Colrain Central School News
Where we learn by serving...
Finding us online
Just a reminder that updated information can always be found at our website: https://colrain.mohawktrailschools.org/ and our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/colraincentral
November 1, 2024
A Note from Ms. Looman
- Next week we have our first round of conferences. If you are unsure of your conference(s) or if you are unable to keep your previously scheduled time slot(s), please contact Mrs. White in the front office.
- The month of November has a very choppy schedule. Please make sure you are checking the calendar for early releases, no school days, events at school, etc.
From the Health Office
PTO News
A HUGE thank you to all who came out and supported our Trunk or Treat event. It was a wonderful success!!
Upcoming Events
11/5: No school for district inservice
11/7: 12:30 dismissal: Family/Teacher Conferences
11/8: 12:30 dismissal: Family/Teacher Conferences
11/11: No school in observance of Veteran's Day
11/14: 5/6 grade STEAM fair at MTRS
11/27: 12:30 dismissal for Thanksgiving break
11/28-29: No School in observance of Thanksgiving
1:50 dismissals: 10/30, 11/20
12:30 dismissals: 11/7, 11/8, 11/27
November Lunch Menu
Amy Looman
Amy is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters