Secondary Instructional Updates
Newsletter Issue 7~February 2025/Vol.1
Message from Chief Academic Officer Dr. Frances Baez
Dear LAUSD Educators,
As we step into 2025, we do so with a shared commitment to supporting our students and families, especially during this challenging time. Our hearts are with those impacted by the recent fires in Los Angeles. We recognize the profound challenges that many of our students, families, and colleagues are facing, from the loss of homes to evacuations and displacement. Please know that we are with you, ready to support you and your school communities every step of the way.
Our students need stability, compassion, and encouragement now more than ever—and you are the heart of this effort. Your role as educators is greatly appreciated as it is vital in providing them with a sense of safety, hope, and continuity during these uncertain times.
Despite these difficulties, the Middle of the Year assessments remain a crucial tool to guide our instruction and ensure that all students have the opportunity to thrive. I extend my gratitude as you continue fostering resilience and optimism in your classrooms as you guide your students through this period. Your care and dedication make a world of difference.
Thank you for your unwavering commitment to your students and your perseverance during this difficult time. Together, we will continue to move forward, lifting each other up and creating a sense of stability and hope in our classrooms and school communities. I wish you and your students a safe, productive, and hopeful new year.
Dr. Frances Baez, Chief Academic Officer
Division of Instruction
Inspirational Quote
“Part of our formal education should be training in empathy. Imagine how different the world would be if, in fact, it were ‘reading, writing, arithmetic, empathy." ― Neil deGrasse Tyson
Instructional Updates and Resources
English Language Arts
Secondary ELA Intervention Workshops
The professional learning sessions aim to support intervention in Middle School and High School Literacy Intervention courses held during the school day. The focus of the PD is on exploring effective and research-based strategies for providing intervention in secondary English Language Arts classrooms. The session will cover best practices, techniques, and methodologies that can be used to help students who are struggling in ELA to improve their understanding and performance. Registration can be found on MyPLN by searching the keyword ELAIntervention24. Participants will be paid training rate for completing the session.
Remaining Date and Time:
- Saturday, April 5, 2025
Participants will be notified of location. For more information, contact Alyssa Avila, Secondary ELA Coordinator at alyssa.avila@lausd.net.
Newsela for Engaging, Differentiated Instruction
With over 18,000 authentic texts published at five reading levels, teacher scaffolding tools, and flexible formative assessments with actionable data and insights, Newsela helps teachers engage, support, and grow every learner. Newsela Office Hours-Join to learn best practices, and tactical strategies for integrating Newsela resources to support teaching and learning and/or troubleshoot any issues you may have encountered. You may access Newsela's Resource Roundup here. For more information, contact Lindsey Dyer at lindsey.dyer@newsela.com.
Engage, Support, and Grow Every Learner with Newsela for LAUSD
Newsela’s products are purpose-built to inspire teachers, unlock student motivation, and drive long-lasting learning outcomes. From building student knowledge and skills in core subject areas to supporting daily instruction and assessment, Newsela helps teachers engage, support, and grow every learner. For more information or to coordinate a training for your site, please contact Lindsey Dyer, Strategic Customer Success Manager at lindsey.dyer@newsela.com.
Teacher-Created Media Literacy Lessons
Media literacy model lessons created by teachers during the Summer PD 2023 are now available for classroom implementation. Thank you to the teacher authors who created the lessons and the cadre that reviewed and selected the lessons for publication. Please see the lesson sheet for more information. For information, please contact Ryan Hyatt, Secondary Literacy Coordinator at rxh5697@lausd.net.
Project-Based Learning (PBL) Professional Development
This training is an opportunity for high school ELA educators teaching grades 9th-12th to learn about and implement project-based learning (PBL). This is a 3-hour asynchronous professional development on Schoology. This learning opportunity is paid at training rate. For additional information, contact Shauna Maldonado, A-G ELA Advisor at shauna.maldonado@lausd.net.
Asynchronous PD: Equitable Grading and Instruction (EGI) in Project-Based Learning (PBL)
This training is an opportunity for high school educators teaching grades 9th-12th to learn about and implement EGI grading practices in project-based learning (PBL). This is a 3-hour asynchronous training on Schoology and is paid at training rate. For additional information, contact Shauna Maldonado, A-G ELA Advisor at shauna.maldonado@lausd.net.
Secondary Literacy Intervention Workshops
The Secondary Literacy Intervention Symposium will provide opportunities for all teachers and support staff to provide effective literacy interventions to struggling students This includes intervention courses such as Academic Literacy and Literacy for Success (grades 6-8) and Strategic Literacy (grades 9-10), Middle school interventionists, English Language Arts teachers, Middle School College Career Coaches, Intervention Prevention coordinators, Title 1 Coordinators, and Administrators who are supporting intervention. Remaining session date and time: Session 4: April 5, 2025.
