Falcon Flyer
Belong. Inspire. Grow.
Straight from the Hardt
Hello Ridgeline Families-
As a principal, I highly value student leaders in our building. This shows up in so many different ways such as team captains, club and class officers, or without even holding an official “title”—leaders happen!
Our ASB President, Owen Rich, is a leader we all count on almost every day. Owen understands the essence of our mission and does so much to spread good will amongst our students and staff. When he’s not doing morning announcements, greeting people at the door, prepping for band-theater-percussion, and everything else….you might find him in business mode addressing the school board and the following day sporting an actual mohawk at the indoor percussion showcase! He’d make a cool principal someday!
Great moments and successes continue to be had here at Ridgeline. We’re already half way through our celebratory month of March and Verde Loco. Today at lunch students who found a gold coin under their seat were rewarded with a free drink from the NEST! We appreciate your support of our Shop Loco vendors this month. An integral part of our spirit competition is the Food Drive. This is an opportunity for the classes to compete and gain valuable points toward the championship. More importantly, it is an opportunity for us to give back to our local community. Many people don’t realize that this time of the year is often when their supplies run the lowest. They build up over the holiday months, but by spring it’s a great time for us to lend a hand again. The drive culminates at the VERDE LOCO Neon Dance, Friday the 24th. 2 cans/items of non-perishable food=Admission to the dance. Just a quick reminder—the Neon Dance is for Ridgeline students ONLY.
So what else is happening….? Well…we got this group of boys in this club called Knowledge Bowl… and they just went and won our FIRST STATE CHAMPIONSHIP! We’re proud of them for their hard work and representing Ridgeline at the highest level. Check out their photo and the size of that trophy!
One reason I always encourage parents and students to read the Flyer is because I know personally, even working in the school, it’s easy to forget and keep track of everything that we do over a weeks’ time. If you’re a parent of a current 8th grader, the newsletter is a very practical way to find out, in real-time, what opportunities are available for your freshman next year. Next week you’ll notice it is Cheer tryouts already! We have ASB elections for 10-12 grade and then do elections for freshman class officers in the fall, once they’re on campus. Take a look at the art work from our students who entered the Holocaust memorial art contest. Very powerful. Stay informed, read the Flyer.
Make it a great weekend! –Mr. Hardt
Shop Loco
Join us as we celebrate our students and the incredible community we live/work in! Special thanks to the local businesses who have chosen to partner with our booster club in support of the Falcons. If you see this logo, one of our talented student's made it! If you see this in the window of businesses in our community they are supporting the Falcons! Keep your eyes out for amazing deals and contributions from these generous partners! (also- if you are a business who doesn't want to miss being a part of this, please contact rhsverdeloco@gmail.com ) #shoploco #welocoyou
Student Services
CHAS Apprenticeship Program
On Wednesday, March 22, Kat Brown from the Community Health Association of Spokane (CHAS) will be on campus during lunches to share apprenticeship opportunities with RHS students! Students can stop by her table to learn more about these opportunities, as well as part-time job opportunities CHAS has available for high school students!
Is Your Junior or Senior Student Interested In Becoming a Surgeon?
Providence will offer interested students and community members a remote opportunity to view in real time a surgery experience being facilitated in its Portland St. Vincent Medical Center. The Ortho Watch (Orthopedic Surgery ) virtual viewing will take place on the Sacred Heart Medical Center Auditorium on Wednesday April 5th. Spokane doors open at 6:30am and Providence St. Vincent in Portland will come online at 7:00am.
The registration link is below. Providence asks that attendees be 17 years of age or older.
Class Registration (microsoftcrmportals.com)
At the bottom of the registration you will be asked to sign up for a location. It is in a box marked Pass or Ticket.
Avista Energy Career Pathways Program
If your junior or senior student harbors interest in exploring an energy sector professional pathway, the Avista Energy Pathways program could be a valuable summer internship experience! The application is currently open for the 2023 summer session and will close on March 31st. Students can apply and learn more via the following link.
If you and/or your students have any questions regarding the program or the application process, email Avista at energy.pathways@avistacorp.com . The videos linked here may also be helpful!
A Hands-on Introduction to Engineering Professions!
On Wednesday, April 12, from 4:00 – 6:00 PM, Coffman Engineering invites high school students interested in engineering professions to join them for a workshop to become familiar with various disciplines within it. Participants will be divided into small groups and will then visit civil/land survey, structural, commercial, mechanical, industrial mechanical, and electrical engineering discipline stations. This FREE event typically fills fast, so your student should register ASAP, using the following link.
Central Valley Virtual Learning registration
Verde Loco Food Drive- food collection March 13th-24th
Verde Loco food drive begins on March 13th. Students can bring in canned food items and drop off in grade level bins by the front office! This is a class competition to win points!
Verde Loco Neon Dance- March 24th
We are getting excited for our upcoming Verde Loco Neon Dance! Friday, March 24th from 7-10pm. Students bring 2 cans of food to donate for entry.
RIP- Ridgeline Indoor Percussion
What a great adventure for Ridgeline Indoor Percussion. We are so proud of your debut this season in competition.
2nd place in Percussion Scholastic Open class with an 82.1.
