Communications Corner EOY Edition
With over 8k views in 23-24...thank you for a great year!
Welcome to our END OF YEAR Edition of Communications Corner!
It's July 1st! Can you believe it? This year flew by! We hope you have made the most of it and wish you a safe, fun, and healthy summer break!
Scroll through for a quick recap of the last few months...we miss you already but look forward to seeing you around town this summer!
Tag us @boe.ellington and #ellingtonunplugged with all your fun summer adventures, recipe photos, or just fun with friends or family - home or away!
Happy Reading,
Committee Chair Jenn Mullin
Congratulations to the Class of 2024! 🎓
Board Chair Jennifer Dzen shared her 2024 Commencement Address
Ms. Dzen encouraged the graduates to embrace the three C's :
- Choice
- Chance
- Change
"You have to make a choice, take a chance or your life will never change."
You can watch the full Commencement address HERE.
🐳 Windermere School Update!
PBC Liaison Gary Blanchette shared that the project is underway and we're looking to move right along this summer with more building! The project is on track for some to start moving into new classrooms over the Holiday break in December! Drive by and check it out! We will also be sharing weekly updates on FB and Instagram!
View from Windsorville Road 🚧
View from Abbott Road 🚧
Exciting things happened over the last couple months! Check them out below 👇
2024-2025 Budget Passes!
Ellington Schools Awarded Governor M. Jodi Rell Center for Public Service at the University of Hartford Annual Civility Award
On Sunday, June 9, 2024, the Ellington Public Schools was awarded the Governor M. Jodi Rell Center for Public Service at the University of Hartford Annual Civility Award for its Seeds of Civility initiative.
New BOE Student Liaison - Rebecca Willett!
Welcome, Rebecca! We look forward to have you begin your role in August at the first Regular Board of Education meeting of the 2024-2025 school year!
Thank you Noelle!
Thank you Noelle for your work and commitment to the Ellington Board of Education. The Board wishes you all the best in your future!
Welcome Brady! Knight's New Football Head Coach
2nd Annual Career Fair at EHS
Be Completely You!
Superintendent Dr. Nicol shares tenet #5 in Ellington Unplugged as featured in a recent EIE video featuring the National Art Honor Society installation at Hall Memorial Library. Not only should everyone "Be Completely You", tenet #6 "Create More, Consume Less" speaks to creativity!
"Paint, write, invent…solve a problem, play a board game, or build something. Create with your mind and body instead of constantly consuming or relying on artificial intelligence."
Good Knight Award 2024!
Ellington RHS Agricultural Program Graduates
Congratulations, Graduates! Mr. Guidry was pleased to share a few words about the graduates of the Agricultural Program who live in Ellington.
- Tariq Bojic
- Broghan Moren
- Morgan Stimson
Leadership and Citizenship Awards - Ellington Middle School
CAS - Scholar Leader Award Winners:
- Kashish Koul
- Julia Drury
BOE Outstanding Citizenship Award Winners:
- Ethan Allwin
- Harvey Zahner
Wellness Committee Raffle for Teacher and Staff Appreciation!
An amazing all staff raffle was sponsored by the Wellness Committee! Over 70 prizes were handed out! Board Member Miriam Underwood was pleased to announce this amazing appreciation raffle at the March BOE meeting!
CLS Art Installation at Central Office!
Ellington Appreciates our Teachers and Staff!
Teacher Appreciation Week 2024 was celebrated with notes of thanks, breakfasts, luncheons, special treats and gifts. Big thanks to the PTO at each school for their work to honor Ellington Teachers!
ESL Potluck Supper!
The Annual ESL Potluck Supper was held on May 23rd at Windermere School. Students and families enjoyed a "Parade of Flag" and entertainment for the evening from Tere Luna.
Revolutionary War Day
Fifth grade classes from across the district went to battle on May 24, 2024 at Center Elementary school! Students dressed in period-time clothing, ate war-time food and participated in activities throughout the day! This is an annual favorite!
April Recognition - Future Business Leaders of America
Ellington High School students competed in the 2024 Future Business Leaders of America Spring Conference and many took home awards! Advisor Tim Bifolk and FBLA members shared their experience at the April meeting!
Best Communities in Music Award 2024!
At the May Board meeting, Mr. Matthew DeLassus, Director of Instrumental Music shared that Ellington was recognized again as a BCME Community! Board Members presented the recognition posters at the schools Chorus and Band Concerts this past month!
EESmarts Science Award
Nate Jodice, 4th grader from Windermere School, placed 3rd in CT for his billboard design, "Save Energy, Save the World". Out of 600 applications he was once of the finalists! Congratulations, Nate!
Ellington Students Shine at National History Day!
Congratulations to Maura Armstrong and Teagan Dieterle from EHS! Their project "The Creation of Sesame Street: A Turning Point in Educational History" placed first in the Senior Group Documentary category at National History Day!
Congratulations to Emmett Smith from Ellington High School on display of his exhibit "A Battle of Rights for the Incarcerated: The Legacy of the Attica Prison Riot" at the National Museum of American History!
National History Day Competition
Congratulations, Katie Smith and Julianne Pashe, from Center School who competed in the National History Day competition and finished TOP 10 in their division! Their project, "The Capital Crawl: A Climb for Disability Equality and the Push for the ADA" was awarded the Outstanding Connecticut Award Junior Division at National History Day!
2024 Best Communities for Music Education
"Ellington Public Schools has been named a Best Community for Music Education for the 6th year in a row. Thank you to the teachers, students, parents, administration, and community members who support music in our public schools. We are so proud to share this great recognition"
-Board Liaisons
Jennifer Mullin, Committee Chair
Marcia Kupferschmid
Committee: Communications, Curriculum
District Liaison: Center School
Contact: mkupferschmid@ellingtonschools.net
EPS Board of Education on Social!
Superintendent Email: snicol@ellingtonschools.net
Website: https://www.ellingtonpublicschools.org/
Location: 47 Main Street, Ellington, CT, USA
Phone: 860-896-2300
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ellingtonboe
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/boe.ellington/
X: @SuperNicol