SEI Capstone
Nellie Bly Reporter for the Underdog
- Mendon-Upton Regional School District
- Grade 4
- We each have one ELL student in our class (Brigham - Level 5 and Evans - Level 4)
- Brigham: My ELL is Lebanese. He moved to the United States when he was just over one-year-old. He has been educated in American schools since Kindergarten. Arabic is spoken in the home. While his family values education and emphasizes the importance of work ethic and good behavior, their English language skills are developing and as such, they are not always able to help my ELL with schoolwork at home.
- Evans: My ELL is Greek and was born in the United States but his parents were born in Greece. The family is very involved in the local Greek community. He entered American schools in Kindergarten. He was tested and put on an IEP at the end of first grade. Both parents speak primarily English at home but do not have the content knowledge to support him academically at home. Minimal support is provided in the home because the parents struggle with the academic content and education does not seem to be a priority. They will often schedule vacations throughout the school year.
- The content of our Capstone is an informational text unit, Nellie Bly Reporter for the Underdog, that focuses on the power of words, especially those of reporter, Nellie Bly.
Lesson Description
- Seven Step Vocabulary
- Partner Reading
- Text Dependent Questions
- Sentence Frames
- Ratiocination
Other strategies used to facilitate core strategies:
- Turn and Talk
- Think Aloud
- Clock Buddies
- Number Head
Content Objectives
Content Objective: As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:
- Explain events, procedures, ideas, or concepts in a historical, scientific, or technical text, including what happened and why, based on specific information in the text, “Nellie Bly: Reporter for the Underdog”.
- Sequence Nellie Bly’s life events and describe how these events brought about change in reporting using the text, “Nellie Bly: Reporter for the Underdog”.
Language Objectives
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:
A Level 3/4 ELL will be able to:
- Orally discuss the events of Nellie Bly’s life after reading” Nellie Bly: Reporter for the Underdog” with a partner and write them in a beginning, middle and end graphic organizer.
- Listen for signal words in order to put the life events from, “Nellie Bly: Reporter for the Underdog”, in sequence to create a timeline.
- Read, sort, orally discuss, and write questions related to each level of Bloom’s Taxonomy after reading, “Nellie Bly: Reporter for the Underdog”, Chapter 1, “A Woman in a Man’s World”.
- Write an obituary or complaint letter using the RAFT strategy after reading, "Nellie Bly: Reporter for the Underdog."
A Level 2 ELL will be able to:
- Orally (sp) discuss (LF) the events of Nellie Bly’s life after reading” Nellie Bly: Reporter for the Underdog” with a partner and (D) paste pre-printed, visually supported, sequence events onto a beginning, middle and end graphic organizer.
- Listen (LF) for signal words in order to put the life events from, “Nellie Bly: Reporter for the Underdog”, in sequence to create a timeline (wr) using a (D) preprinted template that includes the signal words.
- Read, (LF) sort, orally (sp) discuss, and write questions (WR) related to each level of Bloom’s Taxonomy after reading, “Nellie Bly: Reporter for the Underdog”, Chapter 1, “A Woman in a Man’s World” (d) using the sentence starters and (d) teacher created sentence frames and a word bank to aid them in writing questions for the top three levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy.
- Write (W) an obituary or a complaint letter with a partner after reading, "Nellie Bly: Reporter for the Underdog" (d) using teacher created sentence frames, list of signal words, and a word bank.
Differentiating for our ELLs
Accommodations and supports during this lesson include:
- word banks
- sentence starters
- sentence frames
- a native English speaking partner
- list of signal words for sequence and cause and effect work
- visual supports for vocabulary acquisition
- pre-printed, visually supported, sequence events to be pasted into a beginning, middle and end graphic organizer
- mentor texts including examples of an obituary
- friendly letter template
SEI Strategies
Seven Step Vocabulary Strategy
The Wonders bulletin board
ELL specific vocabulary
A variety of connected texts
Partner Reading
We used the Numbered Heads strategy to group students. Then, they collaborated in order to complete a beginning, middle, end graphic organizer. They focused on signal words and phrases that keyed them into sequencing so they could highlight Nellie Bly's major life events. These students collaborated to build a timeline of Nellie Bly's life using the text and their graphic organizers to support this work.
This strategy really enabled our ELLs to build their reading skills. Having a partner summarize what was read by the ELL took some of the pressure off of the ELL to read and comprehend simultaneously. The writing tasks held the students accountable and gave them an authentic reason to read and comprehend.
Partner Reading
Clock Buddies
The graphic organizer
The graphic organizer
The timeline
A completed timeline
Text Dependent Questions
Text dependent questions were used with our students to build their comprehension and develop higher level thinking skills. Students were placed into groups to answer text dependent questions based on a parse of text, Chapter 1 of Nellie Bly Reporter for the Underdog.
The teacher created text dependent questions based on Bloom's Taxonomy that the groups of students needed to answer collaboratively through oral discourse. Next, students shared out there answers using the Number Head Strategy.
Students were then given a visual of Bloom's Taxonomy and were given the task to create 6 questions of their own for a parse of text, chapter 3 in Nellie Bly Reporter for the Underdog. Students again shared out using the Number Head strategy.
Role = A newspaper reporter in charge of writing obituaries
Audience = The general public
Form = An obituary
Topic = Announce the death of Nellie Bly and outline her major life events in sequence
The students were grouped using the Numbered Heads strategy. Mentor texts were provided. These mentor texts, two obituaries, allowed the students to better understand this form of writing and it's structure. The students read these obituaries tuning into signal words used with sequenced writing.
During this first writing session, the students were charged with the task of writing a complete draft of Nellie Bly's obituary. The students were encouraged to use their timelines and the text, "Nellie Bly, Reporter for the Underdog," to further support the completion of their task.
Ratiocination is a core writing strategy used for editing and revising writing pieces. A code was created by the teachers for students to use in order to edit their obituaries created during the RAFT lesson. The code included circling signal words in blue, underlining past tense verbs in green and underlining alternate sentences in orange and purple. The teacher modeled the revision strategy using a student's writing sample and the document camera, projecting it on the smart board as the students followed along.
Once each key revision strategy was modeled using the code, students were partnered up to continue the revision process. Each students was given a copy of the code. Keeping the editing limited to 3 critical areas was less distracting for our ELL students and allowed them to be more successful using the revision code. Students were then asked to make a final copy of the RAFT writing piece once revisions were complete. Students enjoyed this process. There writing included more signal words and past tense verbs as an outcome of this process.
Code for Obituary Revisions
Blue Circle - signal words
Green wavy lines- past tense verbs
Orange and purple underlining - alternating sentences
Edited Student Sample
Student Final Writing Product
Marie Brigham and Leigh-Ann Evans
Website: www,
Location: Memorial Elementary School, Upton, MA, United States
Phone: 508-529-1020
Twitter: @MarieMcMB