Parent Newsletter January 26, 2025
Hornets WIN NKC 75th Basketball Tournament
Hornet Families,
Happy Sunday! The first two weeks back in person this semester have been fantastic. We've seen great effort from our students in arriving to school and class on time—thank you for your partnership in reinforcing this important habit.
Last week, we celebrated two major highlights:
- The kickoff of 100 Years of Education at Northtown with the dedication of our new wall, showcasing a century of students, staff, teams, and community milestones.
- A big win for our Boys Basketball Team, defeating Rockhurst High School 65-42 in the 75th annual NKC Boys Basketball Tournament!
Thank you for your continued support of our Hornet students, whether on the court, in the classroom, or beyond. Looking ahead, our choir, band, and orchestra are preparing for a spectacular Spring Concert at the Kauffman Center, and we don’t want you to miss it. Keep an eye out for more details on how to attend and support this incredible event.
Spring Conferences Update
This spring, we are excited to introduce student-led conferences on March 13th and 20th. Parents are encouraged to select the date that works best for them. During these 10-minute conferences, students will lead the discussion, sharing insights about their semester and future plans.
For freshmen and sophomores, these conferences will also highlight their Multi-Subject Integration (MSI) Projects, a collaborative, real-world learning experience that spans multiple subjects. Students will finalize and practice their presentations during advisory over the next month. This includes all students, even those attending off-campus programs.
Thank you for your continued partnership and support. Let’s have a great week at Northtown—and as always, Go Chiefs!
Dr. Jones
Extremely Proud Principal
Northtown's upcoming events
January 30th
- Sophomore Class Meeting Jostens Ring Premier
February 7th
- Jostens Class Ring Order
February 14th
- Professional Development; No School
February 17th
- Presidents Day
February 28th
- Black History Month Assembly
100 Year Timeline Dedication Ceremony
Former Principal, Dr. White and Dr. Jones cut the ribbon!
Hornet Singers sing the Alma Mater
Patrons look on to admire the new 100 Year Timeline!
NKC Schools families and staff,
We received several questions this week about our district’s policies regarding potential law enforcement interaction with students, namely ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) and CBP (Customs and Border Protection). This is a great opportunity to provide a quick overview of policies we’ve had in place for several years that govern what information may be shared with all branches of law enforcement and how interactions with students will occur.
In general, law enforcement has the same limited level of access to student records as members of the public with no special permissions. Law enforcement agents are not permitted to speak with nor interact with students without a valid subpoena, court order or explicit parent permission unless it's an emergency situation. A Frequently Asked Questions document is available here for more detailed information. If you have further questions, we encourage you to reach out to your child’s principal.
Schools across the nation are charged with the education and safety of students. In North Kansas City Schools, our mission is to serve as relentless champions for all students and each other. We will continue to follow our established policies in accordance with that mission we value so deeply.
Thank you,
North Kansas City Schools
Familias y personal de las Escuelas NKC,
Recibimos varias preguntas esta semana sobre las políticas de nuestro distrito en relación con posibles interacciones entre las fuerzas del orden y los estudiantes, específicamente ICE (Inmigración y Control de Aduanas) y CBP (Oficina de Aduanas y Protección Fronteriza). Esta es una excelente oportunidad para proporcionar un breve resumen de las políticas que hemos tenido en vigor durante varios años, las cuales regulan qué información puede compartirse con todas las ramas de las fuerzas del orden y cómo se llevan a cabo las interacciones con los estudiantes.
En general, las fuerzas del orden tienen el mismo nivel limitado de acceso a los registros estudiantiles que los miembros del público sin permisos especiales. A los agentes de las fuerzas del orden no se les permite hablar ni interactuar con los estudiantes sin una citación válida, una orden judicial o el permiso explícito de los padres, a menos que se trate de una situación de emergencia. Un documento de preguntas frecuentes está disponible aquí con información más detallada. Si tiene más preguntas, le animamos a comunicarse con el director de la escuela de su hijo.
Las escuelas en todo el país tienen la responsabilidad de educar y garantizar la seguridad de los estudiantes. En Escuelas de North Kansas City, nuestra misión es ser campeones incansables de todos los estudiantes y de unos a otros. Continuaremos cumpliendo con nuestras políticas establecidas de acuerdo con esa misión que valoramos profundamente.
Escuelas de North Kansas City
Centennial Celebration Concert
Please join us in celebrating 100 years of music at Northtown! All shirt sale profits and donations help support the Centennial Celebration Concert on April 7 at 7:00 p.m. Tickets are $20.00 Ticket link coming soon!
$20/$35 – https://nkchighschoolchoir.itemorder.com/shop/home/
Donations: (through the Orchestra Parents Association) - https://checkout.square.site/merchant/MLQWGNPVZ6SYS/checkout/RONDPV2GCG75EIINMHF7DJJQ
Centennial Celebration Concert Reverse Raffle/Trivia Night
Paul & Jack’s Tavern. (Flyer attached). – link to purchase tickets ($100 each).
