North Oct. 25

Three Things to Know
End of the 1st Quarter
Professional Development Day (NO SCHOOL)
Parent-teacher Conferences
Events & Reminders
Midview North, East, and West schools are excited to promote healthy choices in honor of National Red Ribbon Week. This annual campaign encourages students to make positive decisions and live a drug-free lifestyle. All students are welcome to participate according to the following themes:
- Monday, Oct. 28 - Wear red to kick off Red Ribbon Week!
- Tuesday, Oct. 29- Dress as your favorite job or career
- Wednesday, Oct. 30- Wear your exercise gear
- Thursday, Oct. 31- Wear your Halloween costume
November 11-15 | Veteran's Spirit Week
North students and staff will honor the brave men and women who have served our country during Veteran's Spirit Week from November 11-15. Let's show our spirit and appreciation with the following themes!
- Monday, Nov. 11: Wear red, white, and blue
- Tuesday, Nov. 12: Wear camo or something representing the Armed Forces
- Wednesday, Nov. 13: Wear your favorite hat
- Thursday, Nov. 14: Wear stars or shiny sparkles
- Friday, Nov. 15: Wear a military t-shirt or Midview gear
November 12 | K-6 Curriculum Preview Night | 5:30-7 p.m.
Attention Middie parents and guardians! Class is in session! Join us for an inside look at reading, writing, and math in grades K-6 at Midview Local Schools. Learn more about our curriculum, explore strategies for continuing learning at home, and experience a day in the life as a student by engaging in a few lessons! While parents are busy in the classroom, students will have a blast at several fun activity stations. We hope to see you there!
Cleveland Cavaliers Midview Family Night
- On-court student experiences: 25 TOTAL K-8 students will line the Boston’s Celtics cheer tunnel, and 15 TOTAL K-6 students will accompany Cleveland Cavaliers players on the court during the National Anthem. Please fill out the following form to enter your child into the raffle. Families are responsible for purchasing tickets for their students and all other accompanying attendees.
Featured Stories
Mrs. Lynch's Speech Class
This week, students have been reading "Pig the Monster" by Aaron Blabey. They made guesses about what was happening in the book (What is going to happen to Pig if he eats all that candy?) and discussed new vocabulary words (shortchanged, stingy). After the book, the class followed directions to make pumpkins for the speech room pumpkin patch while using their best speech to talk about everyone's costumes.
Mrs. Nelson's Halloween Activity
Mrs. Nelson's class has been exploring the difference between fiction and non-fiction books. This week, in the spirit of Halloween, they read two spider-themed books: The Very Busy Spider by Eric Carle and a non-fiction book about spiders. As a class, they discussed the differences between the two books and what makes one fiction and one nonfiction. To wrap up the lesson, students got creative and made their own spiders! They learned to fold paper in unique ways to make their spider legs extra creepy and fun! The class really enjoyed learning about spiders!
PBIS Corner
Positive Office Referrals
Counselor's Corner
October word of the Month: POSITIVITY
Students at North are learning what positivity means and how having a positive attitude can make a difference for them at school and in life! Here is our Family Newsletter with ideas for teaching about positivity at home.
Classroom Lessons
Our Kindergarteners are being introduced to the Zones of Regulation, a curriculum designed to help children manage their big feelings. They are learning strategies to cope with those feelings when they need help. Using the book My Friend is Sad by Mo Willems, our young students are discovering how to THINK HAPPY THOUGHTS when they're feeling down.
First graders are continuing to learn about Zones and how to be successful in the classroom. They practice skills like paying attention and following directions through directed drawings and the Shuffle game, where they work together to put their classmates back in order.
Second graders are working on a project after reading The Boy With Big, Big Feelings. They are learning that we all have big feelings sometimes, and that's perfectly okay. Stay tuned for the results of our little project.
The Ronald McDonald House Pull Tab Program
We have officially begun collecting can tabs of any kind to donate to the Ronald McDonald House. Our bins are already filling up. We have discussed how good it feels to help others through this simple collection program.
We will collect tabs all school year, and at the end of the year, we will personally drop them off at the Ronald McDonald House. They, in turn, take them to the recycling center to be weighed in exchange for money!
Staff Spotlights
Lisa Kervin, Second Grade Teacher
Years in the district: 23 Years
What excites me most about my job: There are many things that excite me as to why I teach.
2. I can inspire. I can help students build self-esteem and believe in themselves and their ability to learn, no matter their background or abilities.
3. I can be a life-long learner. Being an educator allows me to keep learning and growing in knowledge.
4. I can encourage children to dream. Dreams lead to big ideas-which can lead to innovations and changes in the future.
5. To prove that one person can make a difference! I can't teach every child in the world, but I can make a difference for the ones that I do teach.
Three adjectives students would use to describe me: Perfectionist, Loyal, Leader
A few of my favorite things include: Pizza and Chocolate Ice Cream, Flavored Water, the color black, Peanut M&M’s, Math, and Wrestling
What is most important to me in my role: As a teacher, the most important thing to me is the love I have for my students and the difference that I make in their lives.
Sabrina Kiser, Second Grade Teacher
Years in the district: 24 Years
Reason(s) I chose to pursue my position at Midview Local Schools: I loved to play "school" when I was young. I would beg my younger brother to be the student so that I could fill the role of the teacher. I thought there was nothing better than grading a stack of papers. In high school, I considered pursuing my interest in science, but ultimately teaching won me over again. It became clear that it was my true passion.
Some of my hobbies/interests outside of my career: I am very involved in the Cuyahoga County 4-H program. Both of my teenage boys are raising market steer at a historic farm in a very urban area. I am an advisor in their club and volunteer at the farm. I work closely with the 4-H teens who are taking on market animal projects and have leadership goals. I am also an avid traveler. My family loves visiting National Parks and collecting stamps in our passports. Our favorite trip was to inland Alaska where we explored glaciers, played with sled dogs, hiked mountain trails, and photographed wildlife. Fun fact: We prefer cooler climates and no beaches!
I am not a big fan of: The beach... I can appreciate that the beach can be a beautiful place, but its just not the place for me. In the words of John Muir, "The mountains are calling and I must go."
Working at Midview Local Schools has taught ME: One of the greatest joys of being a teacher is guiding students on their journey of discovery, unveiling the wonders of our natural world and fostering a sense of awe and curiosity that stays with them for life.
Community Connections
Grafton-Midview Public Library Halloween Movie Night
- October 26 from 6-9 p.m.
- Location: VFW Post 3314 located at 783 Huron Street in Grafton
- Flyer for details
- Registration link