Sessions are from 8:30 A.M. to 11:30 A.M. Participants will be paid training rate for completing the session. For additional information, contact Alyssa Avila, Secondary ELA Coordinator at alyssa.avila@lausd.net.
California Mathematics Updated Framework Workshop
This half-day math training offers all secondary math teachers and administrators the chance to explore the California Math Framework and how Building Thinking Classrooms supports access and equity. In Session 1, California Math Updated Framework, participants will learn the following: What's new in the framework, key principles and guidelines, and insights into what implementation may look like in the classroom. Session 2, which is titled Building a Thinking Classroom, will allow participants to explore the concept of building thinking classrooms and factors that influence student thinking.
Dates and Times: March 15 or April 26, 2025. 8:15 A.M. - 12:30 P.M.
Location: Dymally HS and Roy Romer MS
This training series consists of two workshops.Teachers who attend and complete each workshop in the two four-hour series will be compensated at the training rate.
For more information, contact Philip Ogbuehi, Coordinator, Secondary Mathematics at philip.ogbuehi@lausd.net.
2024-25 Illustrative Math PD for Cohorts 1-4
This PD is a series of four in-person sessions designated for secondary math and RSP teachers who have completed their first, second, or third year of Illustrative Mathematics implementation. Due to its design as a series, participants should plan to attend all 3 dates. School math department teams are highly encouraged to register and attend together. Sessions will be in-person on Saturdays. If attending on Saturdays teachers will be compensated at the training rate. If attending during the week, school sites must provide sub coverage. Please see the flyer below for details. Registration is through MyPLN.
Remaining Dates:
- February 22 or 26
- March 15 or 19
Time: 8:15 A.M. - 3:15 P.M.
Location: TBD
For more information, contact Philip Ogbuehi, Coordinator, Secondary Mathematics at philip.ogbuehi@lausd.net.
Integrating Progress Monitoring Tools into Secondary Science Curriculum for Effective Learning
Participating science teachers will gain valuable insights into integrating effective tools and resources into their curriculum to monitor student progress. Additionally, teachers will be introduced to the newly released CAST Interim Assessment and learn how to utilize it in a flexible, non-standardized manner to enhance student learning outcomes. This training will equip you with practical strategies to better support your students' academic growth. Compensation will be at the training rate. You may register on MyPLN by searching the keyword Sci-Curriculum-Assessment.
Remaining dates and times:
- February 22, 2025
- March 22, 2025
Time: 8:30 A.M. to 3:30 P.M.
For any questions, contact Ayham Dahi, Science Coordinator at ayham.dahi@lausd.net.
School Requested Science Curriculum Professional Development
Secondary schools have the option to request a science professional development on their adopted curriculum. Schools have a menu of options to choose from, or they can request customized support. The professional development can be in person or virtual and can be selected here. Compensation is the responsibility of the school site. Please see the flyer for more details.
For more information, contact Ayham Dahi, Science Coordinator at ayham.dahi@lausd.net.
Support for Teaching Physiology and Interactions
Professional development is available for teachers new to teaching Physiology or Interactions. Teachers will participate in an asynchronous Schoology course to gain an in-depth understanding of the content and pedagogy for these two courses. This opportunity is school funded. To receive compensation for 12 hours at the hourly rate upon course completion, teachers must currently be teaching Physiology or Interactions and obtain prior approval from their administrator.
Please see the following Schoology Access Codes for each of these courses:
- Physiology Course 5BNN-39B9-M4QXM
- Interactions Course J4ZG-263V-SPWXW
For more information, contact Ayham Dahi, Science Coordinator at ayham.dahi@lausd.net.
The Granada Hills Science Materials Center
The Granada Hills Science Materials Center has thousands of science resources available for teachers to borrow at no cost. Please visit our web page to view a selection of science items from our Science Materials Lending Library. Staff are welcome to drop by: 10401 Balboa Blvd. Granada Hills CA 91344. Hours of operation: Monday– Friday 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM, closed holidays and weekends. You can contact us via email: Robert.sosa@lausd.net or call (818) 831-8330. Checked out materials can be delivered and picked to and from your school. Hope to see you soon! Additional information may be accessed here. For more information, contact Lillian Valadez-Rodela, Science Coordinator, at lillian.valadez-rodela@lausd.net.
