Hamilton Avenue Update
Diane Chiappetta Fox, Principal
May 10, 2024
Vol. 2 No. 35
We Appreciate our Teachers!!
Standardized Testing - Week 2 in the books!
So incredibly proud of how hard your children are working and how seriously they are taking these assessments!
Two weeks down, 1 to go! Thank you for sending your children in rested and fed! We are all looking forward to the great outcomes they will reveal after all of the hard work they and their teachers have been doing to prepare!
Parents! PLEASE, PLEASE make sure you are mindful of ATTENDANCE AND TARDINESS as we finish the school year. It is imperative that our students are here EVERY DAY and ON TIME! We will continue to work on this for the remainder of the school year and next year!
Parents as Partners!
I wanted to thank you, the Families of Hamilton Avenue School, for what I consider to be a very successful school year. We have been working with our staff and our Family and Community Engagement Committee to reflect upon and refine some of the year's activities. Notable achievements include increased opportunities for parent volunteers and opportunities for employment in our school, The addition of Ms. Martins, our Kid Talk Counselor, and the return of English as a Second Language classes at Hamilton Avenue School. Additionally, we increased the number of evening family events, including STEAM Night, the Community Resource Fair, and the return of International Night. Our improved communication through the weekly newsletter, the use of parent links for phone calls and text messages, and the use of School Dismissal Manager have provided you with the necessary communication to support all of our learners. As always, we are happy to meet with families in person or a phone call, just reach out with your thoughts and concerns.
GPS End-of-Year Surveys
Earlier today, all families were emailed an invitation to voluntarily fill out the annual Greenwich Public Schools Family Survey, with a deadline of Friday, May 24. We encourage participation from all families because we value your confidential feedback. The survey should take approximately 2-3 minutes to complete, and you can skip questions if you do not have enough information to answer them.
Be on the lookout for an email with the subject line “Greenwich Public Schools Family Survey” from Dr. Toni Jones via k12insightllc.com. Be sure and check your spam folder if you do not find it readily in your inbox.
Happy Mother's Day to all of the moms out there! I hope you are spoiled this weekend. This is a throwback photo of me and my boys from 2017! Take advantage of every opportunity to love and hug them! They grow so fast! Of all the titles I have held, "Mother" is the one I am most proud of! I wish you a restful weekend!
Mrs. Fox
Information from last week
SBA Information!
We strive to ensure that your child—and all Greenwich Public School students—receive an education that prepares them to thrive in a global economy and in civic life. That’s why Connecticut has adopted challenging academic standards, including the Connecticut Core Standards in mathematics and language arts and the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). We expect that all our students will attain a firm grounding in mathematics, language arts, and science by the time they graduate from high school, preparing them to succeed. Our teachers and administrators are committed to working together to support students with excellent instruction and resources to meet these new expectations. Click here for more information ENG/SPA
The Fun Run is Coming!
Click here for all of the information you need to know about the Fun Run schedule for June 5th. This document is translated in Spanish and Portuguese as well!
Husky Shout Out!
Hamilton Avenue Teachers and Staff!
💙🤍Thank you, Hamilton Avenue Parents and our PTA, for your generous contributions and for planning a spectacular week celebrating our great staff! We sure felt the love with all of the flowers, the taco truck, the sweet treats and the yummy breakfast this morning!💙🤍
Boys and Girls Club - Junior Member of the Year!
Congratulations, Ella, for being named Boys and Girls Club Junior Member of the Year last week! We are incredibly proud of you!
Ms. Shores and Hamilton Avenue Artists!
Congratulations Omar Badar! Hamilton Ave. Alum!
Omar Badr, BGCG’s Youth of the Year and Hamilton Avenue Alumni, has been named the 2024 State of Connecticut Youth of the Year! As we shared at the celebration in April, the Youth of the Year title is a prestigious honor bestowed upon an exemplary young person in recognition of leadership, service, academic excellence, and dedication to live a healthy lifestyle. This achievement is a testament to the building blocks established when young people walk through the doors of Boys & Girls Club of Greenwich. Throughout their time at the Club, our staff work tirelessly to prepare our youth, through enrichment opportunities and supportive relationships, to be caring and productive community members. We have invited Omar to share his thoughts with fifth-graders at their Moving Up Ceremony!
