eDCSD Online Elementary Update
October 23, 2024
Quarter 2 Week 2
We hope that you all enjoyed your fall break and had a chance to relax and recharge. Week 2 of Quarter 2 begins today. We will be enjoying some fall themed activities and will celebrate our October Spirit Day by wearing Halloween costumes on Monday. Please read the announcements below for more details.
Our eDCSD Rockstar!
Bob Hoery is part of the senior work program through DCSD and we were able to honor him for his amazing work! If you have not met Bob, you are missing out so try to stop by his desk in the front lobby when he is in the office helping to keep us organized and always ready to tell a joke!
Important Dates
- Monday, October 28: Elementary Blended Learning 9 - 12:30
- Monday, October 28: Spirit Day, Costumes
- Monday, November 4: Elementary Blended Learning 9 - 12:30
- Monday, November 11: Elementary Blended Learning 9 - 12:30
- Thursday, November 14: Elementary Field Trip Denver Aquarium
Elementary Weekly Schedule
Monday: Blended Learning 9 AM - 12:30 PM
Tuesday and Thursday: Virtual Class Blocks
Wednesday: Small Group and Individual Support Sessions
Friday: Independent Work Day
View the detailed schedule HERE
Blended Learning
Blended Learning for K-6 occurs each Monday from 9 AM - 12:30 PM while school is in session. It is held at 373 Inverness Parkway Suite 207, Englewood, CO 80112. While at Blended, students will participate in projects and activities to support relationships between the teachers and students as well as peer connections. In addition, all staff including administrators, counselors, tech support, school psychologist, learning coach, learning specialist, and office staff are available to support students with any questions or needs.
Cogat Testing Information
Click HERE to read about the CogAT Universal Screening for 6th graders on November 11, 2024.
eDCSD Has a New Website!
Check out our new website at edcsd.dcsdk12.org. Our old website has a link to forward to our new site but will no longer be updated. To get the latest information about events, schedules, and staff contacts, make sure to visit the new site!
School Photos Available!
If you attended Open House and had school pictures taken, fall photos are available online to view and order!
Please visit: https://shop.imagequix.com/g1001169842 and use your student's school ID number as the passcode.
Khanmigo Pilot School Information
Click HERE to read a letter from DCSD regarding the Khanmigo AI pilot that eDCSD Online will participate in this school year.
Reminder about Blended Learning and Virtual Class
Please keep in mind that Blended Learning and Virtual Class attendance is required at the K-6 level. Students must attend our face to face meetings on Mondays from 9 am - 12:30 pm and attend their scheduled virtual class times on Tuesday and Thursday. This is an essential part of our programming with students and we will be following up with families whose students are not attending.
Attendance Update
Due to a change in the district's attendance messaging system, the automated attendance calls have not been sending. Please make sure you are logging into Infinite Campus to check student attendance. As a reminder, at eDCSD, we only take attendance once a week for the whole week, Wednesday - Tuesday. If a student shows an absence in a class, this means the student did not complete any work the whole previous week, equaling 5 days of class.
Parent Canvas Accounts
Please use THIS link to access the Canvas Parent Login Page.
eDCSD parents who are new to Canvas, below are directions on how to create your account. You will begin by generating a Pairing Code from your student’s account and then you will use this code to create your own account.
Click HERE to view a video on how to set up your parent Canvas account. Or you can click HERE for written instructions.
Computer Check Out
If you are in need of a school-issued laptop computer for the 24/25 school year, you may check one out in our office Monday - Thursday, 7:30 AM - 3:30 PM.
Please be prepared to pay the computer deposit fee of $100 by credit card or check.
If you have any questions about computer devices contact Sally Garrett at sgarrett@dcsdk12.org or call 303-387-9604.
Counselor Information
If you need support from your school counselor, please reach out to Jenny Alsup for Grades K-8 at jdalsup@dcsdk12.org
Technology Support
If you are experiencing technology issues and need support beyond what your student's classroom teacher can provide, please contact Mrs. Blomquist at kblomquist@dcsdk12.org
Learning Coach Appointments
School Meals
On Blended Learning days, students may get a free school lunch from Nutrition Services. If students would prefer, they may bring their own lunch or snack.
Virtual Parent Orientation for Quarter 1
Contact Information
Front Office: 303-387-9600
Attendance: Sally Garrett 303-387-9604
Technology Support: Kristina Blomquist 303-387-9745 ~ kblomquist @dcsdk12.org
Office Hours
Monday - Thursday: 7:30 AM - 3:30 PM
Friday: By phone, email, or appointment.
If you need assistance, please call 303-387-9600