Whirlwind weekly news
Week of September 16-20
Weekly Message/Updates
Whirlwind Mini Pep-Fest:
On Friday, from 3:00-3:30 we will have a kick-off mini pep-fest as a school. We are having a small Anoka HS band and cheer team come to get us excited. We will then play Minute-to-win-it games. We will need one teacher from each grade level to participate in the games. We will also need our 5th grade teachers to choose six 5th graders to participate as well. Please sign-up here: Minute-to-win-it sign up
We will start to call grade levels down at 2:45ish. You will sit at your grade level cones. If you are new, please ask your colleagues about how this will look.
Kindergarten Staffing:
We were just given another section of K due to our high class size. Over the next two weeks, we have a lot to do to make this happen for our teachers and students. Some things we need to plan are; hiring a K teacher, classroom space, class lists, specialist schedule, communication to families and more. The posting should go up on Monday for the K teacher position. Our hope is that we can have our 5th K section start on Monday, September 30. I will be collaborating with different staff as we plan.
Wilson Welcome Back Night:
Thank you to April for all of her work on getting this night planned. We had a huge turnout of 800 people! It was a great night of fun for our Wilson community. Thank you to all staff who participated to make this such a successful night. It is always a highlight of our year! I'm sorry we didn't have any food left for staff, as we were not anticipating such a high turnout.
Weekly schedule
Wilson Whirlwind Winners Document
Monday, September 16 - (DD5 - Collective Efficacy PLC) PLEDGE 5AK
8:35-9:10 Collective Efficacy Kick-Off - Bring Laptop (Flex Area - Teachers Only)
Tuesday, September 17 - (DD1 - Committee/Leadership)
Math MAP Test - Grades 3-5 (schedule)
Wednesday, September 18 - (DD2 - Child Study)
8:35-9:10 Child Study (SUN Room)
9:10-9:30 Bus Evacuation Drills - Please help if you don't have a class
Math MAP Test - Grades 3-5 (schedule)
Recess Emergency Drills - Classroom teachers, please meet outside 5 minutes early to practice before coming inside.
Thursday, September 19 - (DD3 - Collective Efficacy PLC)
8:35-9:10 Collective Efficacy - Bring Laptop (Flex/1st Grade)
Friday, September 20 - (DD4 - I-Team)
3:00-3:30 Mini-Pep Fest Kick-Off (Gym/Cafeteria)
Monday, September 23 - (DD5 - Collective Efficacy PLC)
8:35-9:10 Collective Efficacy - Bring Laptop (Flex/1st Grade)
Wilson Apparel
Wilson Apparel:
You can order at any time throughout the year. There are no deadlines to ordering.
Wilson Apparel: https://innovationsplusllc.com/product-category/anoka-hennepin-schools/wilson-elementary
School-Wide Title Strategies & Action Steps
Strategy 1 - Student Achievement in Reading
Strategy 2 - Student Achievement in Math
2024-2025 Intended Outcomes in Reading: By the end of the 2024-2025 school year, 47.9% of all 3-5 students will score at or above grade level proficiency on the All Accountability MCA Reading assessment.
2024-2025 Intended Outcomes in Math: By the end of the 2024-2025 school year, 60.9% of all 3-5 students will score at or above grade level proficiency on the All Accountability MCA Math assessment.
Action Steps:
1. Collaboration through Collective Efficacy Cycles - Research Effect Size of 1.57
2. Student Self-Reported Grades - Research Effect Size of 1.33
3. Response to Intervention (all students getting what they need) - Research Effect Size of 1.29
Strategy 3 - Student Engagement
2024-2025 Intended Outcomes:
During the 2024-2025 school year, our Equity/Student Support Team will work on strategies to close our academic (reading and math) and behavior gaps. They will also support teachers with a resource page with ideas, books and resources to learn and grow on your own or with students.
During the 2024-2025 school year, classroom teachers will implement morning meeting and Character Strong Start Intentionally and Grow lessons each week. Each classroom space will have a calming corner with routines that have been taught for students to utilize daily.
During the 2024-2025 school year, we will provide intentional spaces and routines to help students regulate their emotions/feelings (calming corner in each space, Skills Room and SUN Room).
Action Steps:
1. Resource Page and Achievement Gap strategies
2. Daily Morning Meeting with Character Strong Start Intentionally and Grow lessons weekly
3. Calming Corners in each classroom. Set routines and structures for students to access the Skills Room and SUN Room
This e-newsletter is published by Wilson Elementary School. Questions, comments or concerns about the school e-newsletter? Contact us.