Lac qui Parle County 4-H Newsletter
April - 2023
VOLUNTEERS - You are truly an inspiration
Project timeline facts- start now!
- Check out and read about the wide variety of projects that you can explore
- Decide on what you want to do
- Find resources, call the Extension Office/find an expert or two of what you want to discover
- Make a list of what you need - supplies, time and funds
- Start slow and work on it for the month's to come up to Entry day
- Take pictures of your progress, list of what you are doing in each step
- Decide on what you will tell the judge and others (project talk, demonstration)
- Always remember to ask for assistance from a parent, relative or resource
- Be proud of your finished work!
- What can you do to expand on it for next year In 4-H, we believe that youth learn best by doing. That's why all 4-Hers are encouraged to try hands-on projects in areas like science, health, civic engagement, and more. We encourage them to take leadership roles. Kids can concentrate on one project area or they can try as many as they like. A 4-H exhibit is something that 4-Hers can make and show at the fair or other showcase event to demonstrate what they have learned in the project area. Examples include: a plate of cookies they have baked, a desk they have refinished, a rocket they built, a chicken they raised, a poster or 3 sided display board of photos they have taken. It's important to recognize all the hard work the 4-Hers have done. I challenge the youth to try 3 new projects this year! Call the Extension Office at 320-598-3325 or email MaryAnn at with any questions you may have on where your project fits best - the possibilities are endless! I have some great ideas on project ideas!
Events to put on your calendar
Summer will come fast and these dates need to be on everyone's calendars:
LQA Training (good for 3 years) - Wednesday - June 7th
Let's Paint Runaways Workshop - Wednesday - June 14th
Clothing/Demonstrations/Performing Arts Day - Tuesday - July 25th
Horse State Fair Selection Show - Monday - July 31st
August Entry Day - Thursday - August 3rd
ALWAYS be on the lookout for flyers, notices for more great opportunities
Congratulations to the top sellers
top braids - Landen & Brayden Heinrich, Parker & Laney Kallhoff - Northstars and Abigail & Kalob Arends - Riverside Rockets
Great Job Everyone
4-H Club Meetings
Check out all that you can do!
Photo Challenge time
Be on the lookout in the mail for your ID information. It was mailed to everyone that is currently in 4-H online enrolled in a livestock project. Please call the Extension Office to let us know how many and what tags are needed and we will get them ready. Please don't walk in or wait until the last day (May 15th). Families need to enter all the information in 4-H online no later than 11:59 pm that day. All cattle, sheep, goats, swine need official 4-H tags and dogs, horses, llamas all need to be identified in the system with uploaded pictures. ALL leased animals must have forms filled out and uploaded also. Please call or email Mary Ann with any questions or if you need assistance with entering the information
4-H in the News
Lac qui Parle 4-H would love to tell everyone about the great things happening in our clubs! After every meeting, the club reporter or designated person should take a few action photos and write up a report of what the event was about. Lets get those reports in the paper! Send the report to the Extension Office and the local media. Here is the contact information for the Extension Office, area newspapers and radio stations:
Lac qui Parle County Extension: 422 5th Ave., Suite 305; Madison, MN 56256 or email
Western Guard: 216 6th Ave; Madison, MN 56256 or email
Dawson Sentinel: PO Box 1015; Dawson, MN 56232 or email
Canby News: PO Box 129; Canby, MN 56220 or email
Ortonville Independent: 789 US-75; Ortonville, MN 56278 or email
KLQP Radio: 623 W 3rd St.; PO Box 70; Madison, MN 56256 or email
- The 4-Hers who took the time to sell sell sell fruit and butter braids!
- Madison Bottling for use of building and Tim Siegert for guidance during fruit delivery
- Brooklynn and Brayden Olson for assisting at the March MMN Cloverbuds
- Rhyan Schicker of the SWCD for presenting about Geckos and Salamanders on the statewide virtual "Roaming Reptiles and Amazing Amphibians program
- Nurse Ashley Hibma for teaching about baby care on the statewide virtual babysitting program
- To the many volunteers who take time to mentor the Lac qui Parle 4-H youth
Check it out the SW 4-H catalog of Opportunities
Plastic Sculpture Challenge
Take a Virtual Plastic Adventure
Zoom sessions: Saturday’s:
April 29, May 6, May 20
9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
Grades: all ages
Cost: Free
Registration Deadline: April 28
150 years of the Lac qui Parle County Fair
4-H is a huge part of the county fair and we want to make the 150 year celebration this summer the best better! Clubs - start thinking of a booth, banner and make sure you put in community pride - 4-Hers start on projects now to enter to make the buildings overflow. Try more than one project area. Let's promote our clubs in the most creative way. Step up and make the county fair shine. The fairboard pays for our judges, ribbons and premiums let's really help make 150 years the best! How are we doing on filling the barns???!!!
4-H events will be postponed if there are major weather issues. Cancellations and postponements will be announced on KLQP 92-FM radio or the Lac qui Parle County 4-H FaceBook page.
April 2 Quilt Quest Virtual - 5:00 pm
April 4 Tasty Tuesdays Virtual Class - 5:30 pm
April 6 Amazing Amphibians & Roaming Reptiles Virtual Club - 7:00 pm
April 8 Quilting Workshop - 9:30 am, Extension Office
April 11 Tasty Tuesdays Virtual Class - 5:30 pm
April 15 State Project Bowl - Sauk Rapids
April 18 Dawson Library 4-H Adventures, Dawson Public Library
April 21 Babysitting Class - Stevens Elementary, Dawson - 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
April 22 STORAGE TAKEOUT - 8:30 AM
April 23 Quilting Workshop - 12:00 pm, Extension Office
April 24 Babysitting Class - Stevens Elementary, Dawson - 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Leaders Council Meeting, 7:30 pm, Annex Meeting Room
April 26 Babysitting Class - Stevens Elementary, Dawson - 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
April 27 Babysitting Class - Stevens Elementary, Dawson - 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
April 28 Babysitting Class - Stevens Elementary, Dawson - 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
April 29 Beyond the Water Bottle Virtual Class - 9:30 am
STORAGE TAKEOUT (backup day)
April 30 Quilt Quest Virtual - 5:00 pm
MaryAnn Anderson, Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development
Location: 422 5th Avenue, Suite 305, Madison, MN, USA
Phone: 320-598-3325
Twitter: @UMNExt
Earth Day community service and project learning opportunities for 4-H clubs
Help us Celebrate Earth Day & Arbor Day with these fun Earth Week Activities!
April 15th County Shredding Event 10:00- 1:00 pm @ County Garage
April 18th Coloring contest closes- submit your artwork!
April 22 nd Earth Day!
Kick-off activities at the Grand Park 1:00 pm
Bee, Bat & Bird house giveaway
Matinee showing of The Lorax 2 pm
April 23rd “Clean Earth Green Earth” 5K run & walk-see flyer for details
April 24th Medallion hunt begins- listen to the radio for clues!
April 25th Earth Week Open House! Stop by the SWCD or Mercantile for games and goodies!
April 26th Plant & Pollinator night at the Mercantile
April 27th Prairie Eco-Links Recycling interview with Olson Sanitation
April 28th Arbor Day- Plant a tree!
Guided Hikes at LqP State Park
Planned in partnership with Prairie Eco-Links, LqP SWCD, LqP Environmental Office & Madison Chamber
Contact LqP SWCD at (320)598-7321 ext 3 or with questions & 5k registration.
Remember- Every day is Earth Day!
Also there is a fantastic opportunity to get involved in a native garden planting in Boyd