ENVY- our Winter Colorguard
Congrats to ENVY our Winter Colorguard. 3rd place in their debut competition this past weekend! They performed in the Olympia area and medaled. We are so proud of you.
Knowledge Bowl State Champions
Ridgeline’s Knowledge Bowl team made Falcon history but winning the first state championship!
Congratulations to Nick Rahm, Zander Palm, Evan Andersen, Callen Johnson, Jacob Wharton & Brock Brito!
Poetry Slam
Our 2nd Annual Falcon Poetry Slam was a success! Thank you so much for coming out to support our amazing performers. The very talented Ava Bryant, Angel Pina, Alexander Corona, Allie Aitken, and Kharma Gentry will represent Ridgeline at the Valley Slam on Wednesday evening at University High School. A special thanks to Jack Lavelle for emceeing the event, and to Mr. Hardt and Mrs. Frandsen for judging. B.I.G. snaps to all the participants – keep writing!
Civics Bowl- airs on Monday, March 20 at 7:00 pm on KSPS!
ASB Elections now open
ASB Officer Elections are coming soon. Sophomores and Juniors can find the Application to run for an ASB officer position by using the QR code on the TVs and posters in the commons. Applications are due March 22. See Mr. Conrad if you have any questions. bconrad@cvsd.org
PACE award winners for February: Honesty trait
Advanced Food Production
Advanced Food Production had a great time creating dishes using MRE's and water! Thank you, SSG Garza, for teaching us how to use the MRE packets and for inspiring our culinary creativity!
Mr. Schilb's "D wing podcast"
Mr. Schilb's class had the opportunity to interview Officer Holthaus creating their own "D wing podcast". Student's came up with questions and learned how to use the equipment with the help of Mr. Egeland.
Save the date for RHS Cheer tryouts
RHS Cheer Tryouts!
March 20-23, 6-8:30 pm, RHS main gym -- incoming 9-12 graders welcome to try out!
Final Forms registration open 3/14-3/20
MUST be completely cleared in Final Forms to participate!
Google Class Code: 4tbozbi
Questions? direct them to: alentz@cvsd.org
Wizard of Oz... coming soon!
Ding Dong the witch is dead!! Rehearsals are in full swing for our spring Musical the “Wizard of Oz”. Mark you calendars! Performances are May 4,5,11,12 and 13.
Falcon Artists
Hannah Lind, Zoe Sherman, and Griffin Vargas completed these incredible pieces to submit to the 8th Annual Memorial Art Contest for the observance of the Holocaust. Their pieces highlight the dangers of indifference to harmful political or social movements that mistreat or threaten people. These powerful pieces have the opportunity to be chosen for a larger public display at the Spokane Public Library in downtown Spokane during the month of May.
Proud of these kids is an understatement! Tackling any new artistic medium is difficult, but these students are taking it on with a positive attitude and great work ethic. They continue to push themselves and try new things, and when things don’t work out the first time they push themselves to try again. They are putting themselves out there and are eager to learn.
RHS Business Club
The Business Club (FBLA and DECA) got to celebrate their respective regional and state competition accomplishments during both lunches on Wednesday with a pizza party and trophy awards presentation. Thank you to Mr. Hardt for joining us to congratulate the students on their success. Well done FBLA and DECA! We are proud of you!
LINK Crew Applications now Open
LINK crew applications are now open, starting 3/14/23 and running through 4/14/23, Only for new applicants (current sophomores and current juniors only). Google Classroom code: dwc2sb7
Unified Soccer Meeting - March 23rd
Grad Announcements will be distributed on March 30th
June 10th, 2023
Triple Play Family Fun Park
175 W Orchard Ave
Hayden, Idaho 83835
Make sure to follow the grad night page: @rhs_grad_night_2023
Tickets for Senior GRAD Night- $85 each
Class of 2023 Graduation
Free & Reduced Meal Application
Free and Reduced meal application regular free and reduced-price meal program.
Want to add money to your student's meal plan? It's easy! Click the link below!
Coming soon after Spring Break!
Digital Job Boards
Just a reminder to keep checking the Digital Jobs Board on our Ridgeline Web Site under Counseling and Careers for job openings and internships. New postings have been added this week! Job boards are linked in our Instagram Bio, too!
Do you own a business that is hiring? We would love to add your job posting to our CVSD Digital Jobs Board, all of our CVSD students have access to this! Please email the information to Kelli Demarest at kdemarest@cvsd.org and due to district email issues, please also email kdemarest@cvsd356.org!
Thank you!
Job Fair
Here is the registration link for businesses to reserve a table https://bit.ly/rhsjobfairregistration
STEM Engineering & Construction Camp being held at Scott Air Force Base, Illinois from July 16th – 22nd.
*Eligible for rising sophomores, juniors, or seniors as of Fall 2023
Attendance Reminder
Just a reminder to please call ahead for appointments and other excused absences to help make sure teachers and students are aware. Our attendance line is 24/7 so feel free to leave a message! Parent notes to request an early dismissal for an appointment can also be given to the office ahead of time
Business Office Hours
Business Office Open Hours:
7:15- 2:30pm
(Closed 12:30-1:30pm daily)