christian church and are involved in that community, in person. If you are looking for a home church, we encourage you to check out our list of local churches where we already have school families attend.
Foothills Community Church; Eastridge Church; Oregon City Christian Church; Athey Creek Christian Fellowship; Mountain View Community Church; Oregon City Evangelical Church; Canby Foursquare ; Canby Christian Church; New Life Church; The Source Church; Gracepointe Milwaukie ; Grace Chapel; Revolution Church; Oregon City Nazarene; Clackamas Bible Church; Faith Bible Community Church; Rolling Hills Community Church; Willamette Christian Church
Upcoming Events
Oct 1 Last Day to Order Donuts and Cider
Oct. 3 Senior SAT Exam, AM
Oct. 4 Pastries with Parents, 8:15-9am
Oct. 9 Speech & Language Screening
Oct. 10 Juniors PSAT Exam, AM
Oct. 11 NO SCHOOL, Teacher In-service
Oct. 14-28 Willamette Valley Pie Sale
Oct. 14 School Board Meeting
Oct. 16 Varsity Soccer Senior Night, 4:15pm
Oct. 17 Varsity Volleyball Senior Night, 6:45pm
Oct. 19 HS Harvest Party, 5-8pm
Oct. 22 Estate Planning Educational Meeting, 7-8pm
Oct. 30 NO SCHOOL, Teacher In-Service
Oct. 31-Nov. 1 NO SCHOOL, Parent/Teacher Conferences
Helpful Resources: Calendar, Grades, Communication
Monthly Board Reports
Loren Larsen, Chair
Dave Droz, Vice Chair
Stephanie Craven, Treasurer
Shannon Waggener, Secretary
Substitutes Needed
If you or someone you know is available to sub in our classrooms or office this year, please contact McKenzie Falotico and complete the substitute application . and the Parent Teacher Fellowship page is
We are here for you!
Superintendent/Principal: Sherri James (Ext 101)
Assistant Principal: Rebekah Hardy (Ext 401)
Dean of Students: Carmen Moore (Ext 214)
Office Manager: McKenzie Falotico (Ext 100)
Office Front Desk/Attendance: Beth Woody (Ext 601)
Business Office Controller: Susan Wells (Ext 202)
Business Office Assistant: Susan Van Sickle (Ext 603)
Location: North Clackamas Christian School, Sebastian Way, Oregon City, OR, USA
Phone: (503) 655-5961