Kirk Monthly
May 1st, 2024

Upcoming Events & Dates
May 2nd - State ID/REAL ID DMV Event
May 9th - Prom - 6:00pm - 8:00pm
@ Schaumburg Country Club
May 11th - Kirk Student Market - 9:00am - 12:00pm
@ Kirk School- Back Parking Lot
May 20th - Connections Celebration Party - 6:30pm - 8:00pm
@ Kirk School
May 21st - High School Graduation Ceremony - 6:30pm - 7:30pm
@ Kirk School
May 27th - Memorial Day - No School
June 3rd - Last day of the regular school year
June 10th - Kirk ESY begins for students
Quick Updates
ESY Dates
The Extended School Year (ESY) dates are June 10th through June 28th. School hours remain the same: 8:30am to 2:30pm. No school on June 19th.
Kirk News
Leading with Literacy!
Here is a brief update on our ongoing unit -
The book "Rolling Warrior" consists of 11 chapters. As per the recommended pacing schedule, classrooms are expected to be at either chapter 7 or 8. Please ask your son/daughter's classroom teacher to determine their progress in our current book.
To culminate this literacy unit, students will have an end of the unit celebration on May 21st and May 22nd. They will engage in green screen technology and participate in identifying and advocating for ways to make positive change within or around Kirk School.
To learn more about Judy Heumann or view her award winning, Oscar-nominated documentary film, which inspired Rolling Warrior, check out her website.
Here high school classroom teacher, Mrs. Marissa Friese, reads Rolling Warrior with her student:
The teacher and student participate in shared reading.
The student makes a comment about the story.
The teacher models vocabulary from the story using the student's AAC device.
Math Matters!
Math vocabulary is powerful and can be incorporated in many different settings including school, home, and the community. Basic math concepts that you can reinforce with AAC devices include different ways to sort items, such as sorting by color, size, or category.
At School
There are many ways students are practicing sorting at Kirk! When sorting money, for example, students have sorted by:
- shape: rectangular vs.round
- color: green, silver, or brown
- size: small vs. large
- category: dollars vs. coins
- value: $1 or more vs. less than $1
At Home
When doing laundry, ask your learner to help sort clothes into two piles by color: “light colored clothing" and “dark colored clothing."
When you get home from the grocery store, ask your learner to help sort and put away the food (by category): dairy and meat in the refrigerator, cereal and crackers in the cabinet/pantry.
In the Community
- Gather coins, ask your learner to sort them into piles by size or value, so that you can put the coins into rolls to bring to the bank or separate out quarters to use at a vending machine.
- When at a store, ask your learner to notice how items are sorted. For example, a clothing store may have items organized by color or size, while a hardware store might have tools organized by category.
Assistive Technology News
OT Department News
Kirk Cafe
The Kirk Café is a space for students to visit during the school day that allows them to practice community skills such as ordering from a menu, waiting in line, and paying for drinks using Cub Cash.
The Café also provides a meaningful work experience for several classrooms. Student workers help greet customers, take orders, stock drinks, fulfill orders, and maintain a clean work area. Additionally, the Café provides opportunities for student workers to practice making change, interacting with coworkers, accepting feedback from staff, and solving work-related problems.
The Café is excited to announce our most recent employees of the week. These café workers have gone above and beyond these past few months during their shifts and we are so proud of all of their progress!
Transition Corner
Kirk Vocational Continuum
Mobile DMV - State ID Event
If you signed up for this years Mobile DMV State ID event, don't forget tomorrow (May 2nd) is the big day!
Did you miss the chance to participate this time around? No worries! We plan to hold another Mobile DMV event next year. If you'd like info on what you need to get a disability state or REAL ID on your own before next year's event, we are happy to help.
Upcoming PERC Events!
Check out the PERC Flyer to learn more about the upcoming Parent Education events being offered through NSSEO this spring!
Community Partners - Let's Connect!
Are you, someone you know, or a business you're connected with, interested in partnering with Kirk to provide students with enriched learning through community instruction? We'd love to work with you!
Please contact us to learn more!
Greg Ciufo
Important Dates
May 2nd - State ID/REAL ID DMV Event
May 9th - Prom - 6:00pm - 8:00pm
@ Schaumburg Country Club
May 11th - Kirk Student Market - 9:00am - 12:00pm
@ Kirk School- Back Parking Lot
May 20th - Connections Celebration Party - 6:30pm - 8:00pm
@ Kirk School
May 21st - High School Graduation Ceremony - 6:30pm - 7:30pm
@ Kirk School
May 27th - Memorial Day - No School
June 3rd - Last day of the regular school year
June 10th - Kirk ESY begins for students