A Note from the Nurse: Seasonal Allergies
Itchy watery eyes, sneezing, runny nose oh my!!!! This year the pollen season is very strong and causing the students to have symptoms of allergy reaction.
Here's what to do to help your students and self-alleviate the symptoms of allergic reaction to the allergies of the spring pollen. When the students who have these symptoms come in from outside (upon arrival, after recess, and after any outdoor PE or other activities), send them to the bathroom with instructions to:
1. wash hands with soap and water
2. splash water on their face
3. use a damp paper towel to wipe down face, hands and eyes
5. keep hands off of face
The results will be a decrease in allergy symptoms and feeling more comfortable. The students can also put a wet paper towel on their eyes if still bothering them.
Ham Ave's Got Talent is coming soon! Are you a dancer, singer, musician, magician, martial artist, cheerleader, gymnast, actor, juggler, or have some other amazing talent that you would like to show the school? Students in grades K-5 are encouraged to audition for the Talent Show. If your child is interested, they must return their Paperwork by May 10th. Auditions will be on May 16th during school hours. The Talent Show will take place on Wednesday, June 5th. Please click this link for more information. Let's show the world that Ham's Got Talent!
Coins for Kids
PTA Headlines!
Music News!
SPRING Concert Dates
Spring Concert
Featuring 4th and 5th Grade
Band, Orchestra and Chorus
Hamilton Avenue School Cafeteria
Wednesday, May 15, 7:00pm
Students should arrive at
6:30pm to unpack, tune and warm-up
Families are invited to this live concert!
Dress up for the concert in any color.
Pants or long skirt over the knee
and dressy shirt or blouse
Suzuki Concerts!
STEAM Challenge
Your child has now completed their learning and is ready to share with others. You can support your child at home by asking how they want to show their learning. Students could make a movie, comic strip, or photo album to show their journey. They might make a poster or display to share what they learned. They could write a book or prepare a demonstration to share at the STEAM Challenge on May 23. Students are invited to share their learning in any way they wish. We encourage them to be creative!
News From Around the District
GLOWING AND GROWING TOGETHER - A Mindfulness and Yoga Parent-Child Retreat Click for flier ENG/SPA
Saturday, May 18, 2024 - from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Location: North Street School
RSVP is required by May 13th. Limited to 20 students, PreK-12.
Only 1 adult per child is permitted
Tuesday, May 21, 2024
11:00 am-12:30 pm
Location- Town Hall – Cone Room, 2nd Floor
CLICK TO RSVP -Please RSVP BY May 15th
Space is limited to 25 participants! Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis!
The details are also on the GPS website
Mark Your Calendar!
May 15: 9:30 AM, 7 PM Spring Concert Gr. 4 & 5 Band, Chorus and Orchestra
May 20: K Field Trip - Stamford Nature Center
May 21: Grade 3 Bush-Holley House Field Trip
May 21: Grade 2 - Greenwich Land Trust Field Trip
May 21: EARLY RELEASE - Kindergarten
May 21: Incoming K Visitation
May 22: STEAM Challenge Rehearsal
May 23: STEAM Challenge
May 24: Husky Day
June 3: 5th-grade field trip to Philadelphia
June 5: Fun Run
June 6: PreK Daniels (9:00) & Yates (9:30) End of Year Celebrations
June 7: Field Day
June 10: PreK Iavarone & Flores 11:30 am End of Year Celebration
June 12: Grade 4 to Weir Farms
June 13: PK Sprinkler Day 9:30 - 11:30 am
June 14: Grade 5 Moving Up Ceremony 9:15
June 14: Grade 5 Moving Up Party 5-8 PM
June 18: Last Day - students EARLY RELEASE
June 18: Last Day Paras
June 18: MTSS 3
June 19: District PD
June 20: Last Day - Staff