Falcon Flyer for Families!
March 25-March 28, 2024
Falcon Families,
Congratulations to our National History Day regional participants at Winthrop! Several students earned Honorable Mentions, and a team even qualified for state!
Honorable Mention:
- Astrid Block, Kinsleigh Threatt, Graclynn Penland & Hanna Le - "How the Telegraph - Changed the World" - Mr. Howard
- McCord Redmond, Eli Gruber & Isaac Shugart - "The Atomic Bomb" - Mr. Howard
- Giana Prell, Miriam Ghent & Krystal Nguyen - "The Murder of the Romanovs" - Mr. Espich
State Qualifier: Trinity Avant, Catherine Ray, Tayah Foster - "The English Reformation"- Mr. Espich
In addition, this past week, we had a few artistic and musical achievements! Ms. Jordan and her team of young performers put on a wonderful play called "Bocon!" Mr. Easterday's Band earned a Superior rating with distinction at the Concert Performance Assessment at Pickens. Awesome job, Falcons! We are very proud of you.
Thank you to the wonderful parents who came to "Shadow" our teachers on Wednesday, March 20. Parents visited Ms. Peavy, Ms. Jones, Ms. Miller, Ms. Dreier, Ms. Welch, Ms. Rubinstien and Ms. Obregon! These teachers were able to show off their teaching skills and wonderful classroom environments. The visit ended with a debrief in the conference room. Thanks to Oakland Baptist for providing treats! We look forward to doing this again in September. Thank you to Ms. Davis and SIC for arranging this opportunity.
Thursday, Student Council did an awesome job hosting a "March Madness" basketball game between students and teachers. Who knew Mr. Quirapas and Mr. Easterday could shoot 3 pointers?! Teachers won 49-15, and our cheer and step teams performed well. It was a great time held by all!
Last, but not least, our Culture Club attended the Winthrop Model UN conference! Sullivan is the first middle school allowed to attend, and our students represented our school well. We are invited again next year, so thanks to Ms. Dreier for arranging this opportunity with Winthrop!
This week is another short week for Rock Hill School District 3 as we near Spring Break! Our 8th graders will travel to Washington, DC, and several of our students will be traveling with the district to Spain and France. For everyone else, Thursday is a half-day with school releasing at 11:45. (Please do not enter the car rider line prior to 11:30 so that CPES students can release first at 11:15.) Friday, there is no school and we will begin Spring Break!
We hope that you have an enjoyable, safe, and restful break! See you on Monday, April 8!
Make it a great week, Falcons!
Dr. Persinski
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Upcoming Events and Information
***Stamp testing continues***
Monday, March 25--
Tuesday, March 26--*8th graders leave for DC
Wednesday, March 27--Winners announced for IXL Competition
Thursday, March 28--Half-Day; *8th graders return from DC
Friday, March 29--No School
World Language Newsletter
Please check out our World Language Newsletter HERE.
Team USA!
Congratulations to Sullivan's own Gage Yonce who will be representing Team USA at the UCI World Championship for BMX in May! #FalconsSOAR
March Madness
This month, students are competing for growth in math and ELA through the IXL Platform. Each grade level will have a winner and reward at the end of the month. Who will grow the most in math and ELA skills?
So far, for 6th grade Ms. Dreier is in first and Mr. Morales' Falcon Time in 2nd. For 7th grade, Ms. Miller is in first, and Ms. Welch is in 2nd. For 8th grade, Dr. Barr is in 1st and Mr. Howard 2nd.
Talented Teachers!
Mr. Espich
Coach Espich is one of the most popular teachers on campus. He coaches football, helps with Beta Club, and he organizes the 8th grade Washington, DC trip. He is an outstanding and down to earth teacher! He is originally from Northern Kentucky, and this is his 7th year teaching. He majored in History and is an alternative-route teacher. Mr Espich believes that teaching social studies is important for producing well-rounded students and that understanding what came before can expose the how and why of what is happening today.
Ms. Jones!
Ms. Jones is a 6th grade ELA teacher from Raleigh. She attended Winston-Salem State University, and this is her 5th year teaching at Sullivan. Ms. Jones is a talented and creative teacher who is much loved by her students and her 6th grade team. We know we can trust and rely on Ms. Jones for growing all of her students reading and writing skills every year!
Beautification Opportunity
We are looking for volunteers who would like to help us clean up our courtyard and canteen areas! We will host a campus beautifcation day on Saturday, April 27 9 am - 12 pm. Bring your gardening gloves, a rake, and shovel!
Night of the Arts!
Mrs. Rubinstien and the Arts department are in search of a committee of volunteers to help organize the upcoming Night of the Arts on April 23rd. If you are interested in lending a hand, please fill out the following form.
Some of the tasks we are looking to organize include a silent auction, a food truck, art sales, assistance with art club students, week-of assembling, and day-of assistance. We may meet all together in person once or twice to organize ourselves, then divvy up.
Any questions? Email srubinstien@rhmail.org
6th Grade Field Trip
Save the Date! Camp Canaan April 25 and 26, 2024.
Check HERE for details.
Camp Canaan Parent Release Waiver
7th Grade Field Trip
Save the Date! STEM Education Day at Carowinds!
April 19, 2024
Check with your team for details.
Mindful March
Join us for Mindful March in creating happiness within us and in others through small daily actions!
Next month is Active April!
Reading Initiative
Update to the March Reading Challenge! The winner for Quarter 3 is Ms. Hauck and 2nd place is Ms. Jones!!! Students have read on average 1.63. Can we accomplish 3 books per student for the year? Don't forget to log your book!
Keep reading, Falcons!
PTO Elections
PTO Nominations are just around the corner. Make your 24-25 nominations by clicking HERE.
Teacher Appreciation!
April's Teacher Appreciation event will be a Popcorn Trail Mix bar at the staff meeting on Tuesday, April 9th. Sign up to bring candy or seasoning; popcorn will be provided! Since this event is so soon after we return from Spring Break, items can be dropped off at the school any time between now and April 9th. Thank you for your support!
Our next SIC and PTO meetings are on Tuesday, April 16 at 5:30 pm and 6:30 pm in the Media Center. Please park in the lot next to Cherry Park. See you there!
Coffee Cafe
Sullivan PTO provides a Coffee Cafe in the teachers' lounge throughout the year as a gesture of appreciation for our faculty and staff. Sign up to help us restock!
Women's History Month
March is Women's History Month and we are proud to join the national effort in celebrating and highlighting the many achievements of women.
Our schools are celebrating Women's History Month with activities and lessons that will lift up significant women in the history of our community, state, and nation. Additionally, the achievements of women are a part of our year-long curriculum.
Throughout this month we will share stories and highlights celebrating Women's History Month from some of our schools. We invite you to follow along with us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
Learn more here: https://www.womenshistorymonth.gov/
Help support our Falcon Store. HERE is the wish list to help supply us!
Uniform Donations
Families, please consider donating new or gently used uniform items including pants, shirts, and crewneck sweatshirts for our students who may be in need! Ms. Bostic, in our front office, will collect and store the items.
School Store Link
Please see this link for the PTO School Store!
Sullivan Middle School
Email: jpersinski@rhmail.org
Website: https://www.rock-hill.k12.sc.us/Domain/29
Location: 1825 Eden Terrace, Rock Hill, SC, USA
Phone: 803-981-1450
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/smsfalconsrh/
Twitter: @smfalcons
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sullivan.ib.middle.school/