CREW Friday Five
September 20, 2024
5 Updates for this week!
Families- we need your help!
CREW we need your help with complying with parking restrictions around our school. Please be mindful of neighborhood permit requirements.
Additionally, please refrain from parking or pulling into the handicapped parking spots unless you have the appropriate permit or license. The handicapped parking spaces are not loading zones and should not be used as such before or after school.
**Park Tucson will be patrolling the area and will issue citations for parking violations.**
Thank you in advance for your support and understanding.
Student Drop off and Pick Up Reminders
Below are a few reminders to please consider during student drop-off and pick-up times:
•Please use drop-off/pick-up street. (Norton between 3rd & 4th St and Wilson in the south bus bay).
- 4th Street is not safe for students to be unloading or loading into cars. Please do not stop in the traffic lanes to allow a student to get out or into your car. Norton is the designated location.
•Please do not allow your student(s) to exit/enter the car in the middle of the street.
•Children should be ready to exit promptly.
•Children exit vehicle on passenger side
•Stay off cell phones / electronic devices
•Be patient and courteous
•Park in designated parking spaces (Keep circling if no space is available)- the City of Tucson will ticket parents that are parked in permit only areas
•Watch out for pedestrians
1. The Magic Box is here!
We kicked off our Stories that Soar! residency with the Magic Box Assembly on Wednesday!
Stories that Soar! is a program through Literacy Connects that connects students to the power of writing and self-expression!
Starting with an invitation from our ‘hungry,’ Magic Box to, “Feed me stories,” elementary age writers let their imaginations run wild as they attempt to stuff the box full!
Free from the boundaries of prompts, spelling, traditional conventions, or restrictions to a single language, young authors are motivated to share their imaginations and explore topics relevant to them.
On November 15th, through the talents of the professional performance ensemble and digital artists at Literacy Connects, stories soar to life on stage and screen, celebrating literacy, inspiring creativity. More information will be forthcoming regarding the performance in November!
Please be sure to ask your students about what they are writing for the Magic Box!
2. ☕️🥐 PTA Meeting Alert: ”Croissants, Coffee & Cash" - Next Tuesday, Sept 24th @ 7:45am 🥐☕️
Start your day with us next Tuesday morning for a key PTA meeting where we'll dive into our budget discussions. Learn about how our funds are utilized to enhance school activities and programs.
Volunteers Needed: We’re also looking for volunteers to help with various PTA activities throughout the year. If you're interested, please fill out our volunteer interest form to let us know how you'd like to get involved!
Join us for some croissants and coffee as we plan for a successful school year!
3. OMA Update
All classes are humming along! 🎉
K-2 classes have been experiencing movement with scarves, singing, and keeping a steady beat! (see pics!)
3rd graders started RECORDERS and some are taking them home already!
4th graders are memorizing their lines for the FALL PLAY!
5th graders are learning to assemble and play their BAND instruments!
We are having so much learning about the arts! 🎭🎶🕺🎨 😄
Other OMA News & Announcements:
~ CHOIR UPDATE: Choir is for 3rd, 4th, 5th graders who love to sing!!
Our first rehearsal will be Fri Oct 18 (after fall break) at 7:45am. Registration is open now!!
Click here:
for the link to how to register OR grab a FLYER in the school lobby - look in the bins on the wall across from the office. Choir is a singing group that meets BEFORE school on FRIDAYS.~ OMAPalooza: We have a date! Tues Dec 17, 3:30pm
OMAPalooza is our amazing all school OMA music concert in the courtyard
~ Talent Showcase will take place this NOV. Info about sign ups will go out before fall break - soon. "Screening tryouts" are Oct 22 & 24 after school. Rehearsals are Tues Nov 5 2:45-4 // Thurs Nov 7 - DRESS Rehearsal 2:45-5:30 // Fri Nov 8 PERFORMANCE 6pm in the CAFETERIA
~ OMA WEBSITE! https://sites.google.com/tusd1.org/hughesoma/oma-home Lots of info and songs and games for kiddos to enjoy here! Also tutorials and music for 3rd, 4th and 5th graders to learn their instruments. OMA EVENTS tab is now in the upper right corner of the home page! Check here for a flyer of events throughout the year!
~ Any questions or concerns?
Please email Ms. G at sara.gascho@tusd1.org or leave a message with the office at 520-232-7400
Artfully Yours,
Ms. Gascho
4. Ecology News
As the gardening and ecology teacher, I'd like to give a big Thank You to the Greening Group families who came out to work last weekend. Your work helps me have more time to spend with students and it gives us more space for outdoor learning--which is perfect now as we are leaving the hottest days behind us.
These are the families we can thank, who cleaned up the Desert Garden, Courtyard Vegetable Garden and Bird and Tortoise Habitat areas: the families of Tess, Evan and Lea, Jayce, Ramona and Baker, Ella, Garrett, Phoebe and Matteo. Apologies if I missed a name—you are all appreciated!
Ms. Graber
5. Mark your calendar- Grading Day and Fall Break are coming!
Please mark your calendar for the following dates:
- Friday, October 4th- NO SCHOOL for Grading Day
- Monday, October 7th- Friday, October 11th- NO SCHOOL for Fall Break
PTA News!
Welcome to the 24-25 school year! OUR PTA board is:
Rose Hagood, President
Raquel Salgado, Vice President
Elizabeth McDonnell, Treasurer
Olivia Alicea Secretary
Come to a PTA Meeting!
The Sam Hughes PTA meets about once a month. In an effort to reach more families we will be alternating between morning and evening meetings- please see schedule below!
PTA meetings are a great way to meet other parents and stay on top of everything happening at school. Kiddos are welcome to come along! At meetings we plan events and keep everyone up to date on the latest news. Families are encouraged to give feedback and ask questions.
2024-25 Meeting Schedule
September 24. 2024- 7:45-8:45AM in the Library
October 24, 2024- 6:00PM in the Library
November 21, 2024- 7:45-8:45AM in the Library
January 16, 2025 - 6:00PM in the Library
February 11, 2025 - 7:45-8:45AM in the Library
April 22, 2025 - 6:00PM in the Library
May 14, 2025 - 7:45-8:45AM in the Library
Come on down - we'd love to see you!
Upcoming Events!
- 24th- PTA Meeting at 7:45am in the Library
- 26th- Site Council Meeting 4:00pm in Room 11
- 4th No School- Grading Day
- 7th-11th No School Fall Break
- 14th CREW Assembly 9:00am
- 22nd Picture Retake Day
- 23rd NO SCHOOL- Professional Learning Day
- 31st CREW Costume Parade 9:00am (More details to come)
- 4th CREW Assembly 9:00am
- 11th NO SCHOOL Veteran's Day
- 12th Ruby Bridges Day (More details to come)
- 15th Stories that Soar! Performance in the Courtyard!
- 21st PTA Meeting 6:00pm
- 28th & 29th No School Thanksgiving Break