Counseling Newsletter
Start Each Day With A Happy Thought
Welcome Back!
I hope you had a wonderful winter break with family and friends. Breaks are a great time to rest, regroup, and recognize all the blessings in our lives. The holidays can sometimes overwhelm us, but my hope for you and your family is to find a place of peace, hope, and joy.
January Character Trait
Getting back up when something gets you down.
Social Media Plug
If you would like more information about the Character Program, like or follow Core Essential Values on Facebook.
"The time is always right to do what is right" - Martin Luther King Jr.
Resilence- Staying the course and bouncing back even when your dream doesn't happen overnight.
Goal Setting Strategies for Kids
Click on the link below to check out 11 Goal - Setting Strategies to help your child start the new year off right!
Counseling Services
Please contact Jennifer Mayo for Individual or small group counseling.
Classroom Guidance
Individual Counseling
Small Group Counseling
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