Parent Update
Watertown High School

Parent Update 1.17.25
Greetings WHS families,
Thanks to our students and staff for making this another incredible week at WHS! It was great to see those who made it out to parent teacher conferences last night. Remember families are always welcome to check their student's progress on Skyward and communicate with teachers.
This time of year can always be tough with the various illnesses impacting students as well as staff. Please continue to encourage healthy habits with your student to maximize attendance at school to the extent possible. If your student is absent be sure to encourage them to check with their teachers and review Skyward to ensure any missed assignments are completed as soon as possible. Thanks to our families in advance for partnering with staff as we navigate all that comes with the winter months!
This was the second week of registration for our students in grades 9-11 as they completed the course selection process for the 2025-26 school year. This is always an inspiring process with the many thoughtful discussions around course options, programming, and future opportunities. Families are encouraged to discuss the registration process with their students as they plan their course selections. All course selections are due in Skyward by Friday, January 24th. If you need any assistance with this process be sure to check out the WHS Course Registration website or reach out to one of our fantastic WHS counselors at any time!
Don't forget that WUSD students are not in session on Monday, January 20 as WHS staff are engaged in professional development activities throughout the day. We appreciate the communities support as we work hard to enhance teaching and learning at WHS.
Have a great weekend and stay warm!
Course Selection Process Update
WHS current 9-11th grade students are well underway with the registration process, and our current 8th graders kicked off their process with Freshmen Preview Night on January 16th. As you work with your child throughout this process, please visit our WHS Registration Website for a central information hub HERE. Course selection is due by January 24th for our current 9-11th graders and extended to the 27th for our current 8th graders. Thanks for all your communications as we support all students throughout this planning process!
WUSD to Host Town Hall Meeting
The community is invited to attend the next "Briefings" with Superintendent of Schools Dr. Jarred Burke on Monday, January 20 at 6 p.m. at the Watertown Public Library. During this town hall-style meeting, attendees will learn about issues relevant today to the Watertown Unified School District, including the upcoming April 1, 2025 school referendum.
According to Dr. Burke, the need for the referendum stems from the continued rising cost of goods and services that support the district's daily operations. In addition, the district's budget shortfall has been intensified by inadequate funding from the State of Wisconsin over the last decade. "The district continues to strive toward a balanced budget, and has deferred maintenance, ongoing staff development, and needed advancement and changes in curriculum," he said.
If the referendum is approved by voters, the WUSD will use these operational funds to increase school safety, retain and attract top talent, protect our high-quality programs and services, and to expand learning opportunities for its students.
In addition to the referendum, topics that will be discussed at next Monday's meeting include the district's new Strategic Plan, long range facilities planning, the importance of partnerships with local businesses and civic groups, and district celebrations. Questions and feedback from attendees will be welcome.
For more information, contact Melissa Lampe, WUSD communications specialist, at lampem@mywusd.org or call (920) 262-1460. Additional referendum information is available on the district's website at bit.ly/wusdreferendum2025.
YRBS Survey
Watertown High School will be taking part in the Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) sponsored by the Department of Public Instruction in early February. The YRBS is designed to determine the prevalence of health behaviors now and over time, examine the co-occurrence of health behaviors, create usable data sets, and monitor progress through the use of objectives and indicators. All student responses to the survey are confidential and no information is provided in a personally identifiable way. If you would prefer your child not participate in the YRBS, please return this form to Student Services by Monday, February 3, 2025.
Rooms App Coming Soon
Parents and Guardians, please check your email and/or text messages for your invitation to join Rooms!
The District Download
Winter 2024
We invite you to enjoy the Winter 2025 edition of The District Download - the WUSD's quarterly newsletter. In this newsletter you will find information regarding the upcoming school referendum and Board of Education election set for April 1, 2025. You’ll also read about an administrative staff spotlight, information about upcoming events, and so much more! To view the Spanish-language version of the newsletter, please click the link or scan the code in the upper right-hand corner of the front cover.
In addition, the newsletter features information regarding the recent change to the WUSD dining menu. The district has moved from Nutrislice to My School Menus. This information has been updated on all school websites. We encourage you to view the menu platform at https://myschoolmenus.com/organizations/2346 and to download the My School Menus app. Please contact the Nutrition Services office with any questions at (920) 262-7536.
ACT Overview
ACT Prep Courses
WHS will be offering ACT prep courses in the areas of Science, English and Math on Saturdays mornings. Students can sign up for an individual course for a fee of $12 per course OR students can sign up for all 3 courses for $30. Students interested in participating should sign up with the Bookkeeper, Mrs. Klinger, in the Front Entrance Office. The dates and times for each course are as follows:
1/25/25 - Science - 9 a.m. - 11 a.m.
2/1/25 - ELA and Reading - 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
3/8/25 - Math - 9 a.m. - 11 a.m.
Stacci Barganz, WUSD Advanced Learning Coordinator, will be offering a general test prep session for students on Tuesday, February 18 from 3:45 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. in the WHS Lecture Hall.
Homeroom ACT Prep
Students in 11th grade can access IXL to build a personalized ACT prep plan designed to focus on individual skills across ACT subject areas. Students will be using this tool over the next couple weeks during homeroom. This is a resource that WHS 11th grade students can use as much as possible before the ACT exam on March 12th.
Families are encouraged to communicate with their student about their ACT goals, progress on IXL test prep, and the importance of putting maximum effort into the ACT exam day on March 12th, 2025. Thanks in advance for your support as we help our students take advantage of as many career opportunities as possible by demonstrating academic excellence on the ACT!
Now Hiring
WABC: Trivia Night
Great Things Happening at WHS!
FCCLA students opened their cafe during Parent Teacher Conferences.
Students playing games at lunch.
DECA District Competition
DECA students traveled to DeForest last weekend to compete in the District Conference. Congratulations to Ella Mock who took first place overall and is a state qualifier. Megan Doherty and Alexa Muza both received medals for being a finalist. Sarin Johnson received a medal for achieving a high score on the test portion of the competition!
DECA Chapter Group Photo
Picture is Ella Mock receiving her First Place Award.
Ella Mock, Sarin Johnson, and Alexa Muza pose for a picture with their awards.
Important Upcoming Dates
- No School - Staff Professional Development Day: Monday, January 20
- Course Selection Due for 2025-2026: Friday, January 24
- No School - Staff Professional Development Day: Monday, February 10
- Local Scholarship Deadline: Monday, March 3, 2025
- End of Trimester 2: Thursday, March 6 (No early release)
- No School - WHS Work Day: Friday, March 7
- Start of Trimester 3: Monday, March 10
- Junior State Wide ACT Test: Wednesday, March 12 (no school for grades 9, 10, & 12)
- Career Fair: Wednesday, March 19
- Spring Break: Monday, March 24 - Friday, March 28
Parent Resources
WHS Phone Numbers
WHS Main Line: 920-262-7500
- Press 1 for Attendance Office
- Press 2 for Student Services/Requesting a Transcript
- Press 3 for Main Office (Administration/Athletics)
- Press 4 for Bookkeeping Office
- Press 5 for Nutrition Services
- Press 6 for WHS Health Room
WHS Attendance: 920-262-7537
WHS Student Services: 920-262-7550
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Watertown Unified School District on Instagram at instagram.com/watertownusd