This 2025 yearbook is celebrating 100 years of Northtown. You are going to want your copy!
CLICK HERE to order a yearbook and add your custom stamp/name plate!
This option expires on Friday, January 31, 2025.
SOPHOMORE Enrollment
NKC Families,
If you have a current SOPHOMORE student, please be on the lookout for their enrollment form coming home this week. Counselors will be going into tech core classes to being their junior year course selection process. Forms will be coming home to be signed and returned to school by Friday, January 31st.
Thank you,
NKC Counselors
ECA Program
Did you know that North Kansas City schools offers FREE COLLEGE on three different college campuses??? That’s right three campuses --MCC-Maple Woods, UMKC, and new for 2025-2026 the Collegiate Nursing Academy at William Jewell College!
Click this link to dive into the information https://www.nkcschools.org/district/dept/eca
Want to LEARN MORE- “Save the Date”
Our virtual information sessions are starting next week! If you’ve already registered, you will receive the virtual meeting link by noon, the day of the meeting to the email address you shared. The Virtual informational sessions will be held over Zoom or Microsoft Teams, for each of our Early College Academy Programs, information sessions start at 6 p.m.
Zoom sessions:
2025: MCC-Maple Woods: January 30, February 5, or February 13
2025 UMKC: January 29, February 6, February 12
2025 William Jewell College -Collegiate Nursing Academy has already had two sessions, please contact Ms. Gilliland if you have questions.
Use the Save My Seat link below to register and be sent a zoom link by noon on the day of the session you choose:
Hope to see you and your son/daughter soon! If you have questions please speak to your high school counselor, email
Shannon.Gilliland@nkcschools.org or visit https://www.nkcschools.org/district/dept/eca
Hello Northtown Families! Now is the time to apply to the various Off Campus programs that are available to students. Off campus opportunities are for students who will be juniors or seniors next school year, unless otherwise noted.
CTECH Auto Tech Program:
NKC CTECH program offers incoming juniors a two year opportunity for hands on learning in automotive technology. The program will also prepare students for ASE certification.
Who can apply: Current sophomores (must enter as a junior)
You can learn more about the program and eligibility here: https://nkcsautotech.weebly.com/
Students can apply here: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=zWR0_MPneESIjpnR1xbSL67sWTm-ovVBoqetCnCquRNUQ0ZSTElOSjBBNzNJT1lIRkQ1SEowOEM5VS4u
Northland Career Center:
NCC offers 12 different trades programs for students who will be juniors or seniors next year.
Who can apply: Current sophomores and juniors
You can learn more about the program here: https://northland.plattecountyschooldistrict.com/
Students can apply here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf6WX28h8uEDlQtE0RhrDyT2s3CMucHwhSsgQTmQBn3o5CkNw/viewform?c=0&w=1
Northland Center for Advanced Professional Studies:
NCAPS offers students an opportunity to learn real world business and professional skills and collaborate with local area businesses in career fields that interest them. NCAPS offers an internship opportunity.
Who can apply: Current sophomores and juniors
You can learn more about the program here: https://www.northlandcaps.org/
Students can apply here: https://www.northlandcaps.org/apply-northland-caps-program
Entrepreneurial Program: Class Act Coffee Shop:
Class Act is a district run coffee shop that teaches students business skills and the skills that go into running a small business.
Students can apply here: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=zWR0_MPneESIjpnR1xbSL_hIxRObFypFv1JSbv_UND1UMUtPV1ZVMzhOWkE5RDRONEdVS0YyRlZTWi4u
Early College Academy:
ECA is an opportunity for students to take classes at MCC-Maple Woods for college and high school credits. Students will have the opportunity to earn their Associate of Arts while still in high school.
You can learn more about the program and eligibility here: https://www.nkcschools.org/district/dept/eca
Students can apply here: https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=zWR0_MPneESIjpnR1xbSL5UobpZPvq9Pk4WVoo5tlptUNzIxQlIwQzdRQ1hWTFhUVFBBQlQ5V0ZKSy4u&route=shorturl
Other Early College Programs:
Collegiate Nursing Academy at William Jewell College: https://www.nkcschools.org/district/dept/eca/eca-collegiateanursingacademy
Early College at UMKC (for incoming seniors): https://www.nkcschools.org/district/dept/eca/eca-umkc
Early College at MCC for Advanced Technical Skills (Trades): https://www.nkcschools.org/district/dept/eca/eca-atsi
If you have any questions about the off campus programs please feel free to reach out directly to the program coordinators or to your student's school counselor for more information!
North Kansas City Schools is excited to announce our new Professional Internship Program for juniors and seniors. This is a full-year program designed to improve professional skills and career awareness for students through hands-on learning and a spring semester internship. Students decide what internship opportunity they want to pursue, and internship teachers work with community business partners to find the right placement. View the program flyer for additional information. Applications for the 25-26 school year are now open and accepted through February 15, 2025.
