W40 Immigration Network
We will be what you need...
About this Network...
This network is for professionals (School Personnel and Various Community based organizations) who are doing work with Students and Families who have recently immigrated here.
Check In Meeting 2/11- Virtual Only TODAY!
Please join us at our next Check In Meeting!
All of these immigration policies and changes are overwhelming!
We invite you to: Check in, Get resources, Get support and Let's plan next steps!
This meeting is virtual only!
When: Tuesday, February 11th
Time: 3:00PM- 4:00PM
Join on Zoom
Topic: Immigration Network
Meeting ID: 850 5585 1290
Passcode: community
Dial by your location
• +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Meeting ID: 850 5585 1290
Passcode: 759556146
Please call or text on the day of the meeting if you have any questions as I will not be checking email during the meeting. 708-990-7975
NO Need to RSVP..We will connect with you soon!
KYR Cards
If you care to purchase KYR Cards, this is where we have been ordering ours.
Forest Park Printing Company
7214 Madison St
Forest Park, IL 60130
(708) 366-5100
They are charing $85 for 500 cards. Under West40. They can have them ready in 24 hours. They have been very great to work with.
Connect with ME!
Please feel free to reach out questions!
Maria-Elena Agrela
Director of Community Relations
Email: meagrela@west40.org
Phone: 708-990-7975
Instagram @West40communityresrouces
Website: west40communityresources.org