Principal Message
January 24th, 2025
PTO Fundraiser Prize
Runkle's first-graders stayed after school yesterday for Pizza and a Movie with Mr. Pelton and Ms. Finnegan. This was the prize from the PTO for the grade level with the most participation in the Fall Fundraiser effort. We had a great time playing "Mr. Pelton Says", watching a Scooby-Doo Movie, and snacking on some pizza, fruit, and cookies. Thank you to Ms. Carney for sharing the library. Thank you to Ms. Kim Nelson and Mr. Derone Nelson (Runkle Paras) for helping with the snack buffet and crowd control. Thank you to everyone who contributed to Runkle's PTO this year!
Position Paper Speeches in 8th Grade
This week, the Runkle staff had the privilege of attending presentations in Ms. Bigda's 8th Grade English Language Arts classes. The students shared their insights on the impact of various topics on teenagers, including:
- Generative AI
- Social Media
- Sleepovers
- Cosmetic Surgery
- TikTok Challenges
- Beauty Pageants
The presentations were both impressive and thought-provoking, showcasing a range of perspectives on these important issues. Each student made thoughtful connections to the real-world effects these topics have on their peers. They demonstrated strong public speaking skills, presenting with clarity, confidence, and a genuine passion for their subjects.
Public speaking is a vital skill, and it's clear that Runkle students are well on their way to making a meaningful impact on the world.
Hardworking Kindergarteners
Runkle kindergarteners were hard at work on Thursday as I walked through classrooms. KCH students were interviewing Ms. Gardner about her job at Runkle. They asked great questions about the instruments she played, her education, the hardest part of her job, and fun things that she does outside of school. KH was very busy with math when I visited. They were looking at groups of 10s and recreating them with pennies on their charts. They used flexible math thinking to explain how they could see totals. Finally, KHe was working on literacy when I visited. They were rhyming and stretching out words to identify beginning, middle, and ending sounds in CVC words. Kindergarten is always a great place to visit!
Growing Trout in 3rd Grade
The trout arrived in 3rd grade in the beginning of December. The temperature in the tank is kept low to prevent the eggs from hatching until students return in January. We raise the temperature and the trout hatch over the course of 2 weeks. They are now beginning to swim and look for food. The third graders will start feeding them next week! Ms. Finnegan loves this Lifecycle Unit and the big release of the trout in the spring. Stay tuned!
8th Grade Transition Happenings
Please see the date below for Runkle Parents/Guardians to meet with Rebecca Sneider, Guidance Counselor, about 8th-9th grade transition planning: Wednesday, February 5th at 6:30 pm, Runkle Library. Our 8th graders will also visit BHS on February 12th for a presentation about electives. Please fill out this Google Permission Form if you have not already done so. Brookline High School has also sent a message to all parents. Here is the link for the BHS Message.
Halfway Day is Monday, January 27th!
Just a friendly reminder that we are halfway through the school year on Monday! It will be our 90th day of classes. I know that 3H (and others) are dressing "Halfway" on Monday...
Half pajamas/half regular clothes
Half winter/half summer
Half hair up/half hair down
Half casual clothes/half dressy.
It also means were are closer to warmer weather!
Remaining Concert Dates from our Music Department
All concerts are in the Multipurpose Room at Runkle.
March 13th, 1st Grade (K and 2nd are invited)
April 3rd, Kindergarten (1st and 2nd are invited)
May 16th, 3rd Grade (2nd is invited)
May 29th, 5th and 6-8th Choruses at 6:30 pm
Important Dates
Tuesday, Jan. 28th: Faculty Meeting, 2:45-3:45pm
Wednesday, Jan. 29th: No School, Lunar New Year Observation
Tuesday, Feb. 4th: Dr. Guillory School Visit, 11am-1pm
Wednesday, Feb. 5th: 8th-9th Transition Meeting for Parents/Guardians with Ms. Sneider, 6:30pm in the Library
Friday, Feb. 7th: Grade 5 PAAR Event in Multi, Chris Poulos, 8:30am
Tuesday, Feb. 11th: Faculty Meeting, 2:45-3:45pm
Wednesday, Feb. 12th: Virtual PTO Meeting at 8:00pm
Wednesday, Feb. 12th: 8th Grade Visit BHS for Electives Presentation, 9-10:15am
Wednesday, Feb. 12th: Attendance Committee Meeting, 10:15am
Thursday, Feb. 13th: Middle School Dance in Multi
Week of Feb. 17th-21st: No School, February Break
HOLD Tuesday, Feb. 24th: iGuardian Parent Presentation on Cybersafety/Cell Phone at 8:15 am, Student assemblies to follow for Grade 4-5 and 6-8