Northview HS Newsletter
April, 29, 2024 Volume 1, Number 29

Northview Familia,
This week, we have all juniors starting state testing for math, English, and science. Next week, students will start taking their AP exams. Good luck!
Our amazing softball and boys tennis teams are hosting CIF games here at Northview this week. Good luck, Vikings!
Last week, we had the privilege to honor 5 incredible student-athletes at the Valle Vista Five banquet on Monday, April 22, 2024. The Vikings who were honored were: Andrea Mateo, Dylan Ochoa, Marcus Tolentino, Ariel Fierro, and Donovan Perez. Congratulations!
Have a great week, Vikings!
Wellness Corner
Last week, we worked on recognizing emotions, and now we’re diving into the next RULER skill: understanding emotions. Understanding how we feel is super important because it helps us show love to ourselves and others better.
When it comes to loving ourselves, it’s like asking, “Why do I sometimes take good care of myself, but other times I don’t?” And for our friends and family, it’s like wondering, “What makes me feel so much love for them? How can I make them feel even more loved?”
Research shows that when we understand why we feel the way we do, it helps us build stronger relationships with ourselves and others.
RULER Pro-Tip: This month, keep practicing recognizing emotions and take it a step further by understanding them. Pay attention to your thoughts, how your body feels, and how you act. Then, think about why you feel that way. Writing down your feelings and what happened before them can help you see patterns.
Counseling Corner
The Financial Aid Application (FAFSA/CADAA) deadline is May 2nd. Seniors who will be attending Citrus College for the upcoming summer and/or fall are encouraged to attend The Citrus College Info Night on May 2nd from 5:00-7:00 PM.. Students will have the opportunity to learn about the programs and services offered at the community college. RSVP required. This is a FREE in-person event. Additionally, students planning to complete their Student Education Plan for Citrus College need to do so ASAP. Dates and times are limited. Please click on the link below to complete the Open Early Decision Student Education Plan (SEP) Form.
Financial Aid Overview (ENGLISH)
Financial Aid Overview (SPANISH)
(Citrus College) Open Early Decision Student Education Plan (SEP) Form
AVID Future Ready
Sports At the View
This Week In Sports:
Congratulations to our Varsity Boys Tennis, Varsity Softball, and Varsity Track & Field Athletes on making it to CIF!
Boys Tennis
Track & Field
Our Varsity Track & Field team will send 12 of our qualifying athletes to compete at CIF on Saturday May 4 at Yorba Linda HS.
Sideline Cheer 2024-25 Tryouts!
Are you interested in trying out for the NHS Sideline Cheer Team for the 2024-2025 season?
There is a parent meeting on April 30th at 6:00 pm in the library. Tryout clinics will be May 6-8, from 5 pm-7 pm. Tryout day will be Friday, May 10 at 6:00 pm.
Tryout packets will be available Monday 4/29 in the Counseling and ASB office and at the parent meeting on 4/30. Please see Ms. Halford with any questions.
ASB Applications for 2024-25
Applications to join ASB are now open! If you are interested in joining ASB next year, please complete the application linked below. If you plan to run for Class President or Vice President, but want to be considered whether or not you are elected, then you still need to complete the application.
Please complete the application linked here: ASB Application 2024-25.
Once your application is complete and turned in, you will be notified about an interview slot. Applications are DUE NO LATER THAN FRIDAY, MAY 3!
If you are interested in running for either your grade level's Class President or Vice President, please email Dr. V at Lvorndran@c-vusd.org.
Graduation Tickets
Seniors, graduation is almost upon us! Every Senior can request up to 6 complimentary graduation tickets. If you would like to purchase up to 8 additional tickets for $8 each, ticket forms are available in ASB. Extra tickets are sold on a first come, first served basis and are limited by capacity restrictions.
All Seniors participating in graduation MUST complete a graduation ticket form and turn it in to the ASB office so that we can ensure that all complimentary tickets are accounted for before selling and disbursing extra tickets.
Prom - May 4, 2024
Prom week is here! For those students who have purchased a ticket to attend the Prom dance, please see below for event details.
Date: May 4, 2024
Time: 7-11pm
Registration begins at 7:00pm and ends at 8:30pm. After 8:30pm, students will not be admitted into the dance. No refunds will be issued for students who arrive after 8:30pm.
**Students and Guest MUST present a Photo ID to be admitted into the dance**
There is no Re-Entry into the dance. Once you leave, you will not be allowed back in.
**All students and guests must be picked up at 11:00pm or earlier**
Natural History Museum
900 Exposition Blvd.Los Angeles, CA 90007
**Please use the museum parking lot off of Bill Robertson Lane for drop-off, pick-up, and free parking**
Food: Dinner will be provided.
Attire: Formal
Pictures: Please see attached flier for photo packages that will be available at the dance.
Prohibited Items Include:
Weapons (Regardless of permit)
Replica Weapons
Stun Guns
Pocket Knives
Alcoholic Beverages
Illegal Drugs or Narcotics
**All bags entering the venue are subject to search**
**Any student removed from the dance for unruly behavior or for being under the influence of drugs or alcohol will not be issued a refund.**
*Parents: Please make arrangements to
pick-up your student at 11:00 pm or earlier
as access to the parking lot will close at 11:15pm*
Staff Spotlight
We are beyond thrilled to announce Mr. Oscar Ramirez as our new "Official" Assistant Principal! He has been doing a stellar job as interim this year, but now he can officially call his spot home.
Mr. Ramirez has been our Biology teacher here at Northview since 2017. He was also an AVID coordinator, Science Department Chair, and assisted with coaching as well. He was a master at building relationships with students and staff alike so it is no wonder he was an ideal candidate for this position.
Mr. Ramirez is a die-hard Dodger fan and a food connoisseur! He and his wife enjoy cooking together and trying at the new local hot spots.
Congrats again Mr. Ramirez. The View is excited for your new venture!
Upcoming Events
- 4/30 - 5/3 - CAASPP Testing
- 5/4 - Prom
- 5/6 - 5/17 - AP Testing
- 5/14 - Athletic Spring Signing Day (Part 2)
- 5/20 - Spring Food Fair
- 6/3 - Senior Awards
- 6/5 - Graduation
Faculty Adjunct Duty
Saturday, May 4, 2024
- Prom - Martinez, Corona, Naney, Torres, Harvey