Back to School Guide 2024-25
June 13th, 2024

Welcome Back!
Students return to school on Wednesday, August 7, 2024. Elementary schools are in session from 8:30 AM - 3:25 PM. PHMS and PHHS are in session from 7:30 AM - 2:25 PM.
Registration for the 2024-25 school year is now open. Register your student at https://arabiangrades.com/public/.
As a reminder, Indiana state law (IC 20-33-7.5) requires schools to notify parents of requests made by students to change the student's name or pronouns. For example, it is fairly common for a student named Matthew to go by the name Matt at school.
To ensure compliance with the law, we are asking that parents/guardians please update their student's preferred name in PowerSchool prior to the start of school. This can be done on the student registration page. Select “Form A. Start Registration Here.”
By completing and updating this registration information prior to school starting, you will help us make sure your student has a great first day of school.
If you need any help completing the registration process or accessing PowerSchool, please contact the individual school that your student attends for assistance.
Elementary Open House Information
Elementary students will meet their teachers and bring in supplies on Monday, August 5th from 5:00-6:30 PM. More details will be provided by the principals.
Elementary Class Lists
Elementary class lists will be available in PowerSchool on the afternoon of Tuesday, July 30th.
PHMS Walk Your Schedule
Student schedules are now available in PowerSchool. Students will have an opportunity to walk their schedule and decorate their lockers on Wednesday, July 31st from 8:00 AM-12:00 PM and on Friday, August 2nd from 12:00 PM-3:00 PM. Meet the Teacher Night is August 14th from 6:00-8:00PM.
PHHS Freshman Fun Day
Freshman Fun Day is on Wednesday, July 31st from 9:00-11:00 AM. Students will participate in activities, have a chance to win prizes, and have time to walk their schedule. This is a student-only event. Parents can drop off and pick up their students near the Auditorium entrance.
PHHS Student Schedules
Student schedules are available in PowerSchool. Some classes may need to be rebalanced, so students should check the day before school starts for the most updated schedule. To request a schedule change, please use this link: Schedule Change Form.
If your transportation plans for your student have changed this year, please update Form K. Even if your student will not be riding a bus, it is very important that you indicate that on Form K.
If you have indicated that your student will be riding a bus and they will be picked up or dropped off at an address within the district that is not the student's home address, such as at a childcare provider, please make sure you indicate this on Form K after answering question 3.
Bus assignments will be finalized the week before school starts and available in PowerSchool. An email will be sent out around August 2nd with your student’s bus assignment.
More Information can be found on the SMCSC Transportation Website.
If you have any questions contact Candy Stewart, Director of Transportation. She can be reached at cstewart@smcsc.com
School Supplies
Click on your school below for your child’s supply list. High school students will find out on the first day of school based on their scheduled classes.
PES Essential Skills (Clemons, Richwine, Hendrick, Bynum)
PHMS Essential Skills (Bishop)
Beginning 2023-2024 school year, school corporations in Indiana will not be charging any fees for curricular materials. While the law changes the process for curricular materials, it does not exclude other fees. School corporations may take any action authorized under IC 20-33-5-11(b) to collect unpaid curricular material fees assessed before July 1, 2024. The building treasurers will continue to work with parents to pay previous fees assessed for prior school years. Parents may expect fees for programs such as marching band, show choir, and other extra- and co-curricular activities.
Additionally, based on IC 20-26-5-4(a)(12)(B), Indiana statute permits school corporations to assess and collect a reasonable fee for lost or significantly damaged curricular materials. As in the past, lost or significant damage to curricular materials will be assessed to parents, as appropriate.
Arabian Protection Plan - The insurance provides a layer of protection for potential damages for parents. More details will be provided by the school.
Choice A: Opt out of APP coverage
Choice B: APP Tier 1 covers ONE incident ($33) for the entire school year, which would include all of the parts included in that single reported incident.
Choice C: APP Tier 2 covers TWO incidents ($45) for the entire school year, which would include all of the parts included in each of the two different reported incidents.
Communication Fee
Students in grades K-3 will be assessed a communication fee of $25. Students in grades 4-12 will be assessed a communication fee of $29. This fee includes the student planner (K-8), Graduation Pathways (9-12), ParentSquare, and Securly notifications.
Food Services
Check out our Nutrition Services page for menus and payment options.
Free & Reduced Price Meal & EBT Application Process
If you think you may qualify for meal and EBT assistance, there is one application to complete for both. This application must be completed annually for your household. You may complete an application for the 2024-25 school year once released at the end of July. In order to ensure any benefits are applied by the start of school, make sure to complete this application in a timely fashion. You can apply at any point throughout the school year, but any benefits approved will not take effect until after the date the application is submitted and processed. Applications will be available online at www.EZMealApp.com at the end of July, 2024. More information can be found on the SMCSC Nutrition Services website on the Meal Applications page: www.smcsc.com/departments/nutrition-services. If you have any questions, please contact Nutrition Services at (765) 778-2152 ext. 1015.
2024-25 SMCSC Meal Prices
Breakfast K-6 = $2.10
Breakfast 7-12 = $2.25
Lunch K-6 = $3.15
Lunch 7-12 = $3.25
Adult Pricing = A La Carte prices
Kids' Connection
Kids' Connection is now registering for the 2024-2025 school year. Please click here to see all of our information.
Career Opportunities
South Madison Community School Corporation employs over 500 dedicated individuals, making the school corporation one of the largest career destinations in Madison County. A variety of career opportunities including bus drivers, instructional assistants, substitute teachers, and nutrition services staff are available for next school year. Individuals who have chosen to call SMCSC home enjoy a positive work environment and make a difference for our students every day.
We are very excited to utilize ParentSquare as our new communication platform this year! Click here to join. You can also download the free app from your app store for easy access to district and school communication.
School Calendars
New This School Year
Be on the lookout for these exciting changes!
- Building improvements
New SMCSC website
New communication platform-ParentSquare
New teachers, staff, and leaders across the district
We are looking forward to an amazing 2024-25 school year!
For additional school district information please visit our website smcsc.com