Equitable Grading and Instruction
Equitable Grading and Instruction (EGI) PD Series
EGI offers equity in grading and instructional practices and supports all students in demonstrating grade-level proficiency. The EGI PD series is designed to support participants in understanding the "why" and the "what" of Equitable Grading and Instruction (EGI). After engaging in all workshops and demonstrating a clear understanding of the ideas and resources in the online learning, participants earn EGI certification. If you are interested in participating in the EGI PD series, please complete and submit the interest form available here. A member of the EGI team will contact you with additional information when a new opportunity to engage in the series becomes available. Teachers are compensated at the training rate for all hours beyond the contracted day. For more information, contact Chris Grounds, EGI Coordinator at christopher.grounds@lausd.net.
EGI Facilitator Training
This 6-day training series equips participants with equity-focused instructional and grading practices, preparing them to lead school teams through the EGI PD series and support implementation. Participants must have approval from their administrator to participate. School sites are responsible for providing sub coverage, if necessary. If interested, please complete and submit the interest form here.
Remaining Dates:
- February 20, 2025
- March 13, 2025
- March 27, 2025
- April 10, 2025
- May 1, 2025
- May 29, 2025
All sessions are from 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Location: 333 S. Beaudry Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90017.
For more information, contact Daniel Allbee, EGI Coordinator, at dma9014@lausd.net or Terrance Starnes, EGI Expert, terrance.starnes@lausd.net.
EGI Salary Point Class
EGI offers equity in grading and instructional practices and supports all students in demonstrating grade-level proficiency. The EGI Salary Point Class meets on three days for five hours and includes 30 hours of asynchronous, online learning. Participants who successfully complete the course will earn one salary point credit.
Remaining dates and times:
- February 15, 2025
- March 1, 2025
Instructional Technology Initiative
Administrator's Digital Citizenship Toolkit
A one-stop shop for all digital citizenship resources including banked time PD for the mandatory digital citizenship lesson and RUP check-off in MiSiS. Toolkit with additional resources may be found here. For any questions, contact Sophia Mendoza, Director, Instructional Technology Initiative, at sophia.mendoza@lausd.net.
Level Up Los Angeles Season 3 - Minecraft Esports Competition
All UTK-12 students are invited to participate in Level Up Los Angeles Season 3, a Districtwide Minecraft esports competition, where students collaborate, compete, and reshape the future of Los Angeles through build challenges focused on sustainability! To find additional information, click on the following link. For any questions, contact Sophia Mendoza, Director, Instructional Technology Initiative, at sophia.mendoza@lausd.net.
Coming Soon: ITI Professional Learning Opportunities
The ITI Professional Learning Catalog is coming soon with sessions available for registration in MyPLN. ITI supports all schools Districtwide with robust and rigorous professional learning by offering various models of support along a continuum to meet learners where they are. Additional information may be accessed using the following website. For any questions, contact Sophia Mendoza, Director, Instructional Technology Initiative, at sophia.mendoza@lausd.net.
Mandatory Digital Citizenship Lessons and RUP
Mandatory Digital Citizenship instruction for all UTK-12 students was due by the end of the fall Semester. Elementary and secondary school students must receive digital citizenship instruction and complete the RUP. Document completion in MiSiS. For additional information, please access the following website. If you have any additional questions, contact Sophia Mendoza, Director, Instructional Technology Initiative, at sophia.mendoza@lausd.net.
ITI Professional Learning Opportunities
ITI supports all schools Districtwide with robust and rigorous professional learning by offering various models of support along a continuum to meet learners where they are. Register in MyPLN using keywords: ITI, digital citizenship, computer science, esports, artificial intelligence, or cybersecurity. To access additional information, use the following website link. For additional questions, contact Sophia Mendoza, Director, Instructional Technology Initiative, at sophia.mendoza@lausd.net.
i-Ready Student & Family Data Chats Playbook
Please click here to access a guide for schools to engage students and families in understanding i-Ready Diagnostic data, monitoring progress, and setting goals.
For additional i-Ready support, click here.
Secondary Content Look-Fors
3-Types of Content Writing Look-Fors
Teachers are to engage students in various writing tasks for different audiences across all content areas, ensuring alignment with grade-level standards and the three main writing types: informational, opinion/argument, and narrative writing.
Secondary English Language Arts Look-Fors
The purpose of this resource is to provide leaders with components of English Language Arts Instruction that are aligned to TLF Instructional Priority Element Look Fors.
History-Social Science Look-Fors
The purpose of this resource is to provide leaders with components of History-Social Studies Instruction that are aligned to TLF Instructional Priority Element Look Fors.
