SKHS 24-25 Summer Bulletin 4
July 19th, 2024
Save the Date!
This fall the high school will be inviting students to bring their families to check out all the high school has to offer. Tour classrooms, meet new (and previous) teachers, and attend grade level appropriate presentations for lots of important information about the up coming school year.
We are excited about this event and invite you to SAVE THE DATE and look out for more communication about the SK Showcase coming soon!
Thursday, September 26th 4-7 p.m.
SKSD transportation department is working on the 2024-25 school year routes. The routes will be available for viewing by the end of the day on August 16th.
Routes may continue to change and be adjusted as enrollment changes. Check back regularly before school starts.
This site helps you find your student's bus stop, time and bus route letter for regular transportation to and from school by entering your house number and street address. Click HERE for BUS STOP LOOKUP
- Please be at your stop 5 minutes before your scheduled pick up time.
- Note bus pick up times are 45 minutes later than regular scheduled times on Late Start Wednesday.
- To cancel any special education transportation call: 360-874-7090 as early as possible. You will still need to notify the school attendance of your students absence.
Families are able to complete the school benefits application, add money to students accounts, set spending limits for their students purchases and see menus online.
Click HERE to get started with South Kitsap SD LINQ Connect
In order to have school extra-curricular fees waived or reduced, you must complete a 2024-25 School Benefits Application AND agree to Release of Information which is part of the Annual Agreement and Verification process via Skyward.
(Fee reduction & waivers are only available for the current school year and cannot be applied retroactively.)
Log into Skyward Family Access:
If you've forgotten your login or password, click here: Forgot your Login/Password
Click on this link for instructions that will guide you through the process.
* Please note that only primary household parents/guardians have access to this process. *
Call: 360-874-5600 or email