Tiger Talk
Jan. 12th
I hope everyone enjoyed the extra long break! The Snow Angel Challenge was fun to watch unfold! Smithton had great participation!
Second Semester Reminders:
Second quarter grade cards can be expected home in Friday folders on January 17th.
We appreciate greatly your attention to minimizing the end of day transportation changes. It truly makes such a difference. If you must make a change, please contact the elementary office via phone, email, or Rooms by 2:15.
When sending in money please put in an envelope and include your child's name and what the money is for. We want to ensure the funds make it to the correct account, fundraiser, etc.
We are aiming to streamline communication with the Rooms tab on our Smithton App. If you are still not signed up for this communication tool please reach out so we can assist you.
Prior to the holiday break we were experiencing an influx of toys and goodies from home making their way into the classroom. Please remind students that toys should be left at home or in the car.
Calling All Readers!
We are slightly behind on our year long reading goal! Encourage your students to read, read, read and remind them to log their reading times!!
HOCO Spirit Week!!!
Important Dates:
January 20th- No School MLK Day
January 21st-24th Homecoming Spirit Week
January 24th- Homecoming Game
February 14th-NO School (staff PD)
February 17th -NO School
Boys and Girls Club
Boys and Girls Club is not in session on January 20th and March 10th. Please add these dates to your calendars as they will be here before we know it.