Mustang Memo Q3 Week 7
February 19, 2024
Message From The Principal
Dear Miller Mustang Parents and Community
Good Evening Mustangs!
We are moving through February with Quarter 4 in our sight. Last week was dedicated to Love of Reading. Miller had amazing guest readers and of course a huge turnout for spirit week. It was amazing to walk through classrooms and see all of our students with a book ready to go! As we wrap up Quarter 3 we will be keeping our focus on attendance and engaging in learning.
This week we only have three short fun filled rodeo days as there is no school on Thursday or Friday! We will be taking our amazing Preschoolers, Mustang of the Months, and raffled Rockstars to the Rodeo on Tuesday. If your student was chosen to go to the Rodeo they brought a special permission slip home last week. Please make sure these are turned in to the front office tomorrow. On Wednesday we have Rodeo Days at Miller's Peter Piper Pizza Family Night! Dress ready for the rodeo and come have some fun from 5-8! Make sure you let them know you are there from Miller.
When we come back from our Rodeo Break we will begin our Quarterly testing! We hope you have an amazing week!
Warm regards,
Katherine Sabel M. Ed
Miller Elementary School
“Teaching and learning should bring joy.”
~Rita Pierson
Announcements for Week 7 February 19, 2024
Rodeo Rewards
Our Preschoolers, Mustangs of the Month, and some lucky rockstars are headed to the Rodeo! All students invited brought home a permission slip last week. Please turn in permission slips MONDAY!
Fifth Grade Camp Cooper Trip is quickly approaching.
Please join us for an informative parent meeting on Tuesday February 20th from 6-7 in our Cafeteria.
Rodeo Nights Peter Piper Pizza Family Night
Join us at Peter Piper Pizza in your best Western Dress!
Spectrum Location
Wednesday February 21,2024
PTO Ice Cream Wednesday!
PTO will be selling ice-cream in our courtyard on Fridays (Wednesday this week)
All students will be permitted to go to the courtyard before they leave.
We have different price options. .50-$3
Cafeteria Update
Milk alone is not free it costs $.30 per free lunch guidelines.
We are a free lunch school; therefore, we must follow the state and federal guidelines.
All students may get a lunch (Milk, Entrée, Fruit/Veg,)
Students that are bringing lunch from home and only want milk, must purchase milk for $.30
Mark Your Calendar
2/26 Q3 Benchmarks
3/5-3/7 5th grade Camp Cooper Trip
3/8 Grading Day
3/11-3/15 Spring Break
Quarter 3 Focus!
Attendance Matters
Attendance at school from the first b-ell to the dismissal bell is vital. The first hour of our school day from 8:30-10:00 is pivotal grade-level learning! Throughout our four day week we had 131 tardies (25 or more each day) coming to school after 8:35. We know it is difficult and we are so excited to see you always. With the extra 15+ minutes each day gives students an hour or more learning each week! If you need support in anyway please let us know!
If for unforeseen circumstances your child is unable to attend, please ensure that you report and excuse these absences. There is a new feature this year in the ParentVue App to report absences. Under "Student List", you'll see a blue "Report Absence" button next to your child's name. If for any reason you need assistance with this, or need to report the absence over the phone, please call the office at (520)908-4202.
Drop off and Dismissal Support
We need your help at Drop off and Dismissal!
When dropping off your students in the morning, we have had many parents unload students in front of our school by the front office or cafeteria. This is creating safety problems for our students, staff and families. Stopping here creates a backup on Camino de la Tierra. At the very end of our roundabout we have placed an adult to support the safety of students exiting their cars. We are asking that students stay in the car until they get to this adult. If you need a speedier drop off, you can also utilize the drop off on Avenida Isabel in front of the gate to our school.
If you choose to walk your student in, please park in the lot (NOT the side by our coral as this blocks our parent drop off and creates a safety hazard.) and bring your students in. We really appreciate your support in keeping our students safe and making drop off move smoothly.
