Half Day

Curriculum Night Approaching
Dear Families,
Your involvement and support are key to a successful school year for every Half Day student. Curriculum Night provides parents/guardians insight into the learning environment, student expectations, grade-level curriculum and more. Please plan to join us!
Third-Grade: 7:15 p.m. Wednesday, August 28
Fourth-Grade: 6:30 p.m. Monday, August 26, meets in student's classrooms due to overheated cafetorium.
Fifth-Grade: 6:00 p.m. Wednesday, August 28
We gather first for a welcome in the cafetorium and then transition to the classrooms. We look forward to meeting you! Please take note our target audience for our upcoming curriculum nights is for adults.
Just a note to please follow the parking guidelines at and around Half Day School.
Please review school start times, drop off and pick up procedures, and other Back-To-School information in the principal’s letter.
Donate While You Dine
Half Day Information
- Half Day Calendar
- Archived newsletters
- YouTube Principals
- Principal Jill Mau
- Assistant Principal Laura Delagrange
- 847-634-1484
- Hd_attendance@d103.org