This Week at MHS
September 30th - October 4th
Dear MHS Parents and Students,
Thank you to everyone for your patience as we navigated the weather this last week. Clearly we needed floats - just not for the parade!
We anticipate a beautiful day on Friday, October 4th as we try again to host our parade, powder puff game, and carnival! Thank you for all the groups that have decorated floats for the parade, and for all sponsors!
The best viewing spot for parents during the parade is along Cedar Street between the park by MJHS and Mountain view. All of the sidewalks along Lawrence and Cedar closest to MHS will be filled with our students and teachers. Any parent who intends to join the festivities on our school campus will need to check in at the front office to receive a visitor pass. Please remember that all of these activities occur during our school day, and each guest must be accounted for through our check in process.
On October 22nd, every student in our building will be taking a national assessment. Sophomores will take the pre-ACT, Juniors will take the ASVAB (measures aptitude and acquired skills which can be used to help predict future academic and occupational success), and Seniors will be taking one final free ACT provided by the state. Please limit doctor appointments or other check-outs on this day. We want all our students to have the best testing environment for them to show all they know. Thank you for your assistance.
Please be aware that Maryville High School will be holding subject specific intervention sessions Monday, October 14th. Intervention will occur from 8:30-1:30pm and any student with failing grades or missing work may be assigned to intervention by their teachers.
We will not be providing transportation or lunch. If your child is assigned to a morning session, please plan to have your child arrive on campus by 8:20. Students whose work requirements will need the entire day should bring a sack lunch. Please note students may leave when they have satisfied all assigned tasks.
We hope everyone enjoys Fall Break. Students return to school on October 16th.
The MHS Key Club sponsors Fall Festival - a community event to benefit the Community Food Connection - and we are hoping our second year has even greater participation! The Fall Festival will be October 27th. Our Halloween Candy Drive to support Key Club's Fall Festival is happening NEXT WEEK (September 30-October 4). We encourage students to bring in Halloween candy to 1st block each day next week. The Fall Festival is a community event to benefit the Community Food Connection and we are hoping our second year has even greater participation!
The 1st block class with the most candy (by weight) will win a Chi Fil A breakfast courtesy of Key Club. WOOHOO! 2nd and 3rd prize classes will win Dunkin Donuts.
Thank you for your participation and support!
Homecoming Report
The Maryville High School Homecoming Court was made up of eight young ladies from the senior class and three from the junior class. Altogether, the Homecoming Court raised over $82,000. Over $77,000 of funds raised will have a direct impact in Blount County.
Our Homecoming Queen is Carly Johnson, who raised over $18,000 for Kingdom Design Ministries. Our first runner up is Ada Monroe, who raised over $14,000 for Habitat for Humanity, Blount County and our second runner up, Trenli Tallent, raised over $13,000 for Family Promise. Thank you to all of our community members for supporting all the young ladies of our 2024 Homecoming Court and the charities of their choice! Other charities who will receive funds include (in no particular order) New Hope (Blount County), Fellowship of Christian Athletes (Blount County), Shop with a Cop (Blount County), The Lupus Foundation of America, Meals on Wheels (Smoky Mountain Chapter), The American Liver Foundation, Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and I Support the Girls (Knoxville).
The football game atmosphere was not the same without our Red Rebel Band, but they were participating in the Karns Marching Invitational. The Band earned 1st Place in their Class, winning the largest class of the contest! They also earned the coveted Fan Favorite Award, voted on by all the spectators during the whole competition. These students knocked it out of the park today, beating some tough competition with excellent music and an awesome field show! We're very proud of them!
