Literacy Lounge📚
A newsletter from your WMS Librarian and Literacy Coach.
MAY 16, 2024
We would be happy to support you or to answer any questions. To contact us:
Mr. Chris Cochran 📝
6-8 Literacy Coach
Follow my Instagram! wms_literacy_coach
Ms. Paula Cabral 📚
WMS Librarian
WMS Literacy Updates ✏️
Students will be taking end of the year iReady diagnostics on Tuesday, May 28th from 8:00 - 9:50 (math) and Wednesday, May 29th from 8:00 - 9:50 (reading). Students will have time throughout the rest of the day to finish, if needed. Please encourage your child to do their best and show what they know. We use this information to place students for fall WIN classes, and to track how well we are doing as a school, to always move students toward their full potential in reading and math.
WMS Library News 📚
The Digital Learning and Library department had the opportunity to present information on AI in education to both the WMS and WHS staff. The presentation was intended to be the beginning of an ongoing conversation about AI and its implications for our students. The sessions covered an overview of what AI is, its benefits and limitations, its implications for academic integrity and data privacy, as well as We appreciate all the staff members who took the time to attend our sessions and who engaged with the content.
Ms. Cabral’s summer reading WIN group narrowed down their finalists for WMS summer reading, and a vote was held to determine the final winners! Thank you to all students who participated in the vote. Now the WIN class is hard at work creating promotional materials to help get students excited about their summer reading options. Students have been making videos, posters, artwork, and more! Please check the One School One Question website for more information about the book finalists, and stay tuned for WIN student materials to be posted.