If you are parking and getting your students, please avoid Avenida Isabel. Avenida Isabel is reserved for our Valet Pick-up. We have had some parents parking in the no parking area. This creates safety issues for our students and families, blocks traffic, and slows our dismissal process. Please park in our parking lot and have your students go to our Corral for parent pickup.
Thank you for your patience and helping our staff and families keep students safe!
Rockstars Friday February 16, 2024
Rockstars are chosen by any adult on campus. These students show their ability to RIDE (Respect, Integrity, Determination, and Empathy/Excellence) in their daily interactions with their peers, classmates, and Mustangs on campus. They truly know what it means to RIDE together to success!
Rockstars February 2, 2024
Family Engagement Event
Parent Teacher Conferences
We committed to keeping time for any Mustang family to meet with their teachers and provided some family engagement time as well.
Drexel Heights
Our community partner, Drexel Heights came Thursday evening to connect with our Miller Mustangs
What is Friendship
Our amazing counselor Mrs. Oakley set up a table to connect with families and engage in meaningful conversations about friendship and conflict.
Love of Reading Week
Reading with the Mayor
Mayor Romero made a special ZOOM visit to read to our Mustangs
Guest Readers
We had amazing community members show up each day to read to our students.
Drexel Fireman
Drexel Fireman came out to read not once, but TWO days!!!!
Dress Like your TEACHER Tuesday
Mr. Hall's students were spot on!
Celebrating Arizona's Birthday
We dressed for the party in honor of Arizona's Birthday!
Everyday we Dropped Everything And Read!
Reading Cafe
Ms. Dominguez's class had a reading Cafe!
Miller Facebook
We love sharing all of the fun on campus! For more pictures and happenings visit our Miller Facebook page!
Arrival and Dismissal Reminders
All Mustangs RIDE together to success and we need our Mustang parents and families to help with arrival and dismissal. Please review the reminders below and be sure to follow these procedures at arrival and dismissal.
- When you are using the drop off at the front of school, for the safety of our staff and students it is extremely important parents pull all the way to the east gate by the fourth grade building to drop off.
- Gate will be locked at 8:30 AM.
- After gates are locked, please park your car and bring your students to the front office to be signed in. After 8:30 students must be accompanied by a responsible adult.
Please do not drop off students anywhere else once you enter the campus drive.
- If you would like your student(s) to enter the school through the front gate, please park and walk them in.
For the safety of our students we began a new policy this year. Our gate and campus is locked until after dismissal. Parents of pre-k are the only parents permitted in the building and must sign students out, ALL other parents must follow the procedures in place. PLEASE DO NOT bypass the procedures and enter the gate or the building during pickup.
We have 3 options for dismissal (Mustang Coralle, Valet:, or bus/daycare). Please review the procedures of these options and ensure you are following them.
Mustang Corrale:
students are brought to the gated area outside of the cafeteria to wait for their ride.
Parent/Guardian parks and checks student out from adult in corrale.
students are brought to the rear of school and are to look for car on Calle Isabel
Parent stays in car and pulls up to adult to load the student
PLEASE DO NOT bypass the procedures. Our building is locked at 2:30 for safety. No Parents are permitted to enter the kinder or fifth grade hallway doors.
PLEASE do not enter the font gate
PLEASE do not enter the building during pickup.
One way to see an improvement in our school is Attendance. Miller has an attendance goal this year! We would like to see our campus get to 90% attendance. Did you know that in order to have 90% attendance, your student could still miss up to 18 days of school outside of school holidays and days off? Attendance letters and plans have been sent out to students who are currently at or below. This means that a student with below 70% attendance has attended less than 42 days out of the 60 we have been in school. We understand when students get sick and have to stay home. We would like to ask for your support in encouraging and helping your student(s) understand the importance of being at school everyday. Learning can be hard, but we will help them feel better and understand even though learning is hard, making mistakes and asking questions is how we learn! Together we will RIDE to success and celebrate along the way!