Bath Tech Newsletter

February 28, 2025
Pre-Engineering students are hard at work machining their aluminum coasters that they designed in Solidworks and programmed the toolpaths in HSMWorks
This week, students from Bath Tech's CNA program hosted their annual Teddy Bear Clinic. The littles from Head Start brought their "stuffies" in for physicals. Children could listen to their stuffies' heart rate, have them weighed and make sure they had their stuffies shots. After their visits with the CNA students, the littles visited the criminal justice students so they could see what it is like to have their fingerprints done, and then take the fingerprint card home so parents can keep them on file. Finally, the littles visited the table hosted by the graphic design students so they could get custom made stickers created in our graphic designs program.
ATTENDANCE CALLS - If your student will be absent from Bath Tech, please call 207-443-8257 (press 1) to talk to or leave a message for Mrs. McCue. You can also email her at cmccue@rsu1.org
VOLUNTEERING - Are you interested in being on a list of eligible volunteers? Visit the RSU 1 website to learn more and to sign up: https://www.rsu1.org/page/volunteer-information Please allow one week prior to a field trip or event for processing.
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Christina McCue
Christina is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters