Boyden Weekly Update
October 25, 2024
Dear Boyden Families,
We had a great week at Boyden! The weather has been amazing and the students have been enjoying having outdoor recess everyday.
New to Boyden this year is "Postive Gossip". Our counselors, Mrs. Audet and Mrs. Lemmler, have organized this new way to acknowledge the wonderful things happening around school. Each classroom was provided an envelope so students can write down kind acts they observe around the school. Each day we pick a few to be shared over our morning announcements so we can celebrate as a whole school! Ask your children about some of the positive gossip they have heard!
This year parent-teacher conferences will be held on
- Tuesday, November 12th (5:00 - 7:00 PM)
- Thursday, November 14th (5:00 - 7:00 PM)
- Friday, November 15th (1:00 - 3:00 PM)
If you are a parent with more than one child at Boyden, please allow for at least 10 minutes between your conferences. We have found that back-to-back conferences do not allow for travel from classroom to classroom.
If you have a Grade 4 or Grade 5 student please sign up with their CLASSROOM TEACHER ONLY.
Please locate the teachers name, click on the link on the right and sign up for the day/time you would like. All our classroom teachers and specialists are listed.
Black and Orange Day
Thursday, October 31st, will be Black and Orange Day at Boyden. Students and staff are encouraged to wear black and orange to school on Tuesday. We ask that students do not wear or bring Halloween costumes to school. Thank you!
From the Office of Student Support & Attendance:
Please read the newslette below. It contains links to the WPS Health Services Department and other helpful sites you can use when making decisions about whether or not you should send your child to school based on symptoms of illness.
Click "What if my child is sick?"
Literacy Screener for Grades K-3
Our teachers have many ways to check your child’s reading development and growth, including early literacy universal screening. The goal of early literacy screening is to identify students who may be at risk of reading difficulties, including dyslexia. Screening does not diagnose dyslexia or other disabilities, but it does help us understand which students may need additional support to be successful readers. All Districts in Massachusetts are required by Massachusetts Regulation 603 CMR 28.03(1)(f). to assess students in Kindergarten at least twice per year and students in Grades 1-3 three times a year with an approved early literacy screening tool. To adhere to this regulation,
our district uses a computer based assessment called iReady in conjunction with offline tasks called Dibels.
Our early literacy assessment calendar is listed below:
Kindergarten( subject to change)
1. November
2. March
Grade 1 - Grade 3
1. September
2. January
3. May
Following the screening assessment, a team at our school will review all students’ results. If your child scores significantly below benchmarks, we will contact you to discuss how we can support your child.
Screening is another step that helps students at our school become proficient readers, and we are grateful for the continued support and partnership with the Boyden families. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
♪Notes♪ from the Music Room
Kindergarten has been learning all about loud( forte) and soft(piano) sounds, fast(presto), medium (moderato) and slow(largo) and the speed of the beat (tempo). They now have six Italian music words in their vocabulary! They have also been able to use egg shakers, rain sticks, stirring xylophones, tambourine, rhythm sticks, frogs and boomwhackers!
Grades 1 and 2 learned about the composer Edvard Greig and his music from Peer Gynt. I bet you have heard the songs they learned about: Morning mood and In the hall of the mountain king.
Third graders have been hard at work learning about the music staff and how to read notes on the music staff. They will be starting recorders next week!
Fourth graders created soundscape stories in small groups and presented them to their classmates. They used chrome book and the touchview to incorporate sound into their stories.
Fifth graders composed their own rhythm compositions using a software called rhythm writer. They will be starting to learn how to play the ukulele in November!
PAC News
Next PAC Meeting is Wednesday, November 6th at 7:00 PM in the Boyden Media Center
Sign Up for PAC Events
Important Dates
October 31- Black and Orange Day
November 5 - No School (Professional Learning Day)
November 11- No School (Veteran’s Day)
November 12- Conferences (5:00 - 7:00 PM)
November 14 -Conferences (5:00 - 7:00 PM)
November 15 - Early Release/Conferences (1:00 - 3:00 PM)
November 26 - Picture Retake Day
November 27 - Early Release (Thanksgiving)
November 28/29 - No School (Thanksgiving)
Click Here for the Walpole Public Schools School Year Calendar
About Us
Email: bdearborn@walpole.k12.ma.us
Website: http://walpolebs.ss5.sharpschool.com/
Location: 1852 Washington Street, South Walpole, MA, USA
Phone: 508-660-7216
Instagram: @BoydenBuzz