EMS Special Bulletin - 8th grade!
January 8, 2025
Dear 8th grade families,
We are at the tail-end of your student's middle school journey and wanted to reach out to you with some important information from Liberty High School. This newsletter contains important information specific to our 8th graders as we prepare them to transition to high school. Please review the information in this bulletin and, if you have any questions, email me at jkeith@byron.k12.ca.us.
Ms. Jamie Keith
EMS Principal
- Week of January 13th - 8th grade contract distribution
- January 16th - Liberty High School Open House for incoming 9th graders (see info below)
- January 24th - 8th Grade contacts due
- January 29th - LHS counseling presentation at EMS
- February 11th - LHS course selection & registration packet due to EMS office
EMS 8th Grade Information!
Excelsior Expectations for 8th Grade Students
8th Grade End of Year Requirements
We have multiple fun-filled end-of-year activities scheduled to celebrate our 8th grade students as they transition out of middle school and into high school. These activities include, but are not limited to, the 8th grade fieldtrip, 8th grade dance, 8th grade luncheon, and 8th grade promotion. We feel that it is important for all 8th graders to participate in these end-of-the-year activities; however these activities are a privilege, not a right, for students to attend.
For a student to be eligible to attend the end-of-the-year activities, they cannot be on the Non-Activities List for behavior and/or grades, all textbooks and library books must be turned in, cafeteria bills haven been paid and community service hours must be completed (six hours for our current 8th graders).
Next week, your student will bring home a contract outlining these parameters for you to sign to ensure that everyone is on the same page regarding our expectations for end of year activity participation. These contracts will be due Friday, January 24th.
The Non-Activities list specific to our 8th grade students will begin in Quarter 3. Students who are suspended, have multiple discipline referrals, and/or earn less than a 2.0 GPA at the end of Quarter 3 will be placed on probation in order to earn some (or all) of their 8th grade activities back. If your student is placed on probation, they will receive an additional contract at the end of Quarter 3 which reinforces our student expectations and requires them to utilize a weekly progress report system (grades and/or behavior, depending on why they are on probation) to support them in earning back their 8th grade privileges. Please help us support your 8th grade student by reinforcing good study habits at home and reminding them of the behavior expectations they have while at school.
Non-Activities List Specific to 8th Grade Activities
Students may be placed on the Non-Activities List for any of the following reasons:
- A discipline referral - starts Quarter 3
- School fines that exceed $5.00 (i.e. Library, Cafeteria, etc.) - end of Quarter 4
- Suspensions - starts Quarter 3
- Less than a 2.0 GPA. - starts Quarter 3
Students on the Non-Activities List may NOT participate or attend any after school sports, dances, field trips, or any other special events that occur after school. Administration has the final say if a student is taken off the Non-Activities List or not.
Information from Liberty High School for 8th Grade Students/Families!
Course Selection for 9th grade
It is highly recommended that all 8th grade families attend the 8th grade Family Night on Thursday, January 16th at Liberty High School (850 2nd Street, Brentwood, CA). They have several presentations:
- 5:00 pm - Special Services Presentation for students with IEPs
- 6:00 pm - 8th Grade HS 101 Presentation in Spanish
- 6:00 - 8:00 pm - Information about 9th grade electives, programs, clubs, athletics, and more!
- 6:45 pm - Advanced Placement (AP) Program presentation
- 7:15 pm - 8th Grade HS 101 Presentation for EMS families (in English)
On Wednesday, January 29th, your student will receive their registration information for high school. They will also meet with a counselor to to review course offerings and the course selection process. Enrollment materials, including course selection sheets, will be distributed to students at these presentations.
Course selection materials and a video presentation is also available on the LHS Course Selection Webpage for students and parents/guardians to reference. The link is for last year's information (they haven't updated their website yet), however the information is still good.
Freshman registration forms are due to OUR EMS OFFICE on or before Tuesday, February 11th. Paperwork returned on time will receive priority registration status. Any forms completed after Tuesday, February 11th, must be submitted to the Liberty High School Administration Building at 850 2nd Street, Brentwood, CA 94513 between the hours of 7:45 am and 4:15 pm.
For more details on 8th grade open house and the registration process, please download the PDF (linked below).
Considering Freedom or Heritage? You'll need a INTRAdistrict transfer (see below)
Excelsior Middle School
Email: jkeith@byron.k12.ca.us
Website: https://www.excelsiormiddleschool.us/
Location: 14301 Byron Highway, Byron, CA, USA
Phone: 925-809-7530
Twitter: @EMSFalcons