Panther Press
September 2024
Prairie Lane News
Monthly Event Calendar
2 No School - Labor Day
6 PLCC K-6 Outdoor Movie Night 7:00 pm
10 Step It Up Fundraiser Kickoff
21 Westside Foundation Dinner
20-24 PL Book Fair
24 PL Community Club Meeting 6:30 pm
25 School Picture Day
You can link to the live calendar at https://calendar.google.com/calendar/r/month?tab=mc.
The Book Fair is Coming!
The Book Fair will be at Prairie Lane on Friday, September 20-Tuesday, September 24. Please see the attached image with more information. Happy shopping!
Lunch Guests
If you choose to have lunch with your child, please call the office before 9:00 am so we can let the kitchen know, and to ensure that there will be enough space in our Learning Commons area for families.
You Can Pay On Line!
As we settle into our new school year please take time to explore our online School Store and load your student's meal account and pay for your student’s school fees online at MySchoolBucks.com. If their account has fees that are due, you can securely pay for them using your credit/debit card or an e-check.
If you need assistance with your account, you can find helpful how-to videos and answers to commonly asked questions by visiting myschoolbucks.com. Or, you can contact MySchoolBucks directly by logging into your account to start a chat conversation or give them a call at (855) 832-5226.
Our Lending Library is Open
Do your kids need something to do? They can READ!
Students, Preschoolers, or anyone may take advantage of this wonderful book corner!
Dining Out Choices this Month: September 5th, 16th & 24th!
Dining Out Fundraising
We hope you are as excited as we are to have options for dining out during the month while supporting our fabulous school.
Raising Cane's September 16th (Flyer coming soon)
Prairie Lane Community Club Information
Prairie Lane Community Club Welcomes You
We hope you join us for our next meeting on September 24th at 6:30pm! Suggestions or comments can be directed to president.plcc@gmail.com
Room Parent Sign Up & Meeting Information
Click on the Room Parent Sign Up to volunteer to be a room parent or donate gift cards for teachers' birthdays who do not have room parents. If you plan to be a room parent this year, please join us for a Room Parent meeting during our September 24th meeting at 6:30pm.
Mark Your Calendars: The Yearly Fundraiser and BEST DAY EVER Are Almost Here!
District News
Join our Team - and be part of our nourishing community!
Click here to fill out a brief application and sign up for an interview.