December 2024
A letter from our leader Janice
The Holidays are among us. They started for me in October when I stopped at Costco and I saw Christmas decorations. My 'get it done now' indicator went from 0 to 50 in a heart beat.
I own a fur ball. Her name is Kai and she is a companion-bred german shepherd (shedder) dog. Wilma with her 'elephant' vacuum would be welcome at my house any time. I am noticing flaws in my cleaning, especially on our dark hardwood floors.
I read this comment recently and I think it gives me permission to turn a 'blind eye' to my sub par house cleaning.
I hope it resonates with you, too.
“I've seen women insist on cleaning everything in the house before they could sit down to write... and you know it's a funny thing about housecleaning... it never comes to an end. Perfect way to stop a woman. A woman must be careful to not allow over-responsibility (or over-respectabilty) to steal her necessary creative rests, riffs, and raptures. She simply must put her foot down and say no to half of what she believes she "should" be doing. Art is not meant to be created in stolen moments only.”
― Clarissa Pinkola Estés, Women Who Run With the Wolves
This holiday season make more art!
Carve out studio play time.
Pour into your fabric stash.
Dust off your serger.
Wash out your new fabric.
Organize your button collection.
Shop your unfinished projects.
We are so much more than our housekeeping skills.
Enjoy the season and keep on stitchin.
Dec 10 Holiday Party
Bring your lunch. Janice and Lucia are bringing cupcakes.
We will play "Right, Left, Center". Bring 3 one dollar bills and three batik fat quarters if you plan on playing. Bring KISS It Goodby projects and live plants. We will discuss our Opportunity Quilt Postcard and look at our 2025 schedule.
2025 Meeting Schedule
January 14 - Value class by Geri Beam (to be confirmed by group)
February 11 - Improv Quilting workshop by Silke
March 11 - Follow up on Improv Quilting Workshop and Spring Retreat planning
April 14 - 18 Spring Retreat
May 13 - Making Quilts with Silk Ties by Jan
June 10 - Follow up to Silk Tie workshop
July 8 - Surface Design Techniques by Susan Barrett
August 12 - Follow up on Surface Design work shop
September 9 - Study in Black by Janice
October 7 - Follow up on Study in Black and Fall Retreat planning
November 10-14 Fall Retreat
December 9 - Christmas Party and Kiss it goodbye
August Challenge-Incredible work!
You can definitely see why this group is called "Bee Artful"! 😍Clockwise from top left: Carol Gardiner's kwandi-inspired; Susan Barrett's view from her deck collage; Janice Chiaffredo's artful interpretation; Kathy Ingmundson's improvisational piecing; Melinda Oliver's wall hanging; Bev's beautiful cityscape; and, Gini Cawood's lovely landscape with hexi-tortoise!
Guess who came to visit?
This quilt which was made by Bee Artfuls several years ago was in Jane Threlkeld's sewing room. Lynda Doll was able to join us for three days during retreat and shared many treasures from Jane with us. It was bittersweet to accept those treasures as our own.
Bee Artful Fall Retreat Highlights
Mixing up the dyes for our workshop on paste Procyon dyeing
Getting messy with the paste dyes!
Bev's carrot cake recipe. It was soooo good! See below for the potato soup recipe.
Bee Artfuls at Retreat with our Bee Artful shirts!
Bev's potato soup recipe served on Thursday at retreat
Kathy's yummy pumpkin soup recipe
Wood blocks on sale at Artistic Artifacts through Wed, Nov 27
Laura's show at the Sautee Nacoochee Center starts Oct 18 thru Christmas!
Reference Items
Book recommendation from Janice
Website for ordering custom dies for your AccuQuilt machine
Sisters (and brothers) in art quilting in northern CA. Field Trip anyone?
Podcast on "Tales of Textiles"
Podcast with local flair!
Her upcoming book is: Marking Your Time by Tommye McClure Scanlin
Marking Time with Fabric and Thread: Calendars, Diaries, and Journals within Your Fiber Craft https://a.co/d/71Q7u8N
Thanks for sharing this Linda Barron!
Need the password for member section for the guild (www.mlqg.org) website? Contact Linda Barron (linda.barron@gmail.com)
Bee Artful quilting thread recommendations
Silke uses Superior thread 100 weight (micro quilter)-blends in well.
Kathy I. uses 100 weight silk thread by Yli (order from Amazon or another vendor online).
Critique Documents for reference
One is a checklist that can be used as a guideline when looking at a quilt - this is published on her website as part of her creative strength training class.
The second is a detailed essay she wrote concerning the process.
I hope that these documents will help the Bee Artful group conduct critique sessions that are productive.
Letter from the editor
I do not know about everyone else but once fall retreat passes by, it is full-on holiday madness, joy, and all the rest. Janice's letter is very appropriate for this time of year especially. Our fall retreat was awesome as always. We were so happy to have Lynda and Nina join us as they helped us to say goodbye to our dear friend and Bee Artful member, Jane Threlkeld. Carol and I call that shade of lime green she loved "Janegreen" because she was so well known for using that color in her quilts. See the quilt above from several years ago for an example of her use of that color. As we lovingly perused and adopted her beautiful things she left behind, we all came away with bits of Jane. I am looking forward to our wonderful schedule for Bee Artful for next year. Thanks to Geri for helping to put that together as well as the always awesome job she did in her workshop on paste dyes. Carol found the awesome video above on instagram of a practitioner in India (I assume) using the wood blocks to create the beautiful patterns we see on the textiles from there.
I hope everyone has the best holiday season with time for recharging and creativity and joy with family and friends.
I am happy to convey all of these wonderful "goings on" via this newsletter. Try to get things to me in advance of the end of the month via email (mandmoliver@gmail.com) or text. If you put the word "newsletter" somewhere in the message line I will be able to find it easier (if using email). See you soon.