Math Look-Fors
This document aims to offer guidance and support to school leaders and teachers by aligning the 8 Effective Teacher Math Practice Standards, the 8 Student Mathematical Practice Standards, and the Teaching and Learning Framework.
Math - Illustrative Math (IM) 6-12 Look-Fors
The purpose of this resource is to provide leaders with components of Illustrative Math (IM) Instruction that are aligned to TLF Instructional Priority Element Look Fors.
Ethnic Studies Look-Fors
The purpose of this resource is to provide leaders with components of Ethnic Studies courses that are aligned to TLF Instructional Priority Element Look Fors.
Science Look-Fors
The purpose of this resource is to provide leaders with components of Science Instruction that are aligned to TLF Instructional Priority Element Look Fors.
Social/Emotional Learning
2024-2025 Social Emotional Learning Advisory Lessons
Explore our customizable SEL Google Slide lessons designed specifically for secondary teachers (grades 6-12). These lessons, curated by the Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Unit, were developed in collaboration with School Mental Health, Student Health and Human Services, Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports, Human Relations, Equity and Diversity, A-G Linked Learning, and the SEL Unit. The lessons are available in a suggested monthly sequence or can be organized by SEL competency. For more information, contact Karla Lopez, SEL Adviser at kal9009@lausd.net.
Summer 2024 PD Make-up
Summer 2024 PD Make-Up due date has been extended until February 7, 2025. For details regarding the modules, please see the IOC: Summer PD4T Make Up Sessions. Secondary LOTE, PE, and Health make-up modules will be accessible on MyPLN starting on Friday, February 7, 2025. The deadline for these modules will be extended until Friday, March 7, 2025. For additional information, contact Dr. Justin Lauer, Director, Middle School Instruction at jxl9505@lausd.net.
SEL Vendor Menu of Programs: Empowering Educators for Student Success!
Exciting news! Discover Social Emotional Learning (SEL) programs tailored for LAUSD schools. Explore evidence-based digital platforms, mindfulness practices, and culturally inclusive curriculums designed to enhance student well-being, boost academic success, and align with SEL competencies and District Goal 4. Learn about programs like Inner Explorer, Harmony SEL, and Character Strong, and join virtual events to see how they support MTSS and build inclusive, connected school communities! For more information, contact Karla Lopez, SEL Adviser at kal9009@lausd.net.
SEL Day Campaign Announcement 2024-25
Celebrate SEL Day on March 7, 2025, with the theme “Integrating Joy in Learning Through SEL.” LA Unified educators and administrators are invited to showcase their SEL practices by submitting images, videos, or descriptions highlighting how they bring joy into learning through SEL. Submissions are due by February 14, 2025. Selected educators will receive a gift of appreciation and be featured on the SEL Unit and SEL4CA websites, as well as in the official SEL Day Educator Spotlight. Let’s celebrate the amazing SEL work happening in our schools! For question, reach out to Maribel Contreras at mxm7894@lausd.net.
SEL Banked-Time PD Sessions
The Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Unit offers SEL Banked-Time PD Sessions for schools facilitated by Second Step, Harmony, Inner Explorer, and RethinkEd! The facilitators for these programs would be happy to provide training for your staff. Please use the attached flyer and review the PD Menu for the dates, topics, and registration links. If you have any questions, please reach out to Nancy Palomera, SEL Adviser at nxp1564@lausd.net.
Wellness SEL Newsletter
The SEL Unit has curated wellness resources to support families, caregivers, students, and staff during challenging times. These resources include self-care strategies, stress management lessons, crisis response tools, and instructional materials for staff. Click on the handout to access these valuable tools and promote well-being within your school community. For question, reach out to Maribel Contreras at mxm7894@lausd.net.
SEL Winter Newsletter
Explore the Winter SEL Newsletter 2025 for valuable resources and upcoming events! Discover mindfulness practices, staff appreciation ideas, and activities to promote wellness. Access tools such as the SEL Integration Guide, SEL Competency 'I Can' Posters, and tips for embedding SEL into daily routines. Don’t forget to mark your calendars for events such as SEL Day (March 7, 2025). Let’s continue working together to foster positive school climates! For question, reach out to Maribel Contreras at mxm7894@lausd.net.
Special Education
New Special Education Teacher Series
The Division of Special Education is offering a variety of topics geared towards new special education teachers. This optional virtual training consists of a variety of topics geared towards new special education teachers. Participants will learn best strategies and techniques for implementing small group instruction in their classroom.
Remaining dates in February:
- February 12, 2025
- February 25, 2025
Time: 2:30 P.M. to 3:30 P.M.