This Week's Schedule
Monday, September 30th- A Day
Regular Bell Schedule
Candy Drive for Fall Festival
5:00 pm Volleyball Blount County Tournament @William BlountTuesday, October 1st - B DAY
Regular Bell Schedule
Candy Drive for Fall Festival
10:00 am Unified Flag Football at MHS
4:00 pm Golf Regionals @Oak Ridge
5:00 pm Girls Soccer vs Powell
6:30 pm Boys Basketball Parent Meeting Main Gym
Wednesday, October 2nd - A DAY
Regular Bell Schedule
Midterm Exams
7:50 am Key Club @Ed Harmon
Candy Drive for Fall Festival
12:30 pm PTSO Meeting @Greenhouse
Thursday, October 3rd - B Day
Regular Bell Schedule
Midterm Exams
7:45 am Spanish Honor Society @Ed Harmon
Candy Drive for Fall Festival
5:00 pm Volleyball @Farragut
7:00 pm Football @Bearden
Friday, October 4th - A Day
Homecoming Bell Schedule
7:30 am FCA @Ed Harmon
Saturday, October 5th
9:00 am Cross Country @Jessee Owens Classic
MHS is hosting an ACT bootcamp Monday, October 14th from 8:30am-3:30pm (MCS Intervention Day). This session will give you the tools and tips to perform better on the next ACT, and lunch will be provided. Please bring your fully charged laptop, a writing utensil, and a notebook to take any important notes. If you are interested in signing up, please fill out the link below. Spots will be awarded on a first come, first served basis and priority is given to seniors. The deadline to sign up is October 4th.
ACT Boot Camp Registration Link
Upcoming Dates of Interest
9/30: Texas A and M rep visit
10/2: University of TN, Knoxville rep visit
10/5: TN Tech Preview Day
10/16: Maryville College rep visit
10/17: South College rep visit
10/19: ETSU Fall Open House
10/23, 6:00-7:30 pm: UTC Power C Tour
10/26: Big Orange Preview
10/26: SCAD info session in Nashville, TN
11/1: UTK Early Action Admissions Deadline (also deadline to be considered for competitive scholarships!)
11/1: TN Promise application deadline
11/2: Blue and Gold Preview Day at UTC
11/2: ETSU Fall Open House
11/2: Fall Preview Day at UT Martin
11/2: MTSU True Blue Preview
11/12, 7:00 pm: Navigate to ETSU
11/15: UTK Early Action Completion Deadline
11/16: Meet Maryville College Open House
11/16: Pellissippi Preview Day at Hardin Valley campus (Students earn TN Promise community service hours by attending this event!)
*Please note: all college rep visits will occur during the morning break unless indicated otherwise.
Check-outs should be held to a minimum and are limited to the following:
Emergency - Decision to be made by the principal or assistant principals.
Prior arrangement - If a written request is received by officials in the student services office prior to the beginning of the school day, the student will be dismissed at the requested time. The checkout note must include the student’s full name, date, time of dismissal, phone number where parent/guardian can be reached for verification, and signature of the parent/guardian.
- The parent/guardian comes to the main entrance office to sign the student out.
Students who become sick during the school day must report to the assistant principal’s office/school nurse before they call home. The assistant principal’s office will assist the student and permit the student to call home. The student will remain in the assistant principal’s office or with the school nurse until he/she receives permission to go home or until he/she is picked up by a parent/guardian.
Students are allowed to check out during third block only for medical or legal purposes, and proper documentation must be provided. Students are not allowed to check out to retrieve items needed for school. Leaving school without permission will result in disciplinary action.
Students checking out of school on an altered schedule day will receive an unexcused absence unless the school is provided the appropriate legal or medical documentation.
In the know with PTSO!
The Maryville High School PTSO is a committed group of individuals seeking to create lasting memories for students and teachers. They meet monthly at 12:30pm at MHS. We invite anyone interested in joining this group to attend the monthly meetings below.
October 2
November 6
December 4
January 8
February 5 (evening meeting)
March – My Real Life Committee Meeting only
April 2
May 7
Regular Day Bell Schedule
8:25-9:55 First Block
9:55-10:10 Break
10:10-11:40 Second Block
11:47-1:47 Third Block and Lunch
Lunch 11:40-12:10
Class 12:17-1:47
Class 11:47-12:17
Lunch 12:17-12:47
Class 12:47-12:47
Class 11:47-12:47
Lunch 12:47-1:17
Class 1:17-1:47
Class 11:47-1:17
Lunch 1:17-1:47
1:54-3:25 Fourth Period
Afternoon Bell Schedule
8:25-9:45 First Block
9:50-11:10 Second Block
11:15-1:15 Third Block & Lunch
Lunch 11:15 -11:45
Class 11:45 - 1:15
Class 11:15 - 11:45
Lunch 11:45 - 12:15
Class 12:15 - 1:15
Class 11:15 - 12:15
Lunch 12:15 - 12:45
Class 12:45 - 1:15
Class 11:15 - 12:45
Lunch 12:45 - 1:15
1:20 - 2:35 Fourth Block
2:40 - 3:25 Activity