NT Lumberjacks ELA Dashboard
September 28th, 2023

🚨 🎥 Step 1: Watch the "How to Use the 2024-2025 Data Dashboard" Video!
📋 Instructions:
- Click Here ▶️ to view the 10-minute instructional video on using the updated Data Dashboard.
- This video will walk you through the key features and new enhancements for the 2024-2025 school year, helping you get the most out of the dashboard.
🚨 Step 2: Unlock Your ELA Dashboard Access 🚨
Before getting started, all staff must complete this critical step to ensure proper access to the ELA Dashboard.
📋 Directions:
- Click Here to unlock your access before proceeding.
- After clicking the link, you’ll be ready to use the ELA Dashboard for the 2024-25 school year.
📊 Welcome to the Updated 2024-2025 ELA Dashboard!
We’re excited to announce the enhanced ELA Dashboard, now supporting Kindergarten through 3rd Grade!
🆕 What’s New This Year?
Several enhancements have been made to streamline your access to student data:
- First-Grade Teachers can now easily view their students' Kindergarten data within the same workbook.
- Second-Grade Advisors have access to their students' first-grade performance.
- Third-Grade Teachers can now view their students' second-grade data.
💻 Important Reminders
- Use only the online version of Excel for entering and viewing data.
- Completely exit the workbook once you’re finished to prevent syncing or access issues.
- Do not leave yourself logged in while away from your computer. This can cause access problems for other staff members.
Special Education Classrooms
- We recognize that certain aspects of the reading and phonics data may not be accessible for some special class special education students.
- If a teacher is unsure about whether data should be collected for a particular student, contact Mike Hiller or Liz Petryk for clarification.
- If it is determined that data should not be collected, the teacher should enter ‘NA’ in each column for that student to ensure there is no perception that data was simply forgotten
📝 Special Access for 3rd Grade Teachers
Third-grade teachers can:
- Log into the ELA Dashboard.
- Filter student names to show only their 2024-25 students.
- View students' previous school year performance to support instructional planning.
- Click here to access your 3rd Grade SONDAY Workbooks.
🔑 Permissions and Access
- Permissions have been individually granted to the Excel workbook.
- You must be logged into your own MS Office Account to use this resource.
- URLs for accessing the dashboard are listed below.
🔑 Step 2: Download the PDF Instructions to enter Data Input Common Assessments K-2 📥
- Click Here to download the PDF from the screen capture below.
- Review the assessments listed in red on the sheet, as these will be collected in the data dashboard.
- The other assessments listed are still important for instructional purposes but are not required for data collection at this time.
📋 Key Information for Teachers:
PUoS Snap Word Lists: These can be used for 1st and 2nd grade HFW (High-Frequency Words) assessments this year, as they align with the reading Units of Study (UoS).
The RUoS unit names and Gold Page numbers have been added to the sheet to show where they fall in the unit.
- We are not collecting this data now, but understanding where students are with HFW is crucial for instruction and reading success.
Developmental Spelling Assessment: This can still be used as an encoding assessment.
- 1st and 2nd grade teachers have the option to use it, but UFLI (the new system) will provide alternate data.
- Kindergarten will continue to use the Developmental Spelling Assessment as usual.
📝 Final Notes:
- Red assessments are collected in the data dashboard.
- The remaining assessments are used for instructional purposes only, at this time.
Dashboard Enhancements Overview
Suggestion Completed
- Data Consolidation: We’ve successfully integrated data from the previous school year (2023-2024) into the current school year (2024-2025) to allow for easy access and comparison.
- Phonics Decoding Assessment:
- Previous year data now appears in lighter shades for better differentiation:
- "PY-P" (Previous Year Passed) is light green.
- "PY-T" (Previous Year Tested) is light red.
- Microsoft Excel Online Usage:
- It is critical to use Microsoft Excel Online for entering and viewing data.
- Staff must log out of the workbook once finished to prevent syncing issues or delays in applying updates or maintenance.
- Enhanced Filtering Options:
- Staff members can now filter data by either the current (2024-2025) advisor’s name or the previous (2023-2024) advisor’s name.
- Additional filters include:
- School filters: Select a specific building to view data relevant to that location.
- Specialist filters: For staff like remedial reading teachers or psychologists who work across all buildings, there is an option to filter by student last name to view the entire grade-level population they worked with.
- New Tabs and Filtering by Advisor:
- New tabs have been added for Kindergarten 24-25 Reading, 24-25 Phonics, and First Grade 24-25 Reading, all of which allow filtering by advisor's name to view specific student performance.
- Tabs for Kindergarten 23-24 Reading and First Grade 23-24 Reading enable current teachers to filter and view how their students performed in the previous year.
- Extra Rows for New Students:
- Two additional rows have been provided after each homeroom teacher’s list to accommodate any new students added during the school year.
- Student Status Tracking:
- A "Student Status" column has been added, with all current students marked as Active (green).
- If a student moves within or out of the district, you can select the appropriate status ("Moved in-district" or "Moved out-of-district"), which will highlight the cell in blue, with a column to mark the date of the update.
- Second Grade Data:
- Tabs for Second Grade 23-24 Reading and Phonics Data are available for current third-grade teachers to view past performance.
- Permissions:
- Homeroom teachers will have editing access to their specific rows.
- We are coordinating with principals to update permissions for additional staff, such as psychologists or remedial reading teachers, to access the workbook as needed.
🔄 Identify Adjustments: Open your current homeroom roster displayed in the K-2 Dashboard.
If you notice discrepancies or students who require special considerations (e.g., transfer, new students), make a note of these.
🖱️ CLICK HERE TO COMPLETE THE MICROSOFT STUDENT ADJUSTMENT SURVEY: For each student needing adjustments, fill in the relevant sections in the Microsoft Survey. There is a comment section to add necessary detailed explanations to facilitate accurate updates.
🔄 Follow-Up: If there are subsequent changes or additional adjustments needed after your submission, please submit a new request.
👥 Staff Access Overview: ADMININISTRATOR ONLY Tap here to review the roster of your school's staff currently authorized to use the ELA Dashboard. Confirm your team's readiness for success.
➕ Add More Staff: If your team needs to grow, click here to request access for more staff, specifying their need for edit or view permissions on the ELA Dashboard.