KCHS College Advisor, Madelynn Zimmerman!!!
As the College Advisor, she will work with seniors to better understand all the details of their college planning journey, including the application process, completion of the FAFSA, and various forms of financial aid.
If you would like to schedule a meeting with Ms. Zimmerman, please stop by B137 during the school day to set an appointment http://calendly.com/madelynnzimmerman or e-mail her at madelynn.zimmerman@nkcschools.org.
Please follow her on Twitter - @nkccounseling, and on Instagram - @nkchscounseling
Jostens Orders for Graduation
Seniors, if you haven't placed your order for Graduation Announcements or Cap & Gown, you may call Jostens' local number 816-523-4900 or you may place an online order if you prefer at The Graduation Center.
Graduation Info
Date: Thursday May 15, 2025
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Location: HyVee Arena
1800 Genessee St.
Kansas City, MO 64102
Looking for a place to find some local scholarship opportunities? Check out our Scholarship Central for open scholarships and keep checking back throughout the school year as more opportunities become available!
Save the Date: Class of 2025 Last Day and Graduation
What's Buzzing Around Northtown
Bell Schedule
Free and Reduced Meal Program
Free and Reduced Meal Program
Parents/guardians are strongly encouraged to complete the free and reduced meals application online as the waiver that allowed all students to eat free has ended. This can be completed on a computer, tablet, or cell phone.
A new application must be submitted each year. Please complete the form online by following the link below:
Transportation Update
Versatrans My Stop App allows parents to track their student students' bus location and arrival times as well as receive notifications on delays or other pertinent information. It is an application that can be downloaded from the Apple or Android Store on your mobile device.
For a handout with directions have your student stop in the Main office and see Mrs. Schwartz or you can find more information on https://www.nkcschools.org/district/dept/transportation/mystop-bus-tracking-app
Activities and Athletics!
Please see the link below for all North Kansas City High School activity and athletic events.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email Mrs. Amber Washington (amber.washington@nkcschools.org)
2024-2025 Academic Calendar
2024-2025 A/B Calendar
NKC Schools Cell phone policy & Procedure
At North Kansas City Schools, our goal is to create a warm, welcoming, safe, academically focused environment for students. Student cell phone use at school has been identified as a tremendous distraction to meeting that goal. And, with the deployment of district-issued MacBooks, cell phones are unnecessary for academics throughout the school day. The building practice outlined on the attachment below has been developed in coordination with NKC Board Policy JG-R- Technology Misconduct. You may also reference Board of Education Policies EHB – Technology Usage and EHBA – Use of Personal Electronic Devices for Instructional Purposes for more information.
Please see the UPDATED NKC Schools Cell Phone Policy and Procedure below.
Mission & Vision
North Kansas City High School establishes a supportive learning community, which fosters creativity and curiosity and promotes critical thinking. North Kansas City High School creates a challenging learning environment which encourages effective communication and compassion and that develops positive contributors to our global community.Vision
A learning community where we appreciate and foster civility and success for all.
# NorthtownTRUE
IB Mission & Vision
The International Baccalaureate® aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.
To this end the organization works with schools, governments, and international organizations to develop challenging programs of international education and rigorous assessment.
These programs encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.
Ms. Copas
- School of Health and Wellness
Ms. Haley Klein:
- School of Human Services
Dr. Scott Sherman:
- School of Business, Leadership, and Entrepreneurship
Ms. Eli Sobhani:
- School of Design, Innovation, and Technology
Northtown Admin Team!
Dr. Keith Jones
Assistant: Mrs. Jessy Byers 816-321-4961Athletic Director
Dr. David Garrison
Asst. to the Principal
- Health and Wellness Pathway
- ELL Students Last Names A-C
Counselor: Martha Devries
Assistant: Mrs. Tara Holmes 816-321-4974
Asst. Principal
- Human Services
- ELL Students: Last Names D-K
Counselor: Haley Klein
Assistant: Mrs. Joanne Schwartz 816-321-6956
Asst. Principal
Dr. Kari Harrison
- Business, Leadership, & Entrepreneurship
- ELL Students Last Name: L-P
Counselor: Scott Sherman
Assistant: Mrs. Kimber Bouchard 816-321-4704
Asst. Principal
- Design, Innovation, & Technology
- ELL Students: Last Names Q-Z
Counselor: Eli Sobhani
Assistant: Ms. Belinda Boydston 816-413-3898
North Kansas City High School
Website: https://www.nkcschools.org/Domain/35
Location: 620 East 23rd Avenue, North Kansas City, MO, USA
Phone: 816-321-5310
Twitter: @NorthtownNews
Northtown Gear - We've Got SPIRIT
Are you and your family wanting some Northtown SWAG, but you can't seem to find the design that you ALL want?
Are you in for a treat!
Click the picture below to design any Northtown Item : Clothes, Accessories, Signs and Decals. You get to pick the design that you love, change the colors, and place that design on the item you are wanting - what could be better?!?