September 2024 Newsletter
Cottonwood School
September is here!
Dear Cottonwood Family,
This has been an amazing start to the school year. I hope that you all know that we are here for our community, families, and scholars. Please feel free to reach out if you have any needs. Our staff is ready and willing to help in any way that we can.
I'm pleased to announce that our scholars have made a smooth transition into the school year. Our teachers have established their classroom routines and the school is abuzz with great energy and laughter. Throughout the school year we will reach out to via newsletters, postings, on our website, Twitter and Facebook and through Parent Square to keep you informed about what's going on here at Cottonwood. It's a pleasure working with your children and I'm so proud of our learning community.
Please join us for parent conferences the week of October 21st culminating with the Fall Festival on October 24th. This is a great opportunity for you to connect with our teachers about your scholars. Our teachers are excited to connect with you and create a team to support academically and emotionally.
Take care and be safe,
Albert Trudel
Cottonwood News Forecast
Take Note
Patriot Day - September 11th
PTO'S Family Bingo Night - September 6th
Come and join us for our first Family Bingo Night! Please help us raise funds for our fifth-grade class's trip to Pathfinder Ranch. All proceeds will directly benefit them.
Sports Spirit Day - September 6th
The Leadership Class will be hosting Sports Spirit Day on September 6th. The class with the most participants showing their sports spirit will win ice pops. Show your support for your team and have fun in our first competition.
PTO Meeting - September 10th
World Suicide Prevention Day - September 10th
Patriot Day - September 11th
PBIS Reward Day - September 20th
Students who have been consistently demonstrating the Character Trait of the month and the PBIS Skill of the month, have no more than 2 absences, no Office Referrals or Suspensions and MS Students who have Academic GPA's 2.5 or higher will be invited to attend.
End of Triad 1 for Middle School - September 20th
Monday Meet- up Flag - September 23rd
Students displaying the Character Trait of Respect and PBIS Skill of Getting the Teacher's Attention will receive an award during Monday's Meet Up.
Make-Up School Pictures - September 26th
Cougar Corridor
September PBIS Skill - Following Instructions
- Look at the person
- Say, "Okay"
- Do what you have been asked right away
- Check back
Character Trait
For the month of September we are focusing on the Character Trait of Responsibility. Responsibility is taking ownership of my thoughts, words, and actions. In being Responsible, I will:
- Know what's expected.
- Keep my commitments.
- Do my best.
- Not make excuses.
- Correct my mistakes.
If you have any photos of your child demonstrating Responsibility that you are willing to share we would love to recognize them. Please send your photos to our School Counselor Amanda Niaves (aniaves@hemetusd.org).