Bear News/Oso Noticias- August 22
News for August 22, 2024
- Thursday, August 29: Open House/Welcome Back Event!
- 4:30-5:30: Kinder - 2nd Grade
- 5:30-7:00: 3rd - 6th Grade
- Tuesday, September 3: First Day of School for Grades 1-6
- Wednesday, September 4: First Day of School for Kindergarten
- 8:55-9:30 AM - Coffee & Donuts for Kindergarten Families
Welcome Back!
Dear Little Canada Families,
Welcome back to a new and exciting school year! I hope you all had a restful and enjoyable summer, filled with wonderful memories. We are thrilled to have our students return to school, and our entire team is eager to embark on another year of learning, growth, and discovery.
We at Little Canada are getting ready to welcome back our students! Our custodial staff has been working non-stop to get our building ready for teachers and students. Let me tell you, it looks great!
This week, I had the opportunity to welcome the new staff joining our community and their excitement was evident! I have also run into returning staff this week who are getting ready to welcome new students!
Little Canada staff officially returns to the building on Monday, August 26, for a week full of meetings, professional development, and organizing their rooms. You will be hearing from them that week!
Please read through a few other pieces of information below. We will start with our weekly newsletters in order to provide you with the necessary information to have a smooth start to the school year.
Please, enjoy the last few days of summer break! And feel free to reach out in case you have any questions.
Thank you,
Dr. José Becerra & Michelle Keleny
Principal & Associate Principal
Classroom Assignments
Classroom assignments will be announced on Monday, August 26 via teacher’s email. If you do not receive an email by the end of that day, you can contact the school for assistance and determine that we have the correct email on file.
We will not post class lists in the hallways, but we will have staff members at different tables throughout the building during Open House on Thursday, August 29 to let you know who your child’s teacher is for this school year.
Open House / Meet the Teacher Event
We will have our Open House (Meet the Teacher) event on Thursday, August 29 from 4:30- 7:00 PM. This year we are dividing the time in two blocks:
Kindergarten through 2nd Grade: 4:30-5:30
3rd grade through 6th grade: 5:30-7:00
We understand that some families have children in multiple grade levels, so come when it works for you and your family.
The open house is designed to meet your child's teacher, drop off school supplies, connect with office staff, and gather information about transportation, the health office, nutrition services, and our Parent Teacher Association (PTA). You will receive a card to get stamps as you visit the different stations.
School Breakfasts and Lunches
Each student will again receive a free breakfast and a free lunch this school year! Students will still need to enter their lunch PIN number so we can track how many meals are served each day.
You can find more information about this process at our district nutrition services website linked here.
Complete Educational Benefits Form
ALL families need to complete the educational benefits form. Even though each student receives a free meal this school year, we still need families to complete the form. It unlocks other benefits AND it provides additional funding for Little Canda.
This is a HUGE priority for us this year. We will work to ensure that 100% of our families complete the form. My apologies in advance for all the reminders and contacts you will receive this fall. Please complete it even if you think your family income exceeds any benefit. Each application received helps our school!
Directions are below:
The Application for Educational Benefits (formerly known as Free and Reduced) can be completed beginning early August at LINQ Connect Family Portal.
Click on the green "Start Meal Application" button (log in not required).
Follow the instructions to complete your online application.
An eligibility notice letter will arrive via mail or email within 10 business days.
Additional Information:
One application needed per family each year.
This form used to be called the “Free and Reduced Lunch” form
The income thresholds are higher than in some programs, so many families are surprised to find they DO qualify.
Open House/Welcome Back Event (¡Evento de Bienvenida!)
School Supply Lists
Complete the Application for Educational Benefits TODAY!
All students will have access to a complete breakfast, lunch, and afterschool super snack at no cost. We ask ALL families to fill out the Application for Educational Benefits form (previously called Free/Reduced Meal Application) EVERY year. This form determines funding for your child’s school and provides direct benefits for your child if you qualify. Benefits include funding for:
• Waived fees for athletics, testing, and transportation for your child
• Reduced internet fees
• Social workers, paraprofessionals, and counselors
• Decreased student-to-instructor ratios
• Increased technology
• Early childhood education
To apply today, CLICK HERE!