Gator Community Newsletter, Vol. 35
May 13, 2024 - May 17, 2024
Happy Mother's Day to all the moms (and to those doing the job)!
Upcoming Events
- May 15: Character Assembly, UTK-1, Munguia, and Coe
- May 16: Character Assembly, 2-5
- May 16: Open House - 6:00pm
Staff Appreciation Week
Interested in Summer Programs?
Español | Soomaali | Tiếng Việt | Filipino
A reminder that on May 13, 2024, registration opens districtwide, on a first-come, first-served basis for the district’s summer academic program and Level Up Enrichment programs for elementary and middle school students at no cost. Spaces are limited.
June 12- July 12
offered at district schools
(Closed June 19, July 4 and 5)
8 a.m. - 12 p.m
Link to elementary enrollment form
Links go live on May 13 at 8 a.m.
June 12- July 12
offered at district schools
(Closed June 19, July 4 and 5)
July 15- August 9
offered off-campus
12 p.m. - 5 p.m
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Families will receive a text message on May 13 between 10am and 4pm with the link to enroll from InPlay
The district’s summer academic program is an opportunity for currently enrolled Universal Transitional Kindergarten-8 (UTK-8) San Diego Unified students to continue their academic journey through the summer. The summer academic program highlights include:
- Instruction by highly qualified San Diego Unified teachers
- A robust academic and social emotional curriculum developed by teams of instructional leaders and teachers for students of all levels that are project-based, hands-on, minds-on learning experiences
- An extension of the current school year
- Academic programs offered at 49 school sites
- Free breakfast and lunch for participating students
Families can visit the Extended Learning Opportunities (ELO) website and the FAQ for additional information or call the ELO office at 858-810-7310 during office hours, Monday through Thursday, 7:30 a.m. - 3 p.m.
The ELO department is hosting virtual (Zoom) family office hours every Tuesday, from 4:00 pm. to 4:30 p.m. These sessions are exclusively for families with currently enrolled district students.
CAASP: State Testing (Grades 3-5)
Dear Gage Families,
We are now in the makeup phase of testing for students who did not complete the test or were absent on testing days for language arts, math, and science. Students will complete makeup testing for language arts and math this week. The only outstanding testing is for those who are taking the Spanish assessment. The tips below are still important for helping students succeed:
ARRIVE ON TIME: Testing will occur each morning from 8 to 10. Please ensure your child arrives at school promptly.
SLEEP: Encourage your child to get a good night's sleep before the test days. Sufficient rest will help them feel refreshed and attentive during the assessments.
BREAKFAST: Ensure your child eats a nutritious breakfast, at home or at school. Avoid overly sugary foods, as they can lead to energy crashes. A balanced breakfast will provide them with the energy to stay focused during the tests.
ENCOURAGEMENT: Please motivate your child to do their best. Consider sending them to school with an encouraging note to read before the tests begin. Some students may feel anxious, but remind them that they have been preparing diligently throughout the school year and are well-equipped for success.
ELECTRONICS: Remind your child that electronic devices, including smart watches, phones, fitness trackers, and tablets, are not permitted in the testing environment. Please ensure they leave these devices at home on testing days.
We want to express our pride in the academic and personal achievements of our students this year. While these assessments are important, they only capture a fraction of the incredible progress our students have made.
Thank you for your ongoing support and collaboration. Together, we can help our students thrive academically and reach their full potential.
Thank again!
Gage Girls Run Club
Congratulations to all the Gage Girls Run Club members who took part in the Girls on the Run 5k on May 5th. It was truly an inspiring event! With over forty girls participating in the 5k, we couldn't be prouder of their dedication and perseverance. A heartfelt thank you goes out to all the family members who joined us to run and cheer on our girls. Your support made a significant difference. We eagerly anticipate seeing you again next year for another memorable event! Thank you for the teachers who made this possible!
This month's character train is CITIZENSHIP.
Being a good citizen at school means actively contributing to a positive and respectful learning environment. It involves treating others with kindness, empathy, and understanding, while also demonstrating responsibility and accountability for one's actions. Good citizenship encompasses following school rules, respecting teachers and peers, and actively participating in classroom activities and discussions. Additionally, being a good citizen means promoting inclusivity and diversity, standing up against bullying or discrimination, and taking pride in the school community by maintaining cleanliness and respecting school property. Ultimately, good citizenship at school fosters a sense of belonging, cooperation, and mutual respect among all members of the school community.
New Absence-Reporting Feature
This image now appears on the Gage website homepage. By clicking it, it will take you to a link to report a student absence. Click it from this newsletter to check it out!.
Some Helpful Safety Reminders
Please remind students not to run to class or to run in the hallways after the dismissal bell. It is important to maintain a safe walkway for students and families.
Please remember to be respectful to our school safety patrol and observe traffic and parking laws.
Please DO NOT
- Let children out of your car and have them run across the street. They should always cross at a crosswalk.
- Block the driveway of our neighbors
- Get out of your car while in the loading zone. If you want to walk onto campus, you will need to find street parking.
- Park in the staff parking lot, these spots are reserved for staff
- members
Thank you for making the Fiesta a success!
Thank you to everyone who helped make the Fiesta such a success! Certificates of winning auction items can be picked up in the school front office during school hours. Special shout out to this year's fiesta sponsors, committee members, and all the amazing auction and raffle items.
Upcoming Gage PTA Events
· Wednesday, May 15th, Yogurt Express Dine Out
· Friday, May 24th, Run Club Assembly and Field Trip
Make sure you are up-to-date on all Gage PTA Events. Stay connected:
1. PTA email list (Join PTA to get on the list! https://bit.ly/GagePTA)
2. Bookmark the Gage PTA website
3. Follow us on social media: Facebook or Instagram
Any Questions? Email GagePTA@gmail.com
Friendly Reminders
Minimum day is on Wednesdays, pick up at 12:15 p.m.
- Highwood and Hudson running club gates open at 7:25 a.m.
- All other gates open up at 7:43 a.m.
- ALL gates close at 7:55 a.m. (Please leave campus prior to gate closure)