Partners in Education
March 2024 / FSPS 2023-2024 - Important Dates Issue
FSPS Employee Recognition Program
4th Quarter
• District employees who have worked for the district for five years or less may be nominated for the Ignite Award. This recognizes their energy and willingness to serve up a great education for students. These new employees demonstrate commitment to students, professional learning and leadership development.
• A Kind Counts Award recognizes employees who are models of respect and kindness, and who build meaningful and productive relationships with students and colleagues.
• The Foundation’s Every Day Leader Award is designed as a shout-out to great employees who make a significant sustained impact on learning in and out of the classroom.
The nomination form is currently open and accepting nominations through TODAY for the 3rd quarter of 2023-2024! Nominate FSPS Staff here. Nominations for 4th quarter will be accepted from March 9-May 1, 2024 so continue to nominate staff members!
Grant & Scholarship Applications Open Now
FSPS Foundation is currently accepting applications for the following grants & scholarships:
Application deadline April 1, 2024:
Tom Cooley Space Academy for Educators grant (teams of 2)
BLG AASA Scholarship (graduating seniors)
Application deadline April 8, 2024:
Interested in Supporting Career Focused Camps - Summer 2024?
Interested in sponsoring? Sign-up HERE.
Fort Smith Schools is offering 9 career focused camps to students in grades 7-9. They are listed below and on the flyer attached. The sponsorships are to provide learning experiences, field trips, and lunches for the participants. This summer Fort Smith schools is providing the teaching staff, materials for each camp, and transportation. If your company is interested in partnering, this form will allow one to register for that. If you would like to sponsor more than one camp, we ask that you fill out the form for each camp sponsorship you could provide.
Interested in sponsoring? Sign-up HERE.
Questions? Contact either either of us at Peak:
Stephanie Freeman sfreeman@fortsmithschools.org
Amye Drackett adrackett@fortsmithschoosl.org
We appreciate your support and partnerships in our summer camps!
Interested in becoming involved?
If so, please fill out an application.
Need more information about being a Partner in Education? Here's a quick FAQ sheet to answer some of your questions!