Register on MyPLN using keyword: ED4ALL; These are voluntary sessions, no compensation will be provided. For additional information, contact Joyce Radcliffe, Specialist at joyce.radcliffe@lausd.net.
Refresher Training: 95 Percent Phonics Lesson Library Training
This 95% Group Phonics Lesson Library is a required training for Resource Specialist Teachers that have been previously trained AND have not yet met the 2023-2024 mandatory training requirement. Date and times: 8:00 A.M. to 11:00 A.M. or 12:00 to 3:00 P.M. on February 18, 2025. To access this virtual session, register on MyPLN using the keyword: ED4ALL. The Division of Special Education is not providing substitute coverage. For additional information, contact Joyce Radcliffe, Specialist at joyce.radcliffe@lausd.net.
Digital Tools
LAUSD Students and Employees Can Access Digital Books for Free!
- The LAUSD Learning Library on Sora is a collection of ebooks, audiobooks, comics, and magazines available for all LAUSD students and employees. There is content for all grade levels UTK–12.
- The LAUSD Learning Library is a valuable resource for all readers. Teacher Librarians curated each grade-level collection available in various formats to engage your students.
- E-books for CKLA trade books coming soon!
- You can access Sora via the waffle in Schoology PLS_Job_Aid_Sora.docx or https://soraapp.com/library/lausd.
- Watch this video to understand how to use Sora! Click this link for the Spanish SORA video.
Discovery Education
You're Invited! "ReDiscover" Discovery Education
Whether you are brand new to Discovery Education, or have been with us for years, this webinar series is tailored just for California! Leave with actionable ideas, ready to use the next day. See descriptions and register for the sessions that interest you! Learn more here. For additional information, contact Sarah Johangiry, Director, Statewide and Strategic Partnerships at SJohangiry@discoveryed.com.
Connect your Classroom to Careers!
Career Connect is a revolutionary new platform that allows educators to select guest speakers from across industries to share their career journey virtually with their classrooms. Please log-in to Discovery Education and then select this Self-Service Link to add the Career Connect Tile under the heading Curriculum Packs on your Discovery Education home page. You may also view this video to learn more about Career Connect and how to request a classroom virtual visit. For more information, please contact Sarah Johangiry, Director: Statewide and Strategic Partnerships, SJohangiry@discoveryed.com.
Invite Guest Speakers to Share Their Career Journey with Your Class!
Career Connect is a revolutionary new platform that allows educators to select guest speakers from across industries to share their career journey virtually with their classrooms. Please log-in to Discovery Education and then select this Self-Service Link to add the Career Connect Tile under the heading Curriculum Packs on your Discovery Education home page. Watch this video to learn how to create a new request. For more information, please contact Sarah Johangiry, Director: Statewide and Strategic Partnerships, SJohangiry@discoveryed.com.
February Events
Commemorative Events
Resources to Support the Honoring and Addressing of Black History Month
Please see the links and instructional materials below to support the celebrating and honoring of Black History Month in your classrooms, which include the following:
- PK-12 Black Historical Consciousness, by Dr. LaGarrett King
- Black History Month Virtual Bulletin Board with links to resources such as the LA County Library site dedicated to African American and Black History Month
Explore Your Fabulous February Newsletter!
Find engaging resources and tools to support learning within Discovery Education Experience! Celebrate Black History Month, CTE Month, Valentine's Day, American Heart Month, President's Day, and much more. • Discover standards-aligned ready-to-use lessons. • Learn how to build an activity in Studio or create a video quiz. For more information, please contact Sarah Johangiry, Director: Statewide and Strategic Partnerships at SJohangiry@discoveryed.com.
Boost Engagement with Discovery Education! Education Resources for February Observances and Commemorative Events
Please see the following resources for the month of February from Discovery Education. We are excited to share interactive ready-to-use activities. Find new strategies, recommended resources, and tools to support learning in all UTK-12 classrooms. Before selecting a Discovery Education link, please sign-in through Schoology or your Clever Portal.
- National Freedom Day
- Lincoln’s Birthday (February 12)
- Susan B. Anthony Day (February 15)
- Presidents’ Day-President’s Day Channel
- Washington’s Birthday (February 22)-George Washington
- American Heart Month
- Black History Month
- Children’s Dental Health Month
For more information, please contact Sarah Johangiry, Director: Statewide and Strategic Partnerships at SJohangiry@discoveryed.com.
Please see the items below for activities and resources scheduled this month by the LA County Library
Please use the following link to view events for February
LAUSD Calendars
Use the following link to access the various District calendars.