Grant Line Buzz
September 13 - September 20 , 2024
Entering/Exiting the Building
Please be sure to enter and exit door 1. This is so you can check in with an ID and receive a badge (guest sticker). This is for your safety and ours. If we had an emergency, we could pull the guest list to see how many were in the building. Of course we always want to know who is in the building for our safety as well.
Also please do not ever prop open a door or leave it open - this is a huge safety issue.
Thank you SO much for your help with this!
A note from Mrs. Satkoski....
As you know we are SO very blessed with amazing staff members.
Each year as a staff we nominate a Support Staff Member of the Year and every other year a Teacher of the Year. This year our Support Staff Member of the Year nominee is Michelle Baker. Michelle is our school secretary. She keeps our office organized and runnign smoothly. We love having her here at Grant Line!
Our Teacher of the Year nominee is Katie Kruer. Katie is an excellent educator who strives to build relationships with students and families. She works hard to know students by name and need for fourth grade reading. Congratulations Mrs. Kruer!!
Both will be honored at the district banquet on December 5th. We wish them luck!
Assistant Opening
We have a prime time assistant opening at Grant Line. The hours would be 8:15 - 2:45. Please apply online at www.nafcs.org. We'd love to have you join our team!
Background Check - Google Form
If you'd like to volunteer for a field trip or to help in a classroom, please fill out this form. This is much easier than the paper form!
School Commitment for the Week
Our school commitments for the week focus on the car rider line at dismissal.
1. Sit in assigned line.
2. Hands/belongings to self.
3. Inside voices.
4. Listen to adults so we can get you to your car safely.
Student Council Food Drive
Student Council Fall Break Food Drive
We will be collecting food items to create food boxes for some of our families in need over fall break. We will ONLY be collecting food items this time with NO monetary donations. We appreciate your support and know our families do too.
Collection dates will run from September 16th-20th. Thank you for your assistance!!
Monday, September 16th
Kindergarten- One jar of peanut butter
First Grade- One jar of jam or jelly (plastic jar please)
Second Grade- One jar of jam or jelly (plastic jar please)
Third Grade- Applesauce cups
Fourth Grade- Applesauce cups
Tuesday, September 17th
Kindergarten- One box of cereal
First Grade- One box of cereal
Second Grade- One box of poptarts
Third Grade-One box of mac and cheese
Fourth Grade- One box of mac and cheese
Wednesday, September 18th
Kindergarten- One can of green beans
First Grade- One can of corn
Second Grade- One can of carrots
Third Grade- One can of potatoes
Fourth Grade- One can of peas
Thursday, September 19th
Kindergarten- One can of chicken noodle soup
First Grade- One can of vegetable soup
Second Grade- One can of spaghetti o’s
Third Grade- One can of Chef Boy R Dee
Fourth Grade- One can of tomato soup
Friday, September 20th
Kindergarten- One box of pasta
First Grade- One box of pasta
Second Grade- One jar of pasta sauce (plastic jar please)
Third Grade-One jar of pasta sauce (plastic jar please)
Fourth Grade- One jar of pasta sauce (plastic jar please)
Cafeteria News
Counselor's Corner
This week in 3rd and 4th grade guidance we discussed bullying, what it is, the different types and to always report it. A power point of the bully lesson was uploaded to your child's google classroom. Please review and discuss this with them. Feel free to contact me with any questions that you may have. I will be discussing this in K-2nd grades next week.
Have a great weekend,
Lisa McCory, Counselor
Upcoming Events
September 15 - Ice Cream Social - 4 - 6 pm by the playground
September 16 - PTO Meeting - 6:30 pm in Library
September 17 - Parenting Class w/Mrs. McCory - 6:00 - 7:00 in library
September 27 - End of Quarter 1; Grant Line Spiritwear Day! Wear your best GLE colors or clothes.
September 28 - October 13 - No School - Fall Break
October 14 - Beginning of Quarter 2
October 18 - Grant Line Trick or Treat Night sponsored by PTO
October 18 - Picture Re-Take Day
October 25 - Fall Colors Spirit Day. Wear your best orange and black gear!
November 1 - Fall Parties
November 8 - Football Spirit Day. Wear your favorite football shirt or colors!
PTO News
GLE Club Dates
Community News
Use this link to sign up for the camp! After you sign up, please let your teacher know of any dismissal changes.
Grant Line - https://forms.gle/oEApydKCVPbhanvw9