Lilja Lions
Your BiWeekly Update from Lilja Elementary School

January 10, 2025
Kindergarten Registration!
Do you have a child who will be 5 years old by August 31st?
Contact us for information about the Kindergarten enrollment process which starts in February!
Action Required:
Please confirm your child's enrollment by completing our Google form ASAP:
Scanning the QR code with your mobile device, or
Typing the URL provided below
If you have any questions, please email us at lilja25-26@natickps.org.
To access the google form, scan the QR code below:
Or type this into your browser: https://forms.gle/fo8ER3fjG52AgLCj6
Important Dates:
February 2025: Registration and orientation information will be mailed to you upon confirmation and registration process begins
March 2025: The orientation process begins for fully registered students
Head Lice
This is the time of the year that we tend to see lice cases rise. While lice are not harmful and do not spread disease, they can be uncomfortable and disruptive for children and families.
For cases in the Lilja School community we follow guidance and protocols put forth by the CDC, National Association of School Nurses, and the Natick Public Schools. To help address this situation, we ask for your support in the following ways:
Check Your Child’s Hair Regularly: Look for lice or nits (lice eggs) near the scalp, especially around the ears and the nape of the neck.
Notify the School Nurse: If your child has lice, please inform the school nurse to minimize further spread while respecting your family's privacy.
Treat as Needed: Over-the-counter treatments are effective in most cases. Follow the instructions carefully, and remove all nits to prevent re-infestation.
Encourage Good Practices: Remind your child not to share hats, brushes, hair accessories, or other personal items that may come into contact with hair.
In order to help you identify and treat cases of lice at home please take a look at this resource. Through regular checks, proactive measures such as tying back longer hair, and thorough treatments at home we can reduce the incidences of cases within the community.
Things To Know
All students will be dismissed at 12:10. Please remember to adjust your PickUp Patrol if needed!
There will be no school on Monday, January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
Please check your email for a message from us regarding new Core Values! Talk with your students and take the survey HERE!
As a reminder, our students will go outside for recess and need to have a warm jacket, gloves/mittens, hat/hood, snow pants, and snow boots in order to use the fields or playground when there is snow on the ground.
SAVE THE DATE! Lilja Auction
Mark your calendars for Friday, March 14, for Lilja School’s biggest fundraiser of the year! Subscribe to the PTO newsletter for more details—we hope to see you there!
Friday, March 14th from 6-10pm at the Natick Elks
Thank you for your support! A look back at 2024
‘Twas the end of the year at Lilja school,
And the PTO is here to recap the things to know!
From carnivals to festivals, spooky fun too,
The year’s been amazing so far, and it’s all thanks to you.
The school year kicked off with a burst of great cheer,
First-day photos were shared for the Yearbook this year.
If you missed the chance, don’t you despair—
Send your pictures now; there’s still time to prepare!
The Lilja Carnival? A hit, as we knew—
With $9K raised, what couldn’t we do?
Guest speakers, supplies, and more we provide,
Thanks to the 50+ volunteers who worked by our side.
October brought pumpkins and spooky delight,
With a festival at Tilly’s and Midday Mischief frights.
Sixteen trunks were decked out with care,
And $1,500 was raised to help everywhere.
And who could forget Lilja Spirit Wear’s cozy collection?
No shipping fees brought smiles and perfection!
From tees to the comfy, we’ve got what you need,
To show Lilja pride in style and speed.
Thanks to your gifts, the PTO’s funded it all—
Field trips, fish tanks, and assemblies this fall.
$60,000! A very high amount,
Which means every child benefits when we count.
As the year wraps up, our hearts fill with pride,
For the Lilja community, so warm and wide.
Mark your calendars—the fun’s not done,
March 14’s auction will be number one!
With the season's close, here’s a joyful task:
Consider a gift—it's all that we ask.
Your support helps the Lilja magic shine,
Building memories and moments, one student at a time!
So thank you again for the love and support,
For making each event such a joyful report.
Happy holidays to all, may they be bright,
And we’ll see you again in the new year’s light!
Want to learn more about the PTO? Have a question or suggestion?
Visit us online at liljapto.org
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram
Donate to the PTO
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Use this form